Categories: Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage

Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage 24th March 2017 Written Episode Update

Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage 24th March 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aru takes her bag and assures her family to return soon. She goes to Dharamshala to meet Mukhi. Mukhi was putting oil in his head and straightens up watching her. He calls Mishri upstairs while the men sat downstairs. Mukhi was concerned for what people would think. Aru wasn’t even ready to lower her voice and questions why he dismissed her. Mukhi prepares for his bed. The men downstairs speak about which girl Mukhi is speaking to. Aru calls Mukhi a coward to speak. Mishri brings Mukhi’s beddings, Aru asks Mishri to question Mukhi what happened. Mukhi tells them both to leave. Aru says Mukhi dismissed her, Mukhi enforces to Mishri he is elder and took this decision. He thinks Aru won’t be able to find a proposal for her. Aru asks if she wasn’t serious with her work. She says Mukhi

is in such a hurry that he wants a proposal within 15 days, and he was in a hurry to judge her work. Mishri asks Aru to tell him about examples of all the match makings she has done. Aru wasn’t ready to put at stake the names of those who trusted over her. She leaves telling Mukhi that her work would be pointed over today for sure.

At night, Aru was awake, disturbed about all the proceedings. She comes to do embroidery over dupatta. There, Mukhi was awake, thinking about Aru. He comes to watch the diary of Aru he found in the bus. He begins reading it, her Papa’s dreams – 2016 “To set a huge business empire, which Papa couldn’t…” He rejects the idea about not reading the diary, then reads further “she would no longer have to suffer any of Kaki’s arguments, as she has chosen a house to buy”. Aru was now writing about her heart break and ending of her dreams as she would no longer get Mukhi’s commission.
The next morning, Aru hears Mummy’s murmurs about their new home. She watches a photo in Dharmi’s hand, it was Anshu. She gets her Mama’s call who asks when she is coming to see the house. He warns her about losing the flat.

Mishri speaks to Deep on call who had noticed she was tensed. She puts the call up as Mukhi comes in, and asks her to keep Aru back at work. Mishri asks Mukhi if he wants someone elder for his work, she can speak to the beareu. She asks Mukhi what happened to him that he now wants her back.

On the way to work, Aru complains to Gautam about her boss. Gautam pronounces Anxious wrongly, then asks Aru what she must do now. Aru says she needs to whole heartedly work for dupatta project. Gautam tells Aru he needs money for buying the cloth and hire workers. He suggests Aru to go to Mukhi and request him to hire her again. Aru says she will achieve the goals on her wall by herself.

In the office, her colleagues inform Aru that Mukhi is waiting in the office. Aru curtly enters the boss’s office to ask Mukhi if he came for her complaint, she isn’t afraid of losing her job. Mukhi agrees she isn’t afraid of anyone. The boss comes to the office and tells Aru that Mukhi himself demanded Aru must do his work. Aru was left speechless. The boss flatters Aru saying he is sure Mukhi would get his work done in five days than fifteen. Aru denies taking Mukhi’s case and turns to leave. Mukhi says the sun begins to set when it’s the highest during the day, he must tell Aru not to be so proud. The boss tells Aru she had turned it all perfect by apologizing. Aru comes behind Mukhi and asks when she apologized him. Mukhi explains she didn’t want to ruin her profile. Aru argues this is her work, if he really wants her to handle his case. Mukhi says he came here only for this. Aru agrees but he must share her about the reasons first. Mukhi notices the whole office watching them. Mukhi takes her aside and explains he hired her again that she won’t share her proposal matter with any outsider like Deep’s family. Aru asks if he thought about his disgrace if he doesn’t find a girl and assures she would abruptly find a girl for him. she leaves without an explanation from Mukhi, and walks boastfully towards her desk.

In the evening, Aru asks her parents if they liked the house. Her parents were excited, Papa was upset that he couldn’t do anything for his mummy. He is proud of his daughter, who is doing what he had once dreamt about. Aru shares with them about advance payment, and tells her parents about Mukhi. Aru was sure to find a proposal for him soon.

PRECAP: Rajan comes to meet someone in jail and says after Mishri’s wedding there would be no one at home to take care of Mukhi at home.

Update Credit to: Sona

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