Categories: Yeh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka

Yeh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka 28th August 2020 Written Episode Update: Aman fights the Jinn

Yeh Jadu Hai Jinn Ka 28th August 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Rehan saying sorry, I didn’t get the ring. Aman recalls Tabeezi’s words. Tabeezi hears some sound. She goes and sees a broken egg. She says it means little Baazigar is born, it means Roshni’s delivery will happen today. She sees the dark clouds and says it means jinn knows this, I have to tell this to Aman and Roshni. Aman asks did Shayari sell the ring, no, she can’t do it. Rehan says she admitted it, sorry, I should have not trusted that girl. Mahira feels sad.

Tabeezi says Aman, we didn’t know the baby will be born tonight. Aman smiles. He goes to Roshni and does magic to save her from fire. His magic doesn’t work. Tabeezi says just sifriti diamond can save her. Mahira gets the ring. Rehan asks how did you get it. Mahira says I will tell later.

Tabeezi says you have to make Roshni wear the ring. Dadi asks how will you cross the fire. Aman says I don’t care. Roshni says no, don’t risk your life. Aman enters fire ring. He makes Roshni wear the ring. Fire disappears. Roshni faints. Aman holds her.

Rehan asks how did you get this ring. Mahira says Shayari didn’t sell it, she gave it to people from whom I took a loan, its not her mistake. Rehan says I punished her. Aman says you misunderstood her. Roshni says no mistake can be so big that it can’t be forgiven. Dadi asks Rehan to go and apologize to Shayari. Tabeezi says Roshni is fine. Aman says you said baby will be born tonight. Tabeezi shuts the window. She plays music. She says I don’t want Kaala jinn to hear us, little Baazigar is born, it means Roshni’s delivery is today. Roshni says it means Kaala jinn… Tabeezi says talk slowly, I have a way to keep baby away from him, we will trick him, you will deliver the baby safely, we will send Roshni into the clouds, her shadow will be here, Roshni and her baby will be safe in clouds, are you ready, you will be alone there. Roshni says no, my Lord will be with us.

Tabeezi says we will prepare a safety web to hide her and send her away. She asks Roshni is she scared. Roshni says no, I just have a hope to see my baby, that everything will get fine. Aman takes Tabeezi with him. She asks what happened. He says you think we are doing right, Roshni will be alone. Tabeezi says she has to do it, none will harm her. They see Kaala jinn. Tabeezi says Roshni is strong, we are doing this to save the baby, give her courage. Everyone shuts the doors and windows. Tabeezi says I will make a web first, then Aman will send Roshni by his magic. Aman ties a thread to Roshni’s hand. Tabeezi makes the web. Aman does the magic. A window opens. Tabeezi asks Aman to hurry up, Kaala jinn got to know it. Rehan also does the magic and helps Aman. Tabeezi asks them to try to take Roshni upwards. Tabeezi says I just had some zangemarmar, now none can save the web from breaking.
Dadi says Roshni is fine. Tabeezi asks how did Zangemarmar come. Shayari comes. Tabeezi says Shayari… She asks them to hurry up. The doors and windows get opened. The shield breaks. Roshni gets conscious. The glass pieces fall over her. Aman stops the glass in the air by his magic. Tabeezi says thank God.

Aman takes Roshni in his arms. He asks what was all this. Tabeezi says Kaala jinn’s power, we can’t do anything, we lost the chance to send the baby to the clouds. Roshni cries. Aman sees the Kaala jinn and says I won’t leave you. He does the magic. Roshni says stop. He says it happened because of you. She says we will find some way. He says there is one way, I will kill Kaala jinn. She asks how. He says now he will face a father, I can give my life to protect the baby. She says I m with you. He says you did a lot, I don’t want your support, you did the same mistake as my dad, punishment will be same, hatred, I hate my dad, you and myself. She asks why. He says you broke my heart, I hate myself for giving you this chance, that I loved you. She cries. Shayari says I couldn’t help Roshni. Rehan asks where are you going, why did you come. She says to help Roshni. He says I got to know the truth, you are a jinn shikari, not any cute innocent girl.

Aman asks Roshni to listen to him. He sees another Roshni.

Update Credit to: Amena


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