Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 10th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Manish reveals the truth

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 10th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Sanjay saying Armaan will say he is Abhira’s family. Dadi says Abhira’s Maayka has to do this rasam. He says Abhira tries till the last second, she got the money for the function. She says she can’t get a family. Armaan asks Abhira about her family. She says I asked many times, but she never answered. He says I can find them out if you want. She says I wanted to meet them, but mumma was against it, I can’t cheat her. Dadi says her mum was her family, her pride will break tomorrow, she can’t get back her mum and Maayka by money, she will know the family’s value. Sanjay says she is adamant. She says she is lonely, so she got attached to us, family is her biggest weakness, it will be our biggest weapon, she will know she has no one, she will not break

relations, she will live as per our conditions. Armaan says you can’t break blood ties, find your family, you deserve their love. Abhira says mumma also deserved their love, they didn’t try to find us, I will manage the rasam. Dadi says she will lose tomorrow. Abhira says I won’t lose, I will do something. Ruhi says maybe Manish got upset, he isn’t answering. Abhira says don’t call him, he might be sleeping. Ruhi asks her to go to outhouse. Abhira says I came to talk about tomorrow’s function. Ruhi says just go, don’t give me Gyaan. Armaan comes and says Abhira didn’t say anything wrong. Ruhi asks why did you invite him in rasam today. Abhira says fine, I won’t invite him, you invite him. Ruhi says Armaan left me in mandap, we got insulted, you want Manish to come in your marriage, seriously? She goes.

Its morning, everyone sees the gifts. Abhira gets envelops. Dadi says we didn’t get any gifts from your family. Armaan says you know it, what’s the need. Sanjay says she should have refused before. Vidya says yes, he is right. Dadi says there won’t be any rasam now. The men get the gifts and keep it there. Sanjay asks Abhira how much money did your mom leave for you. Manoj asks who got these things. Abhira sees Manish and says Parnanu. Manish comes with Suwarna and Surekha. Everyone smiles.

Manish says Abhira’s Maayka has come and now the rasam will happen. Abhira cries and hugs him. Sanjay says you are very smart, people cunningly dupe other’s money, but you have looted Ruhi’s family, you trapped them well, so you got a family. Manish shouts enough and scolds him. Sanjay asks what relation do you have with her. Manish says Abhira is my Akshara’s daughter, she is my granddaughter. Everyone is shocked.

Abhira cries. Ruhi recalls Akshu. She angrily slaps Abhira. She says you are that murderer’s daughter, my mum and dad died because of your mumma, so she left Udaipur, she snatched my parents and everything, you snatched Armaan, my love and everything, I hate you. Manish says stop it, you both are sisters. Abhira says what did this happen, I understood why mumma kept me away from you all, she knew when truth comes out then this drama will happen. He says I m with you. Ruhi asks what about my mom. Abhira removes the ring and says the past never leaves us, I can’t face Ruhi, its better if I leave. She gives the ring to Ruhi and leaves. Ruhi faints. Suwarna calls out Manish. Manish worries.

Abhira says I want Dadi to dance in sangeet. It starts raining. Vidya says we will go to dhaba and have sangeet there. Madhav asks the dhaba owner to let them conduct the sangeet. The man refuses.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • Pentru ce a pălmuit-o Ruhi pe Abhira? În acest context care este logica aici? Nu înţeleg! Şi nici nu este ceva de înţeles!
    Cert este că adevărul despre accidentul lui Aarohi trebuie aflat. Nu se poate altfel. Akshara trebuie să primească dreptate, chiar dacă nu mai este în viaţă. Nu este drept ceea ce se întâmplă, nu mai este afectată doar inocenta Akshara, care s-a sacrificat pentru Ruhi, ci este afectată acum şi Abhira, adică nedreptatea continuă, ceea ce nu este drept.
    Vreau adevărul întreg!

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  • ruhi please her character irritates tooooo much, knowing abhira does not have family, why dadi and sanjay is talking rubbish...are they educated people...that too they all themselves great lawyers family...irritating to see dadi and sanjay when will they show them punished for their evil doings...i think abhira should total poddar family and start life afresh...why is she begging their love ..cant understand...makers please show some proceeding with the story...its reallty bugging to see this serial, hightime they end this serial and clap themselves for achieving for having a long run...

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  • Can someone explain why Ruhi calls Anita’s mum a murderer I didn’t see last generation

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    • Actually Ruhi's mom died in an accident because of ruhi herself. But Akshu, abhira's mom took the blame on herself just to protect ruhi.
      And nobody knows this truth except akshu and her brother kairav and his wife.

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    • They could have chosen a better way to kill off Arohi rather than showing Akshara breaking the promise she made to her sister. I still think the sisters should have been killed off and aged actors brought in to play Abhinav and Abhimanyu raising Abhir, Ruhi and Abhira. I saw a gossip article that they will be bringing Manjari back

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  • Exactly , same opinion & what stupidity they showing 🤮

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  • this ruhi is irritating she is behaving like she owns whole poddar and goenka family and she is destroying rohit life I'm glad manish hide abhira truth it is better that truth is hidden

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    • @Nirubank, de ce spui că Manish acunde adevărul Abhirei, când Manish în acest ep tocmai a spus ca Abhira este fiica lui Akshara, nepoata lui? Ştii cumva că acest ep nu este real, ci este un vis, imaginaţia cuiva?

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  • I didn't know that it is a crime to be an orphan in India. Else why would the Poddars taught Abhira because she is n orphan? Very strange people.

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    • I meant 'taunt' and not 'taught'. And 'an' not 'n'

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  • What right has Ruhi to slap Abhira?? Abhira was not even born yet when things happened between her parents and Akshara!!! Abhira did not chose to be born as Akshara's daughter? So if Ruhi's parents did something wrong it's Ruhi's fault to be their daughter??? Nonsense! Absurb!

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  • Before Akshara was judged, Aarohi was characterless first! Ruhi only knows to accused Akshara n Abhira, but she forgot to see herself in the mirror first what she had done to Abhira???

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  • Ruhi didn’t kill her mother . Akshara Sharma killed her sister as when Ruhi got down car and aarohi were far and akshara was only foolish and selfish as always she didn’t put leg on break and killed her sister and says Ruhi killer her mother . Akshara Sharma the worst person. Makers are always worse they will only try to prove akshara Sharma innocent when she isn’t

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      • No need proof it is obvious! Akshara is no more, let the dead be dead the past be past nothing to do with Abhira! So if Ruhi parents were murderer will Ruhi be punished for her parents mistakes??? Nonsense🙄🙄🙄

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    • Even if what you said is true which obviously is NOT! Abhira did not killed Ruhi mother! Understand? Akshara tried to break bit the break was not working as Ruhi did not pulled the break b4 she got down the car! Understand! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

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  • Ms mo murderer supporter
    She should have pressed break but she didn’t
    And the distance was far . She would have put break but didn’t
    It’s akshara fault . Ruhi may be a cause but whole fault akshara Sharma only

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    • f**k off you b*t*h you are the worse female existed. Arohi is a b*t*h deserve to die and Ruhi is a whore. Shut your mouth I think you must be retarded. U r disgusting.

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