Categories: Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage

Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage 3rd August 2017 Written Episode Update: Mukhi ji pretends to get Asthma

Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage 3rd August 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Aru comes to the room. Mukhi ji poses to be asleep. She wakes him up, he says he is unconscious and is sleeping. Aru says she is calling him so close, doesn’t he want to know what she wants to say. Mukhi says he knows already she will speak about the fair. Rami comes upstairs and thinks she must know what the relation between Aru and Rajay is. Aru had removed the curtains between them, Mukhi finally sits up. Rami thinks the door is locked from inside. Aru asks Mukhi ji if he feels ashamed with her. Does their age difference make him worried? Mukhi ji thinks about the taunts of Mishra. Rami tries to peek from window, apologizing God for doing this but its very important for her to know. She watches Aru sat facing Mukhi ji and drops a vase. Both were alert, Aru goes to shut the window again.

Mukhi ji tells Aru not to use her brain much. She asks then why he doesn’t want to take part in Sawan Utsav. Mukhi ji asks if she won’t spare him. She replies with a no. Mukhi ji says he has asthma problem. Aru was shocked to hear this, saying she didn’t see him panting yet. They remember how Mukhi ji chased the bus in Ahmedabad. Mukhi ji says he takes a medicine. Aru says she never saw him take medicine, Mukhi ji says he never shares this with anyone. Rami had climbed up a stool to peek inside the house. Mukhi ji says he begins panting if he works hard. Aru was determined to make him well. Mukhi ji says alright, they will participate the next year. Aru gets upset as they won’t be the newly wed next year. Mukhi ji smirks in the bed, then pants. Rami tries to hear well and slips the stool. Mukhi and Aru hurry outside, Aru asks what she was doing over the stool here. Rami says its lizard there, she thought to save them. Rami goes to her room. Aru and Mukhi ji were confused.
Uma and Sanvi were laughing; Rami comes to them. Uma was laughing as Sanvi suggested about sending Aru and Mukhi ji for honeymoon. Rami asks if Sanvi got crazy, she herself got the good news while in the village. Sanvi says its about Aru and Raju. Rami says Raju is Mukhi, this all doesn’t suit him. He is much older than Aru and always feel ashamed to wander with her. Rami thinks she has decided she won’t let them get close to each other at any cost.
In the room, Mukhi ji was thinking about all the mockery of district officer staff. He looks towards Aru and says there has been much time in their marriage still he hesitates accepting her as his wife, he gets worried in his heart and can’t get an answer. Sometimes he feels she is his and wants to announce in the whole world. Other times he wants to save her from the insult because of him that is the reason he lied.
The next morning, Mukhi ji wakes up but Aru wasn’t in bed. She brings him bed tea. He asks if she woke up earlier than him. Aru says she can take care of him as well. Mukhi ji says he is fine. Aru was determined to help him in Asthma and takes him for yoga exercise for asthma. Mukhi ji fell down while trying the moves she could do easily. After the exercise, Aru goes to reheat the tea. Mukhi ji insists he would take this one. Aru forces him to go and get his medicine, she will take the responsibility to give it to him daily. Mukhi ji turns to go to look after the toilet work. Aru says she has to speak to her mother.
On the phone, mummy was worried about Dharmi and says she assured her a while ago that she is happy with Anshul, but now the number can’t be connected. Aru watches Mukhi ji helping a village man pull his bull cart off a hole. Mukhi ji advices the young man to go to village less often. Aru thinks Mukhi ji lied to her, he sends Mastana to inform the villagers they will surely participate in Savan Utsav.

PRECAP: A car leaves a moving bag on the road. Mukhi ji goes to open the bag. A girl’s hand fell out of it.

Update Credit to: Sona

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