Happu tell rajjo that he is not ready for any drama. Rajjo deny that she will not do any drama. Happu gets surprised.. he ask are you same or changed?? Rajjo say i am stuck with Police Happu, he shall not listen to me. Happu says i am not ready for job in slipper factory. Rajjo says even children are growing, they need more money to fulfil their demands.
Vimlesh ask Benny to leave her alone. Benny says we are newly married, it doesnāt look good that we stay separtely.
Happu say I work daily hard. Rajjo say Amma just drink desi, children even need to rome around, but stay quite becoz happu earn less.
Rajjo tell she will leave for badaiu, and happu agrees..
Vimlesh says work on weekday and romance on weekend. Benny agree even.
Next day mama ji take interview of benny and happu. Mamaji ask chest size. Happu says 44 and benny says 49.
Shoulder size 18 and 19 respectively.
Happu says you are looking like tailor more than factory owner. Mama ji ask about waist, they reply 40 and 38.
Mama ji ask another question suppose someone come drink and ask about half truck order? Happu says first we will ask why drank alone? And later will fulfil 1/2 truck order with full truck payment. Mama ji says its wrong, just give 1/4 truck order, as he is drunk, he will not know anything.
Mamaji ask benny that if someone slap you 4 and buy 5 pairs of shoes. Benny say i will slap more. Mama ji says wrong, rather ask him to slap 8 and buy 10 pairs.
Rajjo, vimlesh and amma praises mama ji idea, while benny happu get surprised
Later Happu decided to resign, shocking manohar that he only earn peanuts, now i shall work with mama ji. Commissioner arrive with letter stating about that if on duty police officer get hurt, he will get compensation and ask manohar to read rate card. Manohar read out different things from rs. 5 lakh to rs. 25 k. Happu says i feel to fight now. Manohar says he is resigning. Happu denies.
Rajjo and Vimlesh pack bags, while doing chit chat, while discussing how to spend so much amount. While benny and happu enjoy each other company. Amma get happy, but bappuji donāt like it.
Ritik get angry on dabbu and decide to make chinki happy. Ranveer and chamchi says that just till papa get rs.2.50 lakh. Chamchi says i ask dadi and mummy, but both stop her. Ranveer say we will arrange money alone and ritil hug them.
Precap:- benny ask happu to get beaten and we shall get video make, while getting compensation from government. Happu get beatten and benny records it