Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 10th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Manish reveals the truth

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 10th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Sanjay saying Armaan will say he is Abhira’s family. Dadi says Abhira’s Maayka has to do this rasam. He says Abhira tries till the last second, she got the money for the function. She says she can’t get a family. Armaan asks Abhira about her family. She says I asked many times, but she never answered. He says I can find them out if you want. She says I wanted to meet them, but mumma was against it, I can’t cheat her. Dadi says her mum was her family, her pride will break tomorrow, she can’t get back her mum and Maayka by money, she will know the family’s value. Sanjay says she is adamant. She says she is lonely, so she got attached to us, family is her biggest weakness, it will be our biggest weapon, she will know she has no one, she will not break

relations, she will live as per our conditions. Armaan says you can’t break blood ties, find your family, you deserve their love. Abhira says mumma also deserved their love, they didn’t try to find us, I will manage the rasam. Dadi says she will lose tomorrow. Abhira says I won’t lose, I will do something. Ruhi says maybe Manish got upset, he isn’t answering. Abhira says don’t call him, he might be sleeping. Ruhi asks her to go to outhouse. Abhira says I came to talk about tomorrow’s function. Ruhi says just go, don’t give me Gyaan. Armaan comes and says Abhira didn’t say anything wrong. Ruhi asks why did you invite him in rasam today. Abhira says fine, I won’t invite him, you invite him. Ruhi says Armaan left me in mandap, we got insulted, you want Manish to come in your marriage, seriously? She goes.

Its morning, everyone sees the gifts. Abhira gets envelops. Dadi says we didn’t get any gifts from your family. Armaan says you know it, what’s the need. Sanjay says she should have refused before. Vidya says yes, he is right. Dadi says there won’t be any rasam now. The men get the gifts and keep it there. Sanjay asks Abhira how much money did your mom leave for you. Manoj asks who got these things. Abhira sees Manish and says Parnanu. Manish comes with Suwarna and Surekha. Everyone smiles.

Manish says Abhira’s Maayka has come and now the rasam will happen. Abhira cries and hugs him. Sanjay says you are very smart, people cunningly dupe other’s money, but you have looted Ruhi’s family, you trapped them well, so you got a family. Manish shouts enough and scolds him. Sanjay asks what relation do you have with her. Manish says Abhira is my Akshara’s daughter, she is my granddaughter. Everyone is shocked.

Abhira cries. Ruhi recalls Akshu. She angrily slaps Abhira. She says you are that murderer’s daughter, my mum and dad died because of your mumma, so she left Udaipur, she snatched my parents and everything, you snatched Armaan, my love and everything, I hate you. Manish says stop it, you both are sisters. Abhira says what did this happen, I understood why mumma kept me away from you all, she knew when truth comes out then this drama will happen. He says I m with you. Ruhi asks what about my mom. Abhira removes the ring and says the past never leaves us, I can’t face Ruhi, its better if I leave. She gives the ring to Ruhi and leaves. Ruhi faints. Suwarna calls out Manish. Manish worries.

Abhira says I want Dadi to dance in sangeet. It starts raining. Vidya says we will go to dhaba and have sangeet there. Madhav asks the dhaba owner to let them conduct the sangeet. The man refuses.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • Ruhi was a kid playing in the car. When she got of Akshara should have checked the handbrake but she didn’t. She saw the car roll then jumped in like she was superman. If the brakes weren’t working when she was braking then the vehicles brakes were faulty….. which means as rich as the Goenka’s were they couldn’t pay to maintain their vehicle 🤭 it was an accident not a murder. Can one call a child who doesn’t know the first thing about driving negligent. They ruined Ruhi’s character towards the end just so Rajan Shahi can carry on with his foolish fashion parade with no plot and have 2 sisters fighting and dying for one man. OG Akshara and Naitik were good, Naira and Kartik were okay, Abhimanyu Birla was a walking depression case and Akshara was walking confusion, Abhira is disappointing cause she keeps running back to the Poddars like Armaan is the last man left on the planet, Ruhi is the same she was showing some improvement when she left Armaan for her self respect and suddenly all is forgotten it makes zero sense 😣 all these itv shows have women with zero self respect. What would you choose? Love for a man in a toxic family or your own honor and peace of mind. Wonder where @Siya is

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    • Abhira is better off being single than to be insulted, humiliated, taunted instead, and even get her mother Akshara getting insulted even when she is no more! What are those contracts, conditions, changing names nonsense that was forced on her? Just so to be married? Why not focus on her career and better her future than to waste her time n efforts on marrying a man with so many responsibilities imposed on him? Not once but again n again after finalising one there is another to be accomplish?

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    • @Jade this story seem like a game to me, the writers keep changing the storyline. They always say Abhira and Armaan love story, I don't think Armaan and Abhira will ever get married in this story. I think the writers like dragging this marriage track to keep the Audiance happy and there Trp numbers up, i have seen the same story with Kaveri Roohi and Sanjay hating Abhira in every episodes.the only thing in this story interesting is the outfits and jewelry.the story really doesn't make any sense to me.the story is really about Abhira being hated because she is poor,which to me is misleading the Audiance about family life with love and happiness,instead this story is shown alot of negativity about family and marriage.which is disrepecting and also shown a woman lusting in a shamless way to get a man.this story is embarrassing to watch Kaveri an older lady scheming to win against Abhira to break her spirit.shameless for a lady to do this to another lady, shame on the writers.

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    • Exactly. This is the problem I have with these Indian series. It should be romance or at least the embodiment of a romance series. Yet, the writers do everything in their power to drive the lead characters apart. the same ones who should be in a loving relationship. It is always the evil person wining and succeeding in their cruelty and the good (decent) person gets disrespected etc. And why for the love of God they are always trying to please others and make others look good, while their self respect is being trampled on.

      It angers me to no end. There are so many beautiful series that I stopped watching because of the unnecessary drama. They need to start writing some strong women with back bone and one who honors their self respect and stop writing women who the men (husbands) and his (their) family turn her into maid or throw her out of the house when they feel like it.

      It is sad and disgusting that women are always being treated like that and all they do is try to maintain the relationship . Like COME ON!!!! WHAT RELATIONSHIP!!!! It is a two way street and I am tired of watching women becoming martyrs in these men homes.

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      • I agree this is just a few minutes story to watch with know Values there are many good series to watch, I like Abhira and a few other characters. That why I'm trying to stay in there corner. I just started watching itv totally different from other story I have watch.

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  • The only thing in this story interesting to watch is the outfits and jewelry to me, the story is backwards embarrassing and doesn't make any sense.the writers are shameless to write a story like this with all this hatred and disrespecting someone upbringing and parents also using women's and marriage in a shameless and embarrassing way. I never have liked this story anyway when Kaveri disrespected Armaan bio mom in a shameless way, I lost respect for this story and Kaveri Character.This is not a good story for FAMILY'S to watch with there kids.

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  • These people's are dragging this story which is getting boring to watch,they have ruined some of the characters, kaveri,Sanjay and Roohi are the most embarrassing and disgusting in this story.apparently the makers don't know anything about family life,from watching this story.Kaveri should be more Respectable and she is an older woman and a mom but writers are using her to hate and disrespect someone upbringing and parents,because they are poor.Sanjay is a pathetic criminal lawyer who hate Abhira and using her to get kaveri law firm.Roohi the writers have ruined her character in such a disgusting way to be a woman stooping to any levels to get a man is embarrassing to watch. This story have disrepected women's in a shameless way by using Kaveri and Roohi, Kaveri control her family like house slaves.this is a misleading story and it have no good Values what are the writers point in writing this story.they have disrepected Marriage divorce and at the Altar.

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  • These updates are unbelievable you don't know what is true or false, the writers try to confused you with these updates. Abhira need someone in her corner and not the Goenkas. Roohi never get exposed with her evil schemes.always Abhira getting hated this is a pathetic story.

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  • There is a need for ruhi to know the truth about her mother's death

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  • Indiferent în ce fel se încearcă sucirea evenimentelor, sau răstălmăcirea situaţiei, nici simpatiile şi şi nici antipatiile nu pot schimba modul în care s-a întâmplat accidentul lui Aarohi. Memoria selectivă nu-i deloc onorabilă!
    Akshara este nevinovată, ea doar şi-a asumat vina pentru a nu o împovora pe Ruhi cu sentimentul de vinovăţie pentru moartea mamei sale, Aarohi.

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    • Cum s-a întâmplat totul, tocmai am revăzut acel episod, pentru reîmprospătarea memoriei.
      Ruhi a furat din poşetă cheile de la maşină, a fugit singură la maşină, a intrat în maşină şi a început să se joace la butoane, a tras frâna, s-a stricat cumva frâ, era un copil... Când toţi şi-au dat seama că Ruhi lipseşte au început să o caute. Akshara a găsit-o prima pe Ruhi în maşină, şi a dat-o jos din maşină, după care a răspuns la un telefon, timp în care maşina a plecat singură, având frâna trasă de Ruhi. Akshara când şi-a dat seama a fugit după maşină, a reuşit să urce cumva în maşină, din mers, dar nu a reuşit să o oprească fiindcă frâna nu mai funcţiona, frâna era blocată cumva... Atunci când Akshara şi-a dat seama că frâna nu funcţionează, a început să strige pe geam la Aarohi, să se mişte la o parte, dar Aarohi vorbea la telefon şi fiind şi cu spatele la maşina, a auzit-o şi văzut-o prea târziu, nu a apucat să se mişte din loc, şi aşa maşina a lovit-o pe Aarohi. Maşina nu avea viteză mare, evident, dar Aarohi a căzut cu capul pe o piatră şi a murit la scurt timp. Accidentul propriu-zis s-a petrecut rapid, în câteva momente, poate maxim un minut.

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  • În nici un caz Akshara nu merită să fie numită ucigaşă, cum nu a meritat nici să fie învinovătătă de moartea lui Neil, care a fost ucis de golanii care răpeau acele fete, doar fiindcă Akshara şi Neil erau împreună acolo să le salveze, nu era vina Aksharei nici când Sirat fugind după Akshara s-a împiedicat şi a căzut pe treptele templului şi a murit. Dar atât au putut scriitorii, o gândire defetuoasă. Culmea culmelor este că scriitori i-au facut asta lui Akshara de trei ori, Sirat, Neil şi Aarohi, mereu învinovăţită în cel mai stupid mod posibil şi dureros. Şi problema scriitorilore continuă şi în prezent cu Abhira, care în casa Podar este mereu învinovăţită pentru orice nimic, până şi faptul că este orfană pare o vină. Aberaţii crase! De neînţeles pentru mine acest aspect.

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