Categories: Yeh Hai Chahatein

Yeh Hai Chahatein 16th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Dev Blackmails Saransh

Yeh Hai Chahatein 16th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Saaransh and Alia rehearse for their annual day function. Vicky spies on them and informs Dev over the phone that Saransh and Aliya are practicing for the annual function. Dev thanks him and asks him to keep an eye them. Vicky peeps back into the practice room and thinks Sarnash took up a feud with the wrong person, now Dev will not spare him. After practice, Alia tells Saransh that they are ready for performance and leaves from there. Dev calls Saransh and warns him to stay away from Alia. Saransh nervously says they are just practicing for the annual day function. Dev threatens him that he will send him to juvenile jail by informing police that he tried to kill him and says he will spend his teenage in juvenile jail and then adulthood in adult jail. Saransh panics and walks out of the practice

room. Alia notices Saransh crying and wonders what happened to him suddenly.

Preesha notices Saransh next and asks reason. Saransh tells her that doesn’t want to go to jail. She asks him what really happened. He informs her about Dev threatening to reopen the case and sending him to juvenile jail. Preesha calls back Dev’s number, but finds it of wardboys’. She thinks he is too clever, she needs to gather proof and expose Dev’s truth in front of Revathi to save Saransh. She returns home with Saransh. Sharda asks why they came home early. Preesha sends Saransh to his room and informs Sharda that Dev threatened to send Saransh to jail. Sharda says Dev is crossing his limits, she needs to do something. Preesha says she will and takes food for Saransh. Saransh continues to panic and denies to have food. Alia calls Saransh, and he panics more. Preesha says its Alia’s call and picks phone. Alia asks Saransh where is he as they need to practice again. Preesha says its her and asks her to send her mother’s number.
She informs Sharda that she is going to meet Dev’s mother and leaves home.

Preesha meets Revathi and informs her about Dev threatening Saransh to send him to jail. Revathi asks what problem her family has with Dev, reminds that Dev took back case against Saransh, and threatens to stop troubling her son or they will face dire consequences. Their argument starts. Revathi recalls Dev informing that Saransh is behind Alia and roams around her; when he found out about it, he warned Saransh to stay away from Alia, but Saransh instead threaneed him saying he is the school’s trustee and can do anything and brutally harrassed him. She informs Preesha the same. Preesha says Saransh will never do that, in fact Alia warned Dev to stay away from her and Saransh. She warns her that Dev is deceiving her. Revati says she cansame same regarding Saransh and warns her to not not utter a word against Dev. She reminds her that Dev is in the hospital because of Saransh and threatnes to file a police case against them if something happens to Dev.

Rudra returns home with Roohi and asks Sharda if Preesha and Saransh returned home. Sharda informs Rudra about Dev’s threatening call and Preesha went to meet Revathi to handle the issue. Rudra thinks he he needs to handle it in his way. He enters Dev’s room and threatens him to stay away from his son. Dev screams andcalls Revathi for help. Revati rushes and pushes Rudra away. Dev asks how dare Dev is to threaten Saransh. Dev denies and didn’t call Saransh. Dev says he didn’t and shows his number. Preesha tries to stop Rudra, but Rudra isnsists to see check the phone. Revathi shows him phone and warns him to stay away from her son. She calls the constables and warns Rudraksh and Preesha tha she will get them arrested if they come near her son again.

Preesha takes Rudra out and informs him that Dev called Saransh from wardboy’s number. Rudra confronts her for not informing him beforehand. She says she didn’t have time. He says she keeps hiding things from him since 7 years, hid truth behind Rajeev’s death, Roohi’s birth, etc. She defends herself with her explaination and says she knew he will blame her. He says he wouldn’t question her if she had told truth to him always. Roohi walks in and asks if they are fighting. They deny. She reminds her condition that she will leave them if they fight again. He says even she fights with her friends sometimes. She says she even reconciles with her friends and asks them hug and kiss each other. They hesitantly obey her. Roohi says he will go and sleep now. Preesha asks her to sleep with them. She happily agrees. Preesha thinks Rudra will sleep on bed at least now.

Precap: Preesha assures Saransh that she will expose Dev. She meets Dev’s friend and gets some evidence from him. Dev plans to use Roohi to handle Preesha because Ruhi is Preesha’s weakness. Preesha shows a video toRevathi.

Update Credit to: MA

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