Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #16 Sorry Sweetheart

Vansh jumps off the cliff!

Riddhima shouts and starts crying bitterly. Kabir comes there. That’s when she notices that he was standing there all the time. Then it slowly clicks into her mind…

Riddhima: You sent that video to him!?

Kabir: Tch! Tch! Riddhima! How could you even think that you would be able to betray me?

Riddhima: You knew!? (Poor Riddhu… She is gonna be soooo angry!)

Kabir: Of course! Now I’ll go and you keep crying here! Bye!

Riddhima is so devastated that she doesn’t even object… She was very weak and tired already. This added up to it. She fainted.

(Hold your hearts! Because, what I am gonna give you now, is gonna fade all your anger instantly!)

As Riddhima wakes up, she finds herself at some unknown place. She looks around and finds a fruit basket and a jug of water on the side table. She saw a knife in the fruit basket. She swiftly picks it up and holds it with both her hands in the air, ready to strike her stomach with it. She wasn’t thinking straight. Just when she was about to strike, Arohi comes there and holds her hand.

Arohi: Are you out of your mind!!!!!!!!!!!?

Riddhima: Mumma!? You… are… you are alive!?

Arohi (hugs her): I am, my child! I am…

Riddhima(sobbing): Mumma! What a mess my life has become! I don’t want to live!

Arohi: Shut up! You don’t get to take that decision!

Vansh: Exactly! I do! (So dear readers! satisfied?)

Riddhima looks in his direction, shocked.

Riddhima: Vansh!?

She runs and pulls him in a bone crushing hug. They stay like that for about 15 seconds, with Arohi smiling. Then Arohi coughs and they pull back.

Riddhima: Vansh, Mumma… I don’t understand anything! What is happening!?

Vansh: Let me tell you…

Riddhima (angrily): Please do!

Vansh: I am telling… have patience…

Riddhima: HAVE PATIENCE!? Two of my most loved people come back from the dead! And you are asking me to HAVE PATIENCE!?

Arohi: Bachcha, let him explain…

Riddhima (folding her hands): Okay! Go on!

Vansh: Well… Kabir came to know about our plan the night I took you for pottery at the farmhouse… and he decided to send the video of your conversation to me… in the video, you were saying that you will make me trust you and you will tell me that you are with me when actually, you will be with Kabir and then Kabir says that he knew you would be with him because you love him… Kabir thought I would trust that video and I would take revenge on you somehow… so, I decided to play along… I got the video when I reached the farmhouse… I instantly asked Deep Uncle to trace it… And he told me that it was Kabir, so then I told him about Arohi Aun (Arohi glares) umm… Ma and how we thought that he was on the wrong side…

And Vansh narrates how Pradeep and he saved Arohi and how Arohi and he planned everything, etc.

Vansh: I am sorry, sweetheart!

Riddhima: Couldn’t you tell me!? Do you have any idea what i went through!? You know what? You both didn’t tell me! So I am not talking to any one of you! Bye!

(So guys, this is it… It was Vansh and Arohi’s plan… I hope everyone understood why I did this… And thank you, friends! All your wishes worked! This was my best IEO ever!!!)


There's "if" in life and there's "fun" in funeral *Moody Person Alert*

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