Categories: Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum

Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum 28th July 2016 Written Episode Update

Yeh Kahan Aa Gaye Hum 28th July 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on

Everyone is worried for Rahul as he speaks of going alone but he assures them that he will be fine. Nothing can happen to me till I have that horn. Manvi makes him understand that they have to be together. Yamini said that nothing will go wrong till we are together. He wants to go home to get the horn but she shares that the horn is here only. She gives it to him. He asks her when she brought it here. She knew that Kabir can go to any extent to get it so I hid it here. He says you did right. Baba suggests them to call police. Don’t go alone. Rahul denies. It is between Rahul and I. I will not be able to explain anything to police. Don’t worry about Manvi. No harm will come to her. Baba blesses them. rahul and Manvi leave. Baba prays for their well being.

Rahul and Manvi come

to Kabir’s hideout. Manvi suggests going from here but Rahul is sure Kabir is here only. Kabir attacks him from behind but Rahul pushes him. So much has happened yet you attack from behind only. You aren’t daring enough. You left your dying mother alone. They get into a fight. Kabir blames Rahul for his mother’s death. Rahul asks him what about all the innocent people who got killed. Your mother apologised in her last minute. Yamini left the world. Kabir says it wouldn’t have happened if you had quietly given the horn to me. You will have to die. You anyways are of no use now. You neither have the spirit in you nor the powers. God too wants me to kill you. He hits Rahul with a knife. Manvi panics. Rahul hits Kabir who hits him back in return. Kabir tells manvi to stay put or he will kill her as well. I gave you a chance to live. I asked you to come to me. I don’t let those live who don’t listen to me. He begins to hit her. My mother died because of you. You are responsible for everything. He is about to hit her with a rod when Rahul holds it. They fight again. Rahul shows the horn to Kabir. This is what you want. Your life is in it. This horn has killed many innocent people. I will destroy it today. He tries breaking it but in vain. Kabir says it wont break like your bone. It is horn. Rahul says no other life will be lost because of it. Manvi thinks of Yamini’s last words. She holds Rahul’s hand which sets the process in motion. Kabir begins to be affected by it. Kabir runs away. They chase him.

Manvi is scared as it is dark. Kabir can attack stealthily too. Rahul calls out after Kabir. I know it is broken but it still has powers. It isn’t of any use to me but we can make a deal. You can give me something in return. Come out from your hideout. I don’t need this horn. If you wont come out then it will mean that you too don’t want it. I will break it so no one can use it. Kabir thinks to get whatever is left. Rahul repeats that he will break the horn if he wont step out. Kabir shouts no and steps forward. Please don’t break it. I will give you whatever you want. I have no enmity with you now as you aren’t even tiger anymore. Give it to me. Manvi tells Rahul not to do it. Rahul says only Kabir needs this power now. I know he wont misuse it. he asks Kabir to promise him he will go away from their lives for forever. Kabir promises him. Manvi tells Rahul not to do it. Rahul says the tiger has left my body. Why will Kabir kill me now? Kabir looks at him. He is the biggest fool. He still trusts me. I will tell him once I get the horn. Kabir extends his hand when Rahul stabs him in the stomach using the horn. Manvi stands with Rahul. Kabir breathes his last (the horn is still stuck inside his stomach). They heave a sigh of relief. Rahul turns to make a call to his dad. Manvi hears some sound and turns. Rahul asks her what happened. she speaks of the sound. Did you hear it? He says from where it came. She says it felt like someone was here. He says it is complete silence here. Yamini and Kabir are dead. Everything is fine. he gets call from his dad and goes out to speak.

Someone is shown tapping at the window. Manvi opens the window and is scared. A shadow can be seen in the background. It disappears by the time Manvi turns. I felt like someone was scratching the wall. It might be an illusion. She turns to leave when she hears a scream. There is someone here but who? She steps inside the room scared. There is blood on the floor. She looks at the cupboard. Something falls down as she closes in. She picks up a bloodied soldier statue. She hears scratching sounds coming from the cupboard. She opens the cupboard fast. A dress is hung in there. She touches the red dots and smells it. It is blood. Where did it come from? Some kid (not sure if alive or dead) peeks at her from outside the door.

Rahul tells Inspector to come. He hears MAnvi’s scream next. He runs inside. Manvi says there is someone here. He looks around but cannot find anyone. One adjacent door is locked. Manvi insists that there is someone here. He feels she panicked. This is old house. Manvi says someone pushed me. I am sure about it. He checks again but there is nothing. You might be scared about what happened recently. Manvi is sure she saw a kid who pushed her. Where this blood did came from if no one is around? He reasons that it might be Kabir’s. Forget all this. I don’t even think this is blood. He touches it. it is blood. It might be Kabir’s. Think logically. What will a kid do here? I have called police. They will inspect this place. She tells him to tell them to be thorough. He nods. Come now. I am in pain. They begin to go. Manvi looks back but Rahul asks her to come. Walk ahead me. She complies. A kid’s bloodied hands scratch the cupboard.

Precap: Rahul says if groom lifts the bride in his arms and takes her inside then it is a good omen. He lifts Manvi in his arms while asks him to put her down. Someone walks inside the police station. Inspector stands up.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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