Ye Ishq Nahi Aasan #28 Another Lie?

Guys, I am sorry for being MIA for so long… I took a break, but now I am back.

After shopping for everybody, they get back to the hotel. Kapil was following them, so he knew that they had a confession footage. He called Anupriya and informed her about it. He was trying to get it from them but was unable to find where it is.

In Hotel Lobby

Abhay, Piya, Vansh and Riddhima are at the reception area. They are checking out. Kabir is disguised and is waiting for them to go so that he can check out and follow them.

After everyone checks out, they all head to the airport.

Abhay: I cancelled our flights.

Piya & Riddhima: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!?

Vansh: He means he cancelled our flights and booked a private jet.

Riddhima: Oh!

Piya: But why?

Abhay: Because the black crow is following us and we have to get rid of him to talk about the plan.

Riddhima: Right! By the way, I caught somebody’s lie!

Vansh gets nervous.

Vansh: Whose lie?

Riddhima: Anupriya’s lie!! I found an old footage of her where she confessed that she tried to kill Mom.

Vansh sighs in relief.

Vansh: Oh! That’s great! We can use it against her!

They all enter their private jet.

The moment they all get in, Riddhima uses her magic to float herself to the kitchen. She lifts her hand and a few cupboards open. Then she lifts another hand. Cheese spread, bread and some vegetables come out. Piya understands that Riddhima wants to make a sandwich so she takes the chopper board board out and picks a tomato. Riddhima magically takes the tomato from her. Then, she makes Piya float back to a seat. Then she waves her hand and a knife comes out. Then, she waves her hand again and the knife automatically starts cutting vegetables. She waves her hand again and a butter knife starts applying the cheese spreading on the bread.

Then she goes towards the library where Vansh and Abhay are talking about their collection of books. She lifts her hand and a book comes off the shelf and she takes the book with her to the kitchen.

Within 15 minutes, all the sandwiches are made

Riddhima: Come on! Everyone! Snacks!!

Vansh: What took so long? Can’t you just make the food appear magically?

Abhay: You know it doesn’t work that way! We told you, remember?

Vansh: When!?

Piya: About a thousand years ago.

Vansh: Oh! You did?

Riddhima: Ya! You, Abhay and Maithili were out for hunting… Do you remember now?

Vansh: But that was Kap– Ya! Ya! I remember now!!

Abhay eyes him suspiciously. They all eat and then go back to whatever they were doing. Abhay walks to Vansh.

Abhay: You know, I can cast a spell to check when a person is lying.

Vansh: Really? Wow!

Abhay: I can also cast a spell to make sure whatever the person says is true.

Vansh: Why are you telling me this?

Abhay: Because I cast the first spell on you when you told Riddhima that you are Kapil and I cast the second spell on you now.

Vansh: What!? Why would you do that!?

Abhay: Because I want to know why you lied. Were you really kapil?

Vansh: No, I was Vihaan and I was not a traitor.

Abhay: Then why did you lie?

Vansh: Because I know Riddhima. The guilt would’ve consumed her. And partly also because I was afraid that she might forgive Kapil and go back to him.

Abhay chants something. Vansh is still in shock.

Vansh: You shouldn’t have done that! What if somebody were listening?

Abhay: I cast a privacy spell on us.

Vansh: Please don’t tell Riddhima.

Abhay: I won’t.

Vansh: Thank you! But why?

Abhay: Because you are right. The guilt would consume her.

Hey guys!!!! I want comments okay!!! I know this is not long but I am out of ideas. I don’t know what to write. But I will continue writing and reading all your ffs!!

Bye for now.

Take care everyone!!


There's "if" in life and there's "fun" in funeral *Moody Person Alert*

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