Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #23 Possessive, Much?

So guys! As promised, here goes the most awaited update… but I feel that i have lost you all! My lovely readers! Earlier, when I used to check my notifications approximately 12 hours after posting, I used to receive soooooooooooooo many comments, I used to love to reply to them! Now I think, I have lost readers!! Is it true, guys? I am just not able to bear the thought of my readers leaving me! If that is so, then I will stop writing! I need to know that I am not boring you all! 

Tell me if you guys have any specific demands!!

Here goes the update!!!!!!!!!

In AbhIya’s room

Piya comes out wearing Abhay’s shirt and Abhay stands there awestruck. Piya smirks.

Piya: Earth calling you Abhay!

Abhay: If you are on Earth then I’ll gladly come!

Piya: Shut up! And go, and get some decent clothes for me! I swear! If I catch Riddhima, Na! I am not going to spare her!!!

In RiAnsh’s room

Riddhima is running around and Vansh is following her.

Vansh: Riddhima! You are not wearing that!

Riddhima: What’s wrong in these clothes Vansh!?

Vansh: Nothing is wrong! I just don’t like them! You go and change!

Riddhima stops running and he finally gets a hold on her.

Riddhima: And what if I don’t change?

Vansh: Then I will change them!

Riddhima’s eyes widened on that. She pushes Vansh, grabs her purse and runs towards the door and shouts.

Riddhima: I am going to buy some clothes! Come with me if you want or I will go alone!

Vansh: RIDDHIMAAAA!!!!!!!!!

Vansh runs behind her. As they walk to the shop, none of them speaks anything. Riddhima is looking around, admiring the City of Lakes and Vansh is too angry and annoyed to speak.

Riddhima: I am going to buy some clothes for Piya too! She must be fussing around and scolding Bhai for being romantic.

Vansh: Like you were scolding me?

Vansh chuckles and Riddhima glares at him. Then they both start laughing.

They go inside a shop and Riddhima starts looking around choosing some clothes. A man comes up to her and asks for her help.

Man: Excuse me… Umm… If you don’t mind… Umm… I am here to buy a dress for my wife… Uhh…

Riddhima: Do you need my help?

Man: Ya!

Riddhima: Oh! Cool! So, tell me about your wife’s choice…

Riddhima and the man keep talking and laughing.

Vansh was doing something on his phone standing near the reception. Just then, he sees them. He looks at Riddhima who is laughing. He gets very annoyed. And then he again looks at her clothes and gets angrier. Just then, both of them come there.

Riddhima: I am done!

Vansh: Then let’s pay the bill and go?

Riddhima: Wait! Wait! Meet him! He is Harsh. Harsh, this is Vansh, my husband.

Harsh: Aaah! The lucky man! Your wife helped me a lot today! Nice to meet you! Now I’ll go! My wife is waiting!

Vansh: Ya! Sure!

Riddhima: I’ll call you later!

Harsh goes. Vansh glares at Riddhima.

Riddhima: What?

Vansh: You actually exchanged numbers with a stranger?

Riddhima: Oh God!! Vansh! What’s wrong in that! And we are friends now! Harsh is not a stranger!

Vansh: Whatever!! 

(@Kk There! I fulfilled your wish! Though not completely, but in my way… hope you don’t mind!)

They go back to the hotel. Riddhima gives Piya’s clothes to her and comes back to their room to find an annoyed Vansh sitting on the bed. Riddhima gets behind him and put her arms around him.

Riddhima: I’m sorry!

Vansh: Never do that again! I don’t like it!

Riddhima: Okay! By the way, I like the jealous shade, Mr.VR!!

Vansh: I am not the jealous type, but what’s mine is mine!

Riddhima: Oooooh! Possessive, huh?

Vansh turns towards her and pushes her. She falls on the bed and is in a sleeping position now…

Vansh(smirking): Wanna see how much?

And he showers all the love in the world on his sweetheart… (careful not to lose control and activate the bloodlust)

Guys! Don’t forget to tell me how it was, and I know, it is going a bit boring nowadays…

But believe me! From the next update, the fun starts! Because, first of all, RiAnsh have made love… so now the Halfire/Semi-immortal kid will come! (took that from you @Nymeria_Avi !!!!) Also, the past and the past life, both are connected to Udaipur. So, now, the City Of Lakes is going to reveal everything!!


There's "if" in life and there's "fun" in funeral *Moody Person Alert*

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