The Fab Five party. Fab five had become very popular. A sensation and the students for dying to go to their success party.
Party !!!
The fab five were enjoying the cocktails and everyone were congratulating them.
Cabir : Waiting for that loser. That will be the highlight of the party.
Mukti : Of course..
Nandu : Guyys is this important. ?
Aliya : Ofcourse Bhai needs a lesson !
Dhruv : Yes Harshad needs a taste of his own medicine.
Harshad entered the party and as soon as he enters a bucket of cold water with ice lands on his body..
Cabir : Announcement guyys. !! Here comes our very cool bro. Harshad..
Everyone laugh.
Cabir takes some cock feathers and throws it on Harshad.
Nandini was shocked…
Nandu : That’s all..
Mukti : No guyys he deserves some more.
Aliya : Not now guyys.. Lets not spoil this party.
Dhruv : Aliya is right.
The Fab five enjoys the party. Everyone gossip about Harshad. Nandini feels bad for him.
The next day another prank of Cabir. But this time it was executed my Mukti.
Mukti : Have some sandwiches Harshad.. I think yesterday was a bit too much.
Harshad eats the sandwiches.
Harshad : Eww.. There’s sand in the sandwiches..
Aliya : You deserve sand in your sandwiches you witch..
All leave one by one except Nandu.
Harshad : I think I deserve this. Now my sis also hates me.
Nandu : Oh common ! It was just a harmless prank ! All will be good. Dont worry.
All these days the Fab five disturb Harshad. Harshad inspire of being humiliated badly doesn’t respond back

This forces Nandu to think he had changed.
Nandu : Guyys I think Harshad has changed.
Mukti : No Nandini ! He can never change.
Aliya : I don’t know yaar.. I think bhai has really changed. I mean I see him at home and I never see the old Harshad bhai.
Cabir : I don’t think such kind of person can ever change.
Dhruv : I think Nandini is right.
All start quarrelling.
Harshad sees this.. He smirks.
Harshad : I have not even played my first move and see you guyys have started fighting. Now time for my move. Enough of your tantrums. Now its time rip off Fab Five.
The first fight of fab five !!!
All were upset. Everyone were crying. They wanted to make things alright. But no one made the first move…
Mukti messages on the group
Guyys we need to talk.
All say okay.
They meet.
Mukti : We cant let Harshad make us fall apart. So no one should talk about Harshad anymore
Alright.. all agree.
The next day Harshad starts acting too sweet to Nandini like helping her in the library with the books or offering him help with her assignments.
Nandu becomes friends with Harshad thinking he has changed

Nex epi : Nandini motivates Harshad to pursue singing.

Ignore the typos.. And plz let me know whether I should continue or not. I love reading your comments and your opinions and yeah I ll introduce Manik in their lfe as soon as they grow up most probably after four fiv episodes..


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