Categories: Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum

Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum 12th May 2016 Written Episode Update

Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum 12th May 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Epi begins with Baba and Shilpa looking at Manvi as she stands alone. Kabir adds fuel to the fire. What has happened to Rahul? He should understand how tensed MAnvi is. Harsh is in hospital. Rahul should understand. Don’t worry, I will manage it all. Shilpa stops him from talking to Rahul. Baba feels Kabir is right. Rahul misbehaved with Manvi just now. He was talking exactly in Raj’s tone. Does he not have manners? Shilpa says not just Rahul but Harsh is also at fault here. He shouldn’t have spoken to media without thinking. He should have spoken to us atleast before doing so. Baba says Harsh did the right thing. he should give same statement before police. He did a great thing. Shilpa reminds him that it is Manvi’s in-laws. He says they cannot do anything as per their wish and

hurt their son. I wont spare them! Manvi tells them to stop fighting. Shilpa tells him to leave about them. What did Rahul say? Manvi replies that Rahul said all that in anger. No one can stop me from going there as it is my house. I am the DIL of that house! Don’t take his words to your heart. Baba says we saw his attitude just now. He disrespected you. She explains that Rahul just got to know that his father fainted. He is being insulted on every news channel. Would Rahul not get angry? Any normal person would get angry but it doesn’t mean he is bad person. After seeing all this I too have started to feel that maybe papa is not involved in this. Kabir gets tensed. How did Manvi think of this? He supports her. Why would uncle do so? Manvi realises how bad she has been to Rahul if this is true. Baba asks Manvi how she knows Raj is not behind this. She replies she does not have proof but her heart says it is some third person who wants to create misunderstandings between Rahul and her. I will not let my house break because of it. I will have to go back. She leaves. Kabir is unable to understand her. Rahul has been so rude with her and warned her not to set her step in that house yet she is going! How will I break their marriage this way? Shilpa sends him after Manvi.

Rahul asks Raj how he is. What did doc say? Sonali says there is nothing to worry. Raj says we got insulted. We lost all the hard work that we did till date. It is all because of that girl. Sonali tells him to forget it but it isn’t easy for Raj. Rahul says no one will forget. I know you aren’t at fault. I will bring out your truth before world this time. I know you are right. I will fight. He asks her who he will fight. Your wife’s brother or that girl for whom you always fight with me? Rahul says I wont do it now. I have realised that I have been unjust with you while trying to help people get justice. It is true that you did something wrong to them long ago so I was supporting them. But enough, you are right now. I wont let Manvi or any of her family members do anything wrong to you now. I have told her that she will not come before you or in this house. I have told her clearly! Sonali asks him if he has gone mad. He says I am saying truth. I can break my relation with Manvi if I have to help Dad get justice. This time she is wrong. Raj is in disbelief. You will support me and go against that girl? Rahul says of course. Don’t forget our relation come what may. You will always be my dad and I will always be your son! If anyone tries to make use of it or create distances between us then I will not spare him. I can even end my relation if I have to. Raj holds his hand. I knew my son will never disappoint me. I knew that you will realise it one day that whatever is happening in our life is happening because of her. SOnali tells him to stop it. She asks Rahul if has lost his mind. Manvi is your wife. You love her. How can you do this to her? He says just the way she did with me. Her brother spread false rumours against my dad. She supported him. I should support what is right. SOnali asks for proof. Why give such a big punishment to her without knowing truth? She notices Manvi there. Rahul gets angry realising it must be Manvi.

Rahul asks Manvi if she isn’t ashamed. I said so much to you yet you came here. She refuses to leave. This house is mine as well. Rahul says right. This house is yours as well. Maybe your brother dint know it. Did he not think about this before giving false news in paper? Stop your drama and go. this time I am not going to forgive either you or your brother. She says sorry to him. I made a mistake by not listening to you that time. You are also making a mistake by not listening to me this time. I was angry then so I behaved this way. It does not mean I don’t love this family. he calls it fake concern. You are only falling in my eyes as you say all this. Leave. She refuses. I am your wife. I will never leave you ever. He holds her hand and takes her outside.

Manvi tells Rahul he is misunderstanding her. He does not listen to her. She frees her hand and says enough. You are taunting me since I have come back. Listen to me carefully now Mr. Rahul Sabharwal. I am your wife and therefore the DIL of this house. No one can throw me out of the house without my wish. I will call police if someone tries to. I am telling you to let me stay here peacefully. He claps for her. Sonali supports Manvi. I will see who will throw you out of the house. I will be a witness against Rahul. Rahul asks her if she will support Manvi. Sonali says I am with her. She is not like you who can fall in anyone’s words. She makes mistakes but she also have guts to rectify them. Rahul says you can support her if you want but I don’t want any relation with her. Manvi tells him to do what he wants, but I will live this relation all my life, till my last breath. Sonali adds that he will be sent to jail otherwise. He walks away.

Dadi says whatever happened isn’t right. Manvi nods. I shouldn’t have spoken to Rahul like that. Dadi supports Manvi for whatever she did and so does Sonali. There is nothing to regret. I should be ashamed of Rahul’s behaviour. Manvi is happy that she supported her DIL instead of her son. That is enough for me. Dadi says who taught her then. I did! I did the same so my DIL will follow the same tradition. You too have to follow the same. Raj may be a bad person but he cannot do this to Harsh. I know this very well. Manvi agrees. I don’t know why I feel some other person is involved. Sonali also feels the same way. There is someone who has tried to use the enmity between our families to his advantage. The animosity was there since years but Raj dint hurt him ever. Manvi says this is why I am sure it is some third person altogether. Dadi shares her worry. Our problems have increased since Kabir has come to stay with us. Manvi takes Kabir’s side. He has helped us a lot in hospital. He has even tried to clear the misunderstandings between Rahul and me. Why will he do so? Kabir hears them. I am glad Manvi trusts me. Sonali advises them all to be careful. Someone is trying to break us apart. Dadi says that person does not know there are 3 Jhansi KI Rani’s. We wont spare him. We will swear that no one can harm any member of this house till they are together. All ladies keep their hands over each other’s. Kabir thinks 3 is an unlucky member. It is impossible to get away from me.

At night, Agni and his mom are doing some puja. Agni wonders if Manvi has a doubt on him. It should not happen. I have to do something before Manvi and Rahul get back together. His mom notices that he is lost somewhere. He says nothing. I am trying hard to separate the couple but it isn’t happening. She tells him to be calm and patient. Anger only worsens things. He shares that Manvi is back in the house. I see everything coming back to normal. I don’t know if I am separating them or bringing them close! She advises him not to keep his fight limited to people. It is going on since decades. It cannot get over soon. Don’t lose patience. Wait for the right time. He hopes no one doubts on him before that. The women of that house are sure someone is trying to destroy their happiness. His mother asks him if he had a doubt on someone. Did Manvi feel you are bull? He denies. She says there is nothing to worry then. We still have chance. You should continue to act to be her well-wisher like this only. I will handle everything else. You handle Manvi only. He nods. They resume puja.

Harsh sees a bad dream about bull. Manvi calms him down. It was a bad dream. No one will kill us. He says can you not hear the voice. He is coming. She says no one is coming. I will call doc. He stops her from leaving him alone. Who are you talking about? He speaks of seeing him turning into an animal. He is very scary. She is tensed. Did Dada see Rahul turning into tiger? How did he come to know his truth? He insists that he saw everything. She decides to talk to Rahul first before he says anything to Ma and Baba. She tells him to rest. He repeats that he looks like a man but is an animal. She calms him down somehow. Papa is unwell at home too. I will come back soon.

Precap: Manvi is outside Guru ji’s room. She hears him talking to Agni’s mother. Manvi is surprised hearing Agni’s name. Who is this Agni?

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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