Hiya Twisties, I know this story wasn’t planned as I was writing a shot on crack ships V.S. original ships but this idea came to me to lighten up everyone’s mood after what’s happening in the show…
Internal monologues are written in bold and without any further ado…
{Virat’s POV}
Today I’ve been having a tiring day.
In the Morning I wanted to say good morning to Sai but she was behaving very b*t*hy, sorry for my foul language.
And now when I’m coming home she is pacing up and down like she’s waiting for someone.
“Mast a mast jungli billi tum yahan, wahan chal kyun rahi ho? Tera pati aya hai usse kuch pine ke liye dho(cool very cool, wild cat, why are you walking here and there? Your husband has come, get something to drink for him)!” Kaku bosses Sai around while looking at us both.
Kaku made a mistake as Sai bursts in anger and says, “aap apna dialogue mast a mast bin mein phekh dijyega(you can throw your dialogue cool very cool in the bin).”
Mansi Bua is about to say something when Sai bursts in tears.
“I’m sorry yeh mere muh de nikhal gaya, sorry Kaku.” My wife says while crying. I walk towards them in shock.
“Sai tum pregnant ho(Are you pregnant, Sai).” I ask her, she wipes her tears and glares at me murderously.
“Apko kya laagta hai? Haar baat pe kisiko mood swings ho toh woh pregnant hai?(What do you think? If anyone has mood swings to do with everything, that they are pregnant)?” She asks while yelling at me.
“Pichle 3 maine se Kaku everyday pregnant hai?(So aunty is pregnant since the last three months)?” Sai asks me again but a lot calmer this time, whereas every family member is open mouthed.
“Sai, I asked you something.” I say, she shakes her head.
“I’m not pregnant,” she says then blushes as she continues saying the rest, “I’m having my monthly pains like every other woman has!”
“Oh…” I say mindlessly and then realise what she had said, so I say, “you should sit down.”
“Main thik hoon(I’m fine).” She answers back stubbornly.
“You are not,” I say as she looks like she is in pain.
I do whatever I think is the best for her, so I lift her up. I then walk up the stairs, reach our bedroom and place her on the bed.
The whole time she has been glaring at me, I have been ignoring it as I want her to have less pain as possible.
Soon after Devyani Tai comes and demands for Sai to come and play with her. I’m about to tell her that Sai is not feeling well when someone else does…
“Devyani, Sai aaj tere saath nahi khelegi kyunki woh thik nahi hai(Sai won’t be playing with you Devyani as she’s not feeling well).” Kaku tells her daughter, who looks disappointed and I notice Sai’s smirk.
“Tai, aap Virat Sir ke saath khel sakte ho(You can play with Virat Sir, sister).” I glare at my wife who smiles at me and even Kaku looks happy.
Weird, a while ago she was bossing my wife around. My heart says and my mind agrees.
Tai then pulls me with her, but I can see how Sai is about to get up as well as Kaku doesn’t let her.
“Let’s play hide and seek?” I suggest, hoping she would say yes, which she does.
I’m told by her that I should go hide somewhere which I do. I hide near my room.
From the corner of my eyes I see Pakhi who is walking normally but when she walks past my room she pretends to have back and stomach ache.
No one pays attention towards her but are busy looking after Sai, that’s when Karishma comes.
“Are you alright Pakhi Bhabhi?” She asks nicely.
“Yes, she is absolutely fine.” Sonali Kaku answers back. Karishma walks into the room.
“What did you get for Sai to eat?” Aai asks.
“Pizza,” Karishma tells them the reason, “as you all brought something sweet for her.
“Sai yeh sab nahi kayegi(Sai won’t eat all of this).” I say with determination as I make an entry in my own room while my wife gives me a piercing glare like I have taken something precious away from her.
“Why shouldn’t I eat all these yummy foods?”
“Because you need to maintain your weight,” I answer back. All the women look at me like they want to kill me even Pakhi does too.
“How dare you call me fat,” Sai shouts and starts crying.
Women are so confusing and their mood swings are crazy. My mind says.
“Shh baccha, I’m sorry.” I say trying to get closer to her but the ladies in the room block my way.
“You are a meanie,” Sai childishly says while sticking her tongue out at me.
“Virat, let her eat whatever she wants to because she may be craving for something or the other.” Pakhi tells me while she gives my dearest wife a packet of crisps with Prawn cocktail flavour.
“Thank you Pakhi didi.”
“When a woman gets pregnant she will have cravings for the weirdest foods or combinations ever and as her husband you should fulfil all her demands,” Usha Mausi tells me, “take care of her and give her a lot more love than usual as she may feel insecure while being pregnant.”
I nod taking everything in.
“You guys don’t have to worry about Sai, I’m here for her.” I tell them all, but they don’t seem to agree with me.
Everyone is giving the “really” look even Sai who is eating a bar of chocolate like a small kid who doesn’t know how to eat it.
“Yes,” I say, “but please stop glaring at me.”
As I say that, they stop doing what they were, pat my back, hug Sai and tell her to take care of herself.
I close and lock the door after they have left.
“Devi Tai ke saath khel liya apne(Have you played with sister Devi)?” My wife asks with raised eyebrows while I nod.
“Jhut(Lie).” She says knowingly.
“How do you know?” I ask, she smiles at me.
“You wanted to spend time with me and not with Tai, who is still looking for you.”
“Oh, shit I need to hide somewhere,” I say, unlock the door and hide underneath the bed.
Soon Devi Tai comes, looks around everywhere even underneath the bed and pulls me out. All this time mywife is giggling while eating caramel popcorn.
“Did you tell her Sai?” The answer in return is her shaking her head and Devyani Tai is nodding.
I look at both of them mischievously, then walk towards my wife, pick her up and carry to the bathroom. I do the same with Tai and I drop a bucket of water on them which was already prepared by Sai to prank me.
The girls are angry but they look at each other, advance towards and hug me, making me wet too. All my tiredness has gone. I smile with satisfaction owhile hoping that everything is going to be fine and dreaming of having a little Sai running around here creating ruckus.
The end!
I hope this lightened up your mood.
{End of AN}
Disclaimer: Have fun reading…