Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 10th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Dadi rebukes Vidya

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 10th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Madhav and Vidya arguing. Dadi hears them and holds her anger. Vidya shouts at Madhav. She says I m supporting my son and bahu today. Everyone looks on. Vidya insults Abhira. Dadi fills the water in the jar. Armaan defends Akshara. He asks Vidya not to speak anything wrong about Akshara. Vidya asks how can you speak against the family for an outsider. Armaan says I m supporting the right person, Ruhi has a misunderstanding, we can sit and talk calmly. She says I m leaving the house today. Dadi thinks my patience is over now, I will remind Vidya her limits. Rohit gets his bags. Armaan begs him not to leave.

Vidya asks Armaan and Abhira to leave the house. She says everyone wants to get rid of us. Manoj explains to her to stay back. Manisha also requests

her. Vidya says we were your family before, but not anymore. Dadi comes and holds Vidya’s hand. She asks how dare you break my family, do anything you want after I die, the family won’t break until I m here. Vidya says this is my family, I will decide for them, you won’t.

Dadi says family would be yours, this is my house, take your family and leave my house. She says I have given you love as a mother, but I m your mother-in-law. She asks them to leave. Vidya asks Rohit to come. Abhira says you have a problem with me, so I will leave this house. Armaan says we will shift from this house. Abhira asks him not to leave his family. He says you are also my family, this had to happen one day, Maa wanted us to leave this house. Dadi asks them to stay in outhouse. She says you won’t get permission to go more far. Abhira says no, Ruhi will get angry seeing me, she shouldn’t take stress in pregnancy. Dadi says everyone has anger, one has to learn to control it. She asks Krish to take their bags to the outhouse. She scolds Vidya.

She says what you wanted has happened, you are happy now, right. Swarna and Surekha hug Akshu’s pic and cry. Manish comes. Swarna says you should have told us that Akshu has passed away, who gave you a right to hide this. Swarna says we all have to pay for your mistake. He says I was scared of your reaction. Surekha says Abhira is our family, didn’t we have a right to know this. Manish says I have done wrong with you all and Abhira. Armaan and Abhira leave. She goes ahead. He stops her. She says I m going to find some answers, I have to go alone. She leaves.

Manish rushes to meet Abhira. Swarna says Ruhi is in shock, we have to save one daughter, think well and decide. Manish says Abhira needs me. Surekha says Ruhi will get in tension. Manish says I have to go there. Abhira comes there. They happily cry and welcome her. Ruhi looks for the medicine. She calls the doctor to talk. She sees Abhira’s pic and throws it. Manish gives Akshu’s guitar to Abhira. Swarna gets kachoris for her. She says Akshu liked it a lot. Surekha covers Abhira with a quilt and says this belonged to our Akshu. Abhira asks why didn’t she stay here, why did she leave this house. Manish gets speechless.

Manisha thanks Armaan for talking to Dadi for Manoj’s cabin. Abhira gets the good news. Dadi gives her the new cabin. Armaan scolds Abhira. She asks him not to taunt her.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • Observ că pănă acum nimeni nu a întrebat nimic despre Abhir şi Abhimanyu?
    Nici chiar Manish nu a întrebat nimic despre ei, el care ştie de ceva timp despre cine este Abhira şi că Akshara era singură rudă a Abhirei. Dacă Abhira era singură, nu s-a întrebat ce s-a întâmplat cu Abhir şi Abhimanyu?
    Nici lui Ruhi nu i-a trecut prin minte vreo întrebare despre ei, în special papi al ei, pe care cică Ruhi l-a iubit mult. Ruhi l-a iubit atât de mult pe papi, încât acum nici măcar nu şi-a amintit de el? Ura este tot ceea ce poate să simtă Ruhi?
    Chiar şi cele două doamne Goenka, care sufereau doar fiindcă Akshara a murit.
    Dar nimeni nu are nici o întrebare despre Abhir? Cum aşa? Doar Akshara a ieşitt din casă cu Abhir în braţe, însărcinafă fiind cu Anhira.

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    • Swarna and Surekha are crying for Akshu haha omg lol

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  • Armaan is emotionally supporting Abhira but morally he is not available for her at all. He never tried to understand what Abhira is going through. It's nice Abhira learned to reply him back. Just for the sake of Family he is getting emotional fool. Hope Manisha doesn't turns against Abhira now we already have lot of people opposing them. All Armaan is thinking just of his family but cannot take firm stand and decision. This Rohit is also hen pecked husband of Ruhi. Worst its getting

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  • Este iritant că Swarna iar spune că trebuie să aleagă una dintre fete, Abhira sau Ruhi! Este inadmisibil asta! Oamenii aceştia nu învaţă nimic din greşeli?
    Şi data trecută tot Swarna a fost cea care l-a influenţat pe Manish, că trebuie să aleagă între Akshara şi Ruhi, chiar l-a pus să jure pe sindur că o alege pe Ruhi. Şi ce s-a întâmplat? Asta a condus la separarea familiei, şi indirect a condus la moartea lui Abhir.
    Aş vrea un scenariu în care să se arate că trebuie învăţat din greşeli, şi chiar să-i explice asta şi lui Ruhi.
    Oricâtă dramă ar face Ruhi, adevărul tot neschimbat rămâne, Abhira este strănepoata Goenka. Ruhi nu mai este copil, ci este matură şi trebuie să înţeleagă că nu are dreptul să impună familiei Goenka să aleagă între ea şi Abhira. Ruhi nu este mai cu moţ decât Abhira, dimpotrivă, amândou sunt fix în aceiaşi poziţie, nu mai spun că avem în plus suferinţa Abhirei, care de mică a dus dorul unei famili.
    Este insuportabil să văd o femeie însărcinată că se foloseşte de starea ei pentru a obţine ceea ce nu se cuvine.

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    • Abhira should hate the Goenkas for what they did to Akshu

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  • Just waiting wen the truth is finally revealed that Ruhi is the cause of her mothers death,to see vidyas reaction….as of now i think Dadisa somehow has a feeling that Ruhi is dangerous….come to think of it,Ruhi had followed dadisa alot to stop abhimaan shadi,and even she brought the medical reports….and wen armaan still got married then made sure he had no elders blessing coz of abhiras medical report,which meant breaking armaan emotionally and not leading his marital life peacefully…and after her pregnancy she started being nice(natak) and all of a sudden shes recalling akshara being responsible of aarohis death!!🤔🤔she doesnt remember at all that for the first time being a child she took car keys and started a car that ran over her mother and akshara being there tryng to control the car and saving her🤦‍♀️Only remembers akshara’s words🤔🤔🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️inbelieveable from the writer and the character itself….i wunt be surprised if its shown that ruhi actually changed the report,that ruhi remembers the whole truth of the accident,that ruhi is actually working with Sanjay,it wunt be a surprise becoz this plan of hers too flopped

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  • Vidya ne arată zi de zi faţa ei hidoasă, nici nu ne imaginam noi ce urâţenie se aascunde în interiorul ei.
    Vidya a depăşit orice limită, practic dezbină familia, separă familia la propriu, ceea ce în mod firesc nu este admisibil în nici o familie comună.
    În sfârşit Kaveri ia atitudine, drept şi hotărât, trebuia s-o facă chiar mai devreme, nu să permită abuzurile Vidyei atâtea luni. Dar avem o vorbă care spune "mai bine mai târziu, decât niciodată".
    Totuşi în acest serial nedreptăţile nu sunt corectate aproape niciodată. Avem deja o duzină de nedreptăţi, mai mici sau mai mari, care nu au rămas aşa, nerezolvate.

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  • Scenariu incorect! Vreau să înceteze să o mai numească ucigaşă sau criminală pe Akshara. Ce-i cu amnezia asta selectivă? Noi am văzut serialul, ştim exact ceea ce s-a întâmplat, şi noi nu suntem deloc amnezici! Ajunge cu vorbe aiurea, neadevărate.
    Aţi vehiculat aceleaşi minciuni şi despre moartea lui Neil şi despre moartea lui Aarohi.
    Este absolut necesar să-i faceţi DREPTATE lui Akshara, pe care aţi nedreptăţit-o mereu, încă de când era mică, şi chiar şi pe patul de moarte aţi fost sadici, nu i-aţi permis să vorbească cu bunicul Manish. Aţi dus sadismul la cote maxime, fără nici o justificare. Ajunge!

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