Fan Fiction

My Word is My Bond… Part – 2

My Word is My Bond… Part – 2

Hi… This is Anci with the next part of my story… And thank you all for your valuable comments…
Good or bad, please do comment… Thanks…
Hope you like it…

Scene – 5:
As Anjali was completely calm, they composed themselves and was back to their mask face.
Looking towards the staffs,
Shiv: “My Word… My Bond…” It had its own history of trust and love, which is been lost long back…
Arjun: From now, we’ll work to bring back the history…
Neil: We’ll bring truth to the world and will work effectively on social needs…
Om: And no more lies… No more fake news…
Haider: No more working for TRP…
Sammy: Welcome Sirs… (With a pleasant smile)
They smiled at her.
Krishna: It’ll be great to work for truth and social needs… Thanks for the opportunity…
They smiled, but still wasn’t a complete smile as the possessive brother took over their minds.
Krishna sensed it and sighed. Sammy controlled the laugh building in her.
Shiv: Ms. Samaira?
Sammy: Yes sir…
Shiv: Miss…?

Sammy: (She looked at him puzzled and later she understood) Khanna… Samaira Khanna…
Shiv: Ms. Khanna… Arrange a meeting with all the department heads in another one hour…
Arjun: I want the list of every single employ being paid… Paid by any means… I hope I was clear enough?
Sammy: Yes sir…
Neil: And I want you to come along with us… (Turning towards Krishna)
Krishna nodded his head and followed them.
Arjun: (Side hugging Anjali) you’ll help Ms. Samaira in gathering all information and also in organizing the meeting… Hmmm?
She nodded affirmative and tagged Sammy.
Guys walked into the director’s room, followed by Krishna.
The five had good old memories in this room along with their grandfathers and sometimes with their fathers too. Sensing them being emotional,
Krishna: Sir… I’ll get extra chairs… It’s not enough for all here…
Om: That’s fine… We’ll do the furnishing later… Maybe after the meeting… You please join us now…
Arjun and Shivaay sat in the double couch. Single couch was occupied by Om and Haider on either sides. Neil pulled a chair for himself and offered Krishna one.
Now everyone were sitting around the small table.
Krishna: How can I help you sir? I know there is something you want to discuss with me…
Arjun: How long do you know her?
Krishna: I know Anjali since the time of my post-graduation…
Neil: He isn’t asking about Anjali…

Krishna was little amused, but soon composed. He dialled someone, turned on the speaker and kept it on the table. The call was picked after two rings.
Other side: Yes Krishna… Tell me… Is everything fine?
Arjun: Ten minutes… I want you in office…
The call went dead.
The other men had tough time holding their laugh. Which irked Arjun more. Krishna turned other side as he wasn’t able to control the smile that peeped out.
Arjun: What is so funny?
Krishna: Nothing… (And showed zipping the mouth)
Ten minutes later,
A lady walked into the cabin. She was none other than Radzie. Before anyone could question her, she did something which let everyone under some trance.
Radzie: You idiot… duffer… Who the hell asked you to spill the beans? Speak up you dumb head? (And chased and threw things on Krishna with everything she got.)
Krishna: Arre… I’m sorry di… I didn’t mean to… I was caught… And it was utter useless to lie…
All the guys tried to stop them. Without any other option, Arjun stepped forward and pulled her by her upper arm and she straight landed on his hard chest. She inhaled her favourite cologne and lifted her head to find his eyes somewhere else.
Radzie: (think) Again avoiding me… Will punish you for sure… Idiot…
Sensing her constant stare, he composed and turned towards her. She smiled seeing his eyes fall on her. It immediately vanished as he separated her from him. He signed Neil to proceed, who gulped hard and stepped forward.
Neil: Radzie…
Radzie: Yup…

Neil: What is the need for you to do all this? What if she would have sensed it…? Have you lost it Radzie…? She is a monster… (His words were cut off)
Radzie: Exactly… She is a monster… And my doll needed someone to handle her and safeguard her… (She locked her eyes with Arjun who was listening to her every single word keenly.) Which my little boy did it in the best way…
Arjun: (Was satisfied with her response) you could have still shared with us…
Radzie: And you guys would have let any guy to stay close to her right? (With sarcasm)
She made faces for being questioned like a criminal.
Om: Okay… Fine guys… I think this is enough… (Turning towards her) Next time you won’t do any such things without letting us know… Am I clear?
Radzie: (Without any other option left, she nodded her head affirmative) Hmmm…
Meantime there was a knock on the door.
Arjun: Come in…
Sammy walked in followed by Anjali, whose eyes were fixed on the papers in her hand. And one hand was holding Sammy’s scarf very tightly.
Sammy: Sir the room is ready for the meeting and here is the list of every single employ who is been paid…
Shiv: Are you sure that every single employ details is been gathered Ms. Khanna?
Sammy: (Sensing his doubt) 200% sure… I have my own ways to get the things done… You can have a look… As I get further information will let you know…
Shiv: Hmmm… Good…
Sammy: (She let out a sigh and murmured to herself) Where had you landed me again? Again Ms. Khanna?
Neil: Is everything fine Ms. Samaira?
Sammy: (She nodded yes)

Neil: (Understood her thoughts and blasted his anger out on Shivaay in his mind)
Anjali was completely in her own world. Radzie who lost her patience finally spoke.
Radzie: I think I’m disappeared?
Anjali: (Recognizing her voice, lifted her head) Di… (And hugged her tight with one hand, still her other hand was holding Sammy’s scarf)
Radzie: So finally I got visible…
Anjali: (Pulled her head back, smiled, and kissed her cheeks) Love you di…
Radzie: Love you too… I think you had given my place to someone else? (With fake anger, pointed her hand holding the scarf)
Anjali: No di… It is nothing as such… It is just that I’m…
(Her words were cut off by laughter of Radzie, joined by other guys, except Arjun)
Anjali: Not fair di… (And made a pout face)
Radzie: (She smiled and pulled her cheeks.) My little doll… Ok fine… I’m sorry…
Radzie turned towards Sammy,
Radzie: Hi… I’m Radzie… Radhika…
Sammy: Hi Radzie… Sammy… Samaira…
They shared a smile.
Shiv: Guys… It’s time for the meeting…
All acknowledged.
Sammy: I’ll check on to the final arrangements and reach the board room.
Radzie: I’ll join you… I would like to have a word with you…
Sammy: (Acknowledged, turned to Anjali) will be back soon… Hmmm…?
Anjali: (Nodded affirmative, left the scarf in her hold. Automatically she stepped towards her next saviour, and got hold of the scarf around his neck.)
The possessive brothers were awakened. As she got hold of Krishna’s scarf, instead of coming to them. Krishna was smiling wide.
Anjali: (Waved the sheets of paper that she was carrying in front of Krishna. He got them) Please do check… And let me know…

Krishna: Yes dear… (He was keenly checking the papers and she was tensed and was biting her nails of free hand.)
Krishna: (Who noticed her biting the nails, shooed her hand from her mouth and continued checking the papers.) It’s pretty good Anjali… It needs some corrections… And what had happened to you?
Anjali: (Gave him a blank look)
Krishna: You usually don’t repeat your mistakes… But today…
He got the pencil from her and highlighted her mistakes. She pouted seeing her carelessness.
Krishna: That’s fine… Now stop taking stress…
Anjali: (Simply nodded her head)
Shiv: Now what is that?
Krishna: She is doing a research on the social crisis. To be more specific, she is working on sudden termination of employment, which is been called as “Layoff”… I’m just helping her in it…
Om: That’s good doll…
Anjali: Thank you Omi bhai…
Haider: So our little girl is grown up… (And side hugged her)
Anjali: (Smiled at him, but still her hand was holding Krishna’s scarf)
Krishna was smiling looking at her smiling face. This was noticed by all the five. They thought to give a chance to his feelings.
Arjun: Guys let’s move…
And all stepped out of the cabin. Krishna and Anjali walked to the other side.
Scene – 6:

In the meeting room,
All the five exchanged glance towards each other and moved forward with the meeting.
Arjun: Good afternoon all… I know there are so many questions haunting you people… And trust us you’ll get to know everything soon with time…
Shiv: Moving on to business, let us make one thing very clear, no more false or fake news… Even a bit of false news and you’ll be out…
Man 1: Sir… You’re new to this place and that’s why you’re giving lectures on truth… It is impossible to exist in this field only with truth…
All co-workers laughed, except the five men and Sammy.
Man 2: What is this Sammy? Seems to be like the new bosses are like you… Started preaching about truth on the very first day…
Leading to another round of laughter.
Neil: Sammy… Could you please let us know what do they exactly hold in this office…?
Sammy: (Pointing towards Man 1) He is Mr. Anuj Rathore, Head of our Editing Department… (Pointing to Man 2) He is Mr. Narain Reddy, Head of our Marketing Department…

Lots of Love,

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