Hai friends I’m back with today’s episode. Thank you so much for your wonderful valuable comments and support. Please keep supporting like this.
Episode starts
Anika and Sheela come back to Oberoi Mansion. Shivaay gets down from the secret room with a huge portrait of Disha.
Anika: Shivaay..are you going to hang this picture anywhere
Shivaay: When you have a place in this Oberoi Mansion my Disha too has..do you remember it’s you who removed all these pictures from here..that time I didn’t know..I thought u were worried for my tears but i know it now
Anika: Shivaay
Shivaay: Feel happy that I haven’t thrown you out yet..my divorce notice will reach you till then you can stay here
Sheela: Jamaai sab
Shivaay: Oh shut up Mrs.Ashok…a murderer’s daughter will be a murderer. So keep quiet
Shivaay storms of. Sheela smirks at Anika who stands there helpless.
The scene shifts to Udaipur. Keerthi reaches home with Manish and Swarna
Manish: Keerthi…you better join our office..anyway Kartik isn’t interested
Keerthi: Thank you papa
Manish: I hope you will handle life in a matured way from now
Manish goes to his room. Keerthi comes out to take her luggage from car. She grabs them and walks in while she slips and Naksh holds her. They have an eyelock
Few seconds later they come to senses.
Naksh: Please be careful Keerthi
Keerthi: Thank you Naksh
Naksh: Naira told me..don’t worry for idiots..you stay happy for yourself
Keerthi: Okay
Naksh: Good to have you back..will be happier if we get our old happy Keerthi
Keerthi smiles and bends down to grab her bags while Naksh helps her. Their hands touch sending electric current down their spines but they ignore it and walk further. The scene freezes
Riya is in a resort. Someone touches her from behind. She stands up to see …
Riya: Kevin….
Kevin: Hey wifey
Riya: Kevin…please stop it…I’m not your wife anymore
Kevin: Then I must tell about your Kabir to everyone
Riya: Why are you using a dead man to blackmail me..you did kill him still your hatred for him doesn’t reduce
Kevin: So does my love for you my highness
Riya: Kevin..please stop it
Kevin: Don’t forget our old good days sweetheart
Riya: Which good days..when you used to beat and torture me all day
Kevin: That was whenever you spoke about that Kabir..don’t forget our friendship
Riya: I’m leaving
Kevin: You have 10 days time. Think and decide
Riya leaves in her car.
The scene shifts to film theatre. Kartik and Urvashi’s film has released and Kaira are there at the theatre to see response
Kartik tightly holds Naira closer
Kartik: Naira…I’m….
Naira: Shut up..it’s gonna be ok
Kartik: But
Naira: The premiere was awesome so will be movie now
Kartik bends down and kisses her
Again cameras capture it
Naira: Kartik…
Kartik: It’s a lucky charm for me..the previous movie with Nethra was a hit..because
Naira blushes. Kartik hugs her.
Sometime later in the producer office Kaira are standing in the corridor
Just then Urvashi storms there
Urvashi: Whats that nonsense…kissing her infront of me..
Kartik: Hey Urvashi this dialogue should have been told by Naira if I had kissed you for promotion of the movie today…you should not ask this
Urvashi: Kartik…don’t support her in front of me naa baby
Naira: Baby..
Naira slaps her in a reflex
Naira: See..only I have the right to get close to him offscreen onscreen everywhere…you can do it as the character of the movie to the character played by him..that’s it…only the character belongs to you..but Kartik always belongs to Naira
Kartik is really happy with it.
Producer: Well said my dear..never let your right on him. Kartik I know the kiss was to…
Kartik: Sorry sir
Producer: Never mind it’s a lucky charm only. Movie is doing great.
He pats Kartik and thus breaks Urvashi’s nose. The scene freezes
Ruhi and Vihaan are in a cafe
Vihaan: Suddenly missing me…what’s wrong..is it because Naira got married and left
Ruhi: It’s because I love you idiot…I thought you will know it yourself and understand but you are tubelight…but I have told it to you..I’m leaving
Ruhi gets up to leave. Vihaan holds her hand and pulls her closer
Vihaan: If it love then why are you leaving now
Ruhi: Because you consider me as a friend and love Tia
Vihaan: Did I say so…who told you I love Tia
Ruhi and Vihaan are travelling from airport. Vihaan is enquiring about Tia all the way to the cafe. Ruhi is too irritated. Even after reaching cafe he is not stopping.
Ruhi: Hey idiot I have been missing you terribly…why are you talking about Tia always to me..if you really want to know about her you could have asked her to come to the airport right
Vihaan chuckles. Ruhi turns to look at him
Vihaan: Hey idiot you fell for my prank…I wanted you to propose first that’s why I did like this
Ruhi: Did you know I love you
Vihaan : Haan
Few days before when Vihaan was abroad Ruhi and Vihaan are having a phone conversation at night. They keep on talking and lose track of time.
Vihaan is speaking but there is no response.
Vihaan: Ruhi…Ruhi…have you slept
Murmurs: I love you too Vihaan…I love you..
Vihaan: You were murmuring I love you too Vihaan…I realised you love me and also want me to propose you that’s why I tricked you into proposing me
Ruhi hits him. He pulls her into a tight hug
Excited to know about Kevin and Riya’s past life
Urvashi got her answers today 3 cheers to Naira who slapped her
Waiting for keesh moment will they fall in love or this time Naksh will marry her for Naira
Very much excited
Hai Alfiya Anver
Thank you so much
. You will know it very soon. Hip hip hurray 
. You will know it soon
Naira slapping Urvashi is superb and the photo suits too. Waiting for Riya’s past to get revealed. Loved Ruhi and Vihaan scenes.
Hai Radhakrishn Happy that you liked Naira slapping Urvashi
. Thank you
. It will be revealed soon 
. Happy that you liked Ruhi Vihaan scenes 

Wowo riya bit past was fantastic and fabulous!!!Kevin was superbb you chose correct character!!iam waiting to see Kabir…Ruhi proposal and vihan dialogue were mesmerizing
…will shagun inform naitik!! waiting for it…I want see Romi slapping Kevin..heap idiot..shivay must soon come to know the truth pls…it was amazing episode..you are great
Hai Riya
Thank you
. Happy that you liked Riya past but
. Happy that you liked Kevin. You will see Kabir soon 
. Shagun is calling Naira
so Naitik will be informed for sure
. Happy that you liked Ruhi Vihaan scenes. Very soon Romi will slap Kevin. It will happen very soon
. Thank you so much

This episode is soooooo nice…this Kevin is mad like Mihir!!is he planning to have baby with riya??how cheap.. who is Kabir..it is making so interesting
.pls upload tomorrow soon like this…
Shivika scene is so emotional

hope naitik kaira will save shagun and Anika relationship
shivaay raman naitik must BANG sheela..a witch 
Wow Ruhi proposal Vihaan it was sooooooo beautiful and fabulous

and I loved Vihaan dialogue soo much..it made me mad only!!!hope
Wow kartik is soo romantic
urvashi is jealous but naira gave super gift to her
Pls tell remaining past of riya…riya romi
pls add their romance tooo
Hope bhalla family comes to know about Anika and shagun soon..i will ask you one thing??just kidding ok?? your brain is working like computer…
very very very superbbbbb!!!!!pls upload next episode soon
Hai Disha
Thank you so much

. Yeah he is really mad 
. I’ll reveal Kabir today
. Sure
. Sheela will be banged soon 
. So happy that you enjoyed Ruhi Vihaan proposal. Hope Vihaan’s dialogue turned you mad in a good way. Happy that you liked Kartik’s romantic side. Haha 
yeah a gift indeed. I’ll definitely add their romance and tell the past very soon. That will happen very soon. Haha 
no issues dear all fun and kidding always welcome. Thank you so so much 
Nice Episode

, as usual too romantic 

. Shivaay should realise, he is misunderstanding Anika before their divorce procedure 

Naira’s sherni Avatar was too good, she did r8t by trashing that Urvashi.
Kaira’s romance, aww
Keesh’s meet was good
This Kevin
So sad of Anika
Ruhi n vihaan’s proposal was simple but unique, loved them
Finally naira will know about Shagun being alive
Too excited for next episode
Thank you so much Zuha
Happy that you liked Naira’s sherni avtar and Kartik’s romance
. Happy that you liked Keesh meet. I’ll send those punches to Kevin soon 
. Shivaay will realise it soon
. So happy that you loved Ruhi Vihaan proposal 
Next will be posted very soon 

You hit sixer in this episode!!
…bcz Ruhi proposal and vihaans suprise and dialogues were awesome 
..can’t express in words

waiting to know about Kabir and riya past…it is sooo interesting..pls make interesting in next episode tooooo…did Kevin kill Kabir???
.. waiting for romi riya moments

Hey.. yesterday I thought about Zain imam only as Kevin..you correctly brought that character..superbb!!Kevin is cheap fellow
Anika is innocent..
shivay must learn about this matter soon…iam waiting for shagun telling truth to naitik..and let kaia raman naitik save Anika and shagun soon… sheela pshycho must be sent to mental hospital



.. upload next episode tomorrow
Urvashi got nice gift and I think she must be enjoyed it
Happy Christmas to written serial Director!!
Hai Ruhi
Thank you so much
Very happy that you liked Ruhi Vihaan proposal
. I guess we have a telepathic connection
I’ll definitely make it interesting and reveal the past soon 
. Romi Riya moments on the way
. Shagun will be saved very soon and so will Shivaay know the truth
. She would have really enjoyed it but not more than us
Belated Merry Christmas 

Ruhi. That’s a huge compliment. Nandri 
. Sure I’ll upload it today for sure 

…Waiting for the next episode….
Thank you so much Sapna
Very happy that you liked it 
. I’ll upload it very soon 
Sad to see shivay scolding anika.surprised to see zain as kevin.then i remembered that he was the villain Yuvraj in TEI.Is kabir Kevin’s twin brother?just asled as zain played kabir in EBSS.kaira kiss was romantic.I just loved kaira’s these dialogues to Urvashi.
Kartik: Hey Urvashi this dialogue should have been told by Naira if I had kissed you for promotion of the movie today…you should not ask this
Naira: See..only I have the right to get close to him offscreen onscreen everywhere…you can do it as the character of the movie to the character played by him..that’s it…only the character belongs to you..but Kartik always belongs to Naira
Ruhi Vihaan confession n hug were very romantic.Vihaan’s prank to make her confess love was hilarious.Vihaan hasnt confessed his love like ruhi openly said i love you.so waiting 4 Vihaan to say i love u to her in a romantic way.But i wonder whether u r planning to introduce Tia in future.perfect pics
Hai Jasmine
Happy that you liked Zain as Kevin. No dear Kabir isn’t played by Zain. You will know Kabir very soon 
. So happy that you liked Kaira kiss and thank you for mentioning the favourite dialogues of yours 
. Vihaan’s special proposal on the way. Tia may come in future
. Thank you so much

if not zain i am guessing kunj
Awesome guess
.. It’s…. I’ll tell it in episode directly 
Pls upload next episode soon