Categories: Woh Apna Sa

Woh Apna Sa 12th May 2017 Written Episode Update

Woh Apna Sa 12th May 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Adi puts ointment on her wounds, Tu bin bataye plays as Jhanvi watches him with love, Adi looks in her eyes, she looks down, Adi bandages her wound. Jhanvi thanks him, Adi says I am so sorry, i mean Nisha could stoop this low, I am really sorry. Jhanvi says Nisha didnt do this first time, she sent goons to my house and they threw bottles and stones in my house, she tells him how Nisha threatened her family. Adi is shocked, Jhanvi says Nisha tried to scare us but we didnt get scared, Adi says I have dragged you with me. Jhanvi says if I am not able to help you or Baba then I am useless in your life, Adi is lost hearing her words. Adi gets Sameer’s call and says thats great news, he ends call and says now Nisha will pay for her deeds, she has to pay.
Nisha gets court’s notice,

she gets tensed, she reads it and looks on.

Kaki says to Kaka if he will be going to office? he says i am not in mood. He gets Adi’s audio message. Kaki asks him to play, he plays it. Its Nisha calling police and telling them Baba has been beating his daughter in law and her life is in danger, they are stunned to hear it.

Jhanvi says to Adi that I will leave, you go to Baba, Adi says Nisha has crossed all limits but i think with this proof, we will able to stop Nisha’s acts. Jhanvi gets Survi’s call and says yes I am coming, her phone slips from her hands, Adi and Jhanvi both sit down to take it, they both extend to get phone and their hands touch, Adi looks at her, they share eyelock, Jhanvi moves her hand away, Adi gives her phone. Adi says to jhanvi that i know we are friends, so much happened but even then you didnt leave me, you didnt step back from my family, Sameer is my friend, he advises me but what you are doing, what you are doing nobody can do it, why you are doing it? Jhanvi looks at him sadly. Jhanvi says Baba is alone, you go to him, I am leaving, she turns to leave, Adi looks at her, Jhanvi feels pain, she turns and looks at Adi, Mei phir bhi tumko pyaar karungi plays, Adi looks at her, Jhanvi waves at him, he smiles and waves back, Jhanvi leaves, Adi thinks Jhanvi you?.. no I am thinking too much, he leaves.

Nisha holds notice papers from court and comes in lounge. Kaki comes there and glares at her, she grabs her and says how dare you disrespect my family like that? you made fun of our honor and values, people think about talking but you prepared to send your father in law to jail? i am sure that you must have said words to him that made him slap you, Nisha says what are you saying? Kaka comes there and looks at her with disgust. Kaka holds notice papers and says court has send her notice to send her voice sample. Nisha says why Adi and Jhanvi are doing this? this is their trick, Kaka trust me this is wrong, please dont doubt me. Kaka plays recording in which Nisha called police and complained about Baba. Kaki says say this is not your voice? your truth will come out with this. Nisha says this is not my voice, someone is trapping me, this feels like my voice but its not, Jhanvi is playing with me Kaka. Kaka says enough, he throws away glass and it breaks and says Nisha I kept trusting you, i fought with my son for you but because of you I am doubting my experience, all proofs are against you and this is about my brother, you have to prove that allegations on you are wrong. Court has asked you to give voice sample and if its proven that this is your voice then i wont trust you ever, Adi wants to divorce you? i wont stop him now. Nisha sits in his feet and says dont do this Kaka. Kaki asks Kaka to calm down, Kaka moves away from her. Nisha recalls Kaka’s words, she glares at Kaka, she takes glass piece from floor, Kaka and Kaki have back to her, Nisha comes near them and is about to stab Kaka with it but stops seeing Baba and Adi coming there. Baba looks at Nisha with hatred. Kaka comes to Adi and says truth won this time, Nisha’s hand bleeds with holding glass. Adi says to Nisha that i feel like strangling you for what you did to Baba today but you should get punished in life, like you have pained my father, i pray that you feel that pain everyday and even more pain. He takes Baba from there, Kaki and Kaka leaves after glaring her. Nisha thinks that Jhanvi will know what fear is to lose your most precious thing.

Maa says to Jhanvi that I am scared, Nisha can go to any length, Jhanvi says you are right, she mad attack on Baba and i think she can do anything, we should be careful till this court case proceed. Jhanvi asks where is Survi? Maa says she went to coaching, she should have come till now. Jhanvi calls her but she is not picking up.
Survi is walking on road at night and trying to catch rickshaw. Jhanvi is calling her, Survi takes her call, Jhanvi asks where are you? Survi says I am in Malad, dont panic, i am trying to find rickshaw. Suddenly some car stops near Survi and drags her in car, Jhanvi hears her screams, Survi’s phone falls on road, Jhanvi hears her screaming and gets tensed. Goons kidnap Survi and take her in car from there. Jhanvi says oh God. Maa asks what happened to Survi? Jhanvi says someone.. someone kidnapped Survi. Maa panics, Jhanvi calls her again and says she is not picking up, i will find her. Jhanvi’s phone rings. Jhanvi takes call, its Nisha, Nisha asks if she is busy? Jhanvi asks where is my sister? its not her fault, your animosity is with me so leave her, Nisha says i dont like to fight, did something happen? if you need anything then you can ask me, i will be happy to help you, Jhanvi says please leave my sister, she didnt do anything. Nisha says i didnt do anything till now but I feel like i should do something that will make you remember me for life, Jhanvi says please dont. Nisha says your sister is on my radar and I can assure you that nothing happened with her. Nisha plays recording in which Survi is screaming, she is tied to chair and crying for goons to leave her, goons says she has pretty eyes, they grabs her hand and shows her knife, Survi cries. Goon says i can end your life in a blink. Jhanvi pleads her to not do it, Nisha says its your mistake, i asked you stay out of my life but you didnt listen so your sister will have to bear now, you know many murder cases are happening, you must have not thought about it, Jhanvi says stop it, Nisha ends call. Adi comes to Jhanvi’s house. Adi asks them what happened? Maa says Nisha has kidnapped my daughter, i am folding my hands and begging you to save my daughter, Jhanvi cries, Adi says what?

PRECAP- Adi and Jhanvi are searching for Survi on roads. Adi comes to Nisha and says have you gone mad? he grabs her jaw and says your place is not in house but in jail,
where is Survi? remember I am with Jhanvi, if anything happens to Survi then I will kill you, Jhanvi is standing there too and looks on.

Update Credit to: Atiba

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