Categories: Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage

Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage 4th May 2017 Written Episode Update

Yeh Moh Moh Ke Dhaage 4th May 2017 Written Episode, Written Update on

Dharmi tells Jamuna that Aru isn’t bossy, she has always been the good daughter of her parents. She has committed a lot of mistakes but not anymore, she came here thoughtfully and Mukhi is a nice guy, she wants to marry him. Jamuna turns around curtly, thinking she must take another step to break this marriage.
The next morning, girls were dancing. Mishri excitedly announce this was just a trailer. Aru says they would make Mukhi dance in the evening. Uma says Mukhi was a good dancer years ago, but he left everything. Jamuna comes from behind, she says they watched Mukhi dance two decades ago. Aru qualifies no one tried to make him dance for years. Jamuna says she tried her level best in her and Uma’s weddings. Aru was determined to make Mukhi dance today. Jamuna tells her she won’t

be able to do so, Aru takes it as a challenge.
At home, Jamuna thinks Sharabi is good at work and easily got Anshu’s number. She makes a call to Jamuna and introduces herself as Rami speaking from the same village Dharmi is marrying. She says she heard their story and was hurt hearing only poverty rid two lovers of each other. She says if it was only for money, she can give him two millions to take his Dharmista. Anshu says never. Dharmi texted him last night that if he calls her again she would get him caught by police. She hates him and won’t come with him.
Aru comes to Panchait office and signals Mukhi to come outside. A man there recognizes Aru, Aru asks them about their problem. The lady complains her about unavailability of water. Aru gives them a number of water supply. Mukhi announces they haven’t seen as bad days yet as to buy water, if bought we lose the respect of water. Aru asks Mukhi to come outside as she wants to speak to him.
Dharmi asks her mother to let her sleep as there is nothing to do. Jamuna hears this and tells Sharabi, Dharmi has misconception about life at village. She tells her to prepare the kitchen, today is Dharmi’s test.
Aru spills water in the pot near the office. Mukhi comes there, a boy complains he was drinking water but Aru spilt it. Mukhi shows her ladies carrying water pots over their heads from well. He says Aru doesn’t know the value of water, she only does business. Aru says those who don’t recognize values, can never do business.
Jamuna tells Dharmi there are a few minor rituals. The bride powders the turmeric for her wedding in mortar and pestle. Dharmi says she doesn’t know how to use it, Jamuna says there is nothing to learn in it.
Aru promises to bring three pots of water but conditions if she accomplish her task, he must do what she asks him for. Mukhi promises. Aru was determined to bring water, no matter what.
Dharmi begins grinding the turmeric.
There, Aru fills water from well. She holds the pot trying to balance herself on the uneen land. The pot fell down and breaks. A lady there asks Aru how she would survive when married. Aru asks the lady any trick to carry the pot. The lady gives her a cloth ring to keep over her head. She then sets the pots over Aru’s head.
Dharmi notices the utencils and asks what these are for. Sharabi says these are to cook food. Jamuna says this is Mukhi’s house, here a number of people eat daily. Today, she has to cook kheer, the cooking will begin from next day of marriage. Sharabi says kheer must be from fresh milk. They bring her to milk the cow.
The lady tells Aru to walk effortlessly. Aru reach the Panchait office with the group of ladies. Mishri comes to Aru and warns her of muscle strain. Aru says she had to bring three water pots to Panchait office, she has done that. Chammo comes running towards Aru, she was frightened. The pots were about to fell but Mukhi holds them, saving water.

PRECAP: During the dance, Aru shows Jamuna behind the curtain where Mukhi had been beating the drums and dancing.

Update Credit to: Sona

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