Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 16th February 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Aarohi taking care of Ruhi. She asks her to take medicines. Ruhi cries. Aarohi asks why are you doing this. Manjiri says don’t know for how long will Abhi think about this, so many lives will get ruined if a right decision is not taken. Mahima asks what decision. Manjiri says wind will change the direction, pray that the storm goes away. Ruhi says I will take medicines when I get dad. Aarohi says don’t get stubborn. Ruhi says Papa… Aarohi cries and scolds her. Abhi comes and looks on.
Abhi asks Ruhi will you make your poppy your dad. Ruhi says you are fooling me to make me have medicine. Abhi says no, will you make me your Papa. He shows a bracelet. Aarohi is shocked. Ruhi smiles and wears the bracelet. She says yes, my poppy is the best, he has become my papa, I love you. Dadi hears Akshu’s voice message. Akshu says I m coming to Udaipur with Abhir and Abhinav. They all get glad. Muskaan says it’s the best news. She sees Kairav. Muskaan also does poetry with them. They laugh. Manish thinks Akshu gave a good news but she isn’t happy. Dadi says little Abhir will come, we will celebrate it and welcome them well. She dances. Ruhi says I will thank God. She goes. Aarohi asks Abhi to explain. He says we will sit and talk.
Abhi says its my fate to take care of Ruhi, I love her a lot, I would have loved all the three kids equally if they were here, I had promised Neil but I had become her poppy by my choice, this decision is also my choice, not because of anyone or Ruhi’s adamancy. Aarohi cries. Abhi says look, I know, you lost your love, your husband Neil, same way I had lost my…. I had no reason to come back home, I used to come home for Ruhi’s sake, if anything happened to her, then how could I face Neil and myself, she is my responsibility. She says you love her a lot. He says she has done a favor on me, we know that we don’t need any name for our relation, but this word Papa has become imp for Ruhi, she is finding a difference between Papa and Poppy, society told her, this difference will get bigger, if any day, if she refuses to accept me then, I can’t take this risk, I can’t lose Ruhi, I know I get selfish in love, I didn’t ask you and proposed Ruhi, I m asking you now, I will handle Ruhi, if you don’t agree, then its fine, it won’t affect our world. Aarohi says I want a third promise. He asks what. She says my daughter is already too hurt, I can’t see her more hurt, I can’t give you a chance to hurt her, you said its your fate to take care of her, promise me, if you become her Papa, then you will never become Poppy again, promise me, you won’t change your decision. Abhi says I promise, I will not change this decision. Akshu is cooking. The kitchen cloth catches fire. She tries to blow it off. She gets a burn. Abhi says I accept. Aarohi says me too. He says come, we will tell everyone. Akshu asks how did the fire catch up, why is it paining so much. Abhir plays. She says don’t throw the plane in the kitchen, its too dangerous. He says sorry and plays again. She sees Udaipur written on the plane. She asks is it dangerous for my family that we go there. Abhir sings. Akshu says I have much happiness and also this pain.
Ruhi thanks God. Aarohi and Abhi come. Ruhi says I have to say thanks to you both also. Abhir says we will go by plane. Akshu says no. Abhinav says we are going there for the first time, there should be swag. Abhir and Abhinav joke. Akshu asks is it necessary to spend so much. Abhinav says its his wish, its my dream to fulfill your and his dreams, start packing, keep the jams, we will go by plane.
Mahima picks Ruhi’s card and asks what, Abhi and Aarohi are marrying. Anand asks what, is it a joke. Ruhi says no, they both agreed, now Poppy will become my Papa. Shefali and Nishta smile. Manjiri cries happily. She says I was waiting for them to say yes. Ruhi jokes on Mahima. Abhi and Aarohi come. Manjiri hugs them. She says everything will be easy. Mahima says I don’t know how to react. Parth says its shocking. Anand blesses Abhi and Aarohi. Shefali and Nishta congratulate them and hug. Ruhi says congratulate me also. Nishta hugs her and says congrats, now marriage will happen. Ruhi goes to get chocolates for everyone. Aarohi says Manish and Kairav would take time to understand this decision, we will tell this after Dadi’s birthday, I want all the focus to be on Dadi. Abhi says I agree. Ruhi gives chocolates to everyone. Mahima says if any crack comes in this relation then the house can’t be handled. Manjiri says it won’t happen. Akshu and Abhinav check tickets. Abhinav talks to Abhir about the plane. Akshu gets money from the steel boxes. She gets Kairav’s call and shows to Abhinav. He says this had to happen, answer the call. She answers. Kairav says you don’t need to come to Udaipur, you are fine far from us, you tell Manish that you are happy to stay away, do you want our share of happiness also, we don’t need you now, just don’t come. She cries.
Akshu comes to Udaipur. Abhi asks why did you come. She says I have come back. Dadi hugs Akshu. Abhi says Dadi’s birthday is imp. Manjiri says you think our lives will be same after she comes.
Update Credit to: Amena
Huh kairav.. Agar akshu nai hoti to jail ya fir trauma me hota aj bhi.. His attitude is damn annoying now.. Who is he to ask her not to come back
Nd this annoying manjri.. Akshu can go to goenkas so whats manjri’s problem? She never loved akshu nor she loves arohi.. She only cares about her sons- abhimanyu and neil’s daughter roohi
No..i think kairav is being rude bcz he doesn’t want to see akshu in pain once again.. He knows that she is happy living away from birls.. He doesn’t want to hurt her.. but he acts that he is angry just to make akshu think that they are angry and don’t want to see akshu with them again.. So he thinks by being rude to her she won’t come back..
@Pz agreed!
Exactly! @Surabhi Did Manjiri expects Akshara to cut off ties with her own family? As much as you wanna see happiness in ur family so does Akshara! Moreover she just come back for Dadi’s birthday does Manjiri even wanna deprive of Dadi’s happiness n wishes to see her great grand daughter n her family?? You cannot have ur happiness if ur depriving another their happiness!!
Now I’m 100 percent manjiri doesn’t deserve abhir he is fine with abhinav and kaira how dare u akshara risked everything for ur future during Anisha death and u r not even thankful for that u r so ungrateful and who r u to tell not to come to akshara if u have problem get the hell out of goenka house
Before overreacting, how about thinking from his point of view? Kairav feels like a failure of a brother for everything arohi and akshu have had to face. I bet he’s doing this cause he doesn’t want akshu to fall back into the same bullshit circle with the birlas and abhi again. Because the fact is, that family is so toxic and manipulative. This show has just turned into every other typical show on television
Today it is Abhimanyu who made this decision. He chose and then fed Ruhi with illusions without them consulting Arohi first. I remember he once scolded Akshara for making choices without consulting him. Arohi accepted Abhimanyu’s choice, she was clear about her apprehensions for her daughter. Abhimanyu also accepted Arohi’s condition. Abhimanyu and Akshara are unreasonable, he agrees to enter a marriage without having affection for the partner but he does it for the child, it’s a bit selfish. Abhimanyu talked about society, how he perceives his relationship with Ruhi. But he doesn’t think that growing up, she might also be bullied because her mother married her uncle. While his uncle’s ex-wife and his mother’s sister. Abhimanyu and Arohi are not going to tell Ruhi that Abhimanyu was married to his mother’s sister, which means he is going to lie to her? Marriage is a compromise that two adults accept for their future, not for a child. otherwise one of them will end up unhappy feeling trapped in a dead-end marriage. Or in love with the other without daring to hope for more.
I am glad tat there will be no return for Abhira, the promise tat Abhi made to Aarohi is great, so there is no way he can back out of this marriage! It’s complicated like u say @Ariya but Manjiri being the elder has no concern abt this coz she just want Ruhi to be with Birla for life, she doesn’t care what Ruhi will face in future! Like I say what if Aarohi decides to marry someone else n not Abhi, will Manjiri agrees? Whatever it is at least Abhinav, Akshara n Abhir will stay as one happy family!
I hope u r right because i dont like kairav attitude to akshara its sickening
Even if I don’t like this marriage given all the complicated and family relationships it involves. If Abhimanyu still has feelings for Akshara, he shouldn’t have proposed marriage to Arohi, even if he does for Ruhi. Arohi and young she is not going to stay all her life in a loveless marriage for Ruhi’s whims. Abhimanyu and Arohi’s eldest if he considers Arohi as a friend then he should have thought about her future. Because Arohi and Akshara make decisions even if they are not too thoughtful, she just thinks like mothers. She only sees the happiness that Abhimanyu and Abhinav give to their child. if this marriage fails, it is Arohi and her daughter who will suffer all the consequences. and if he succeeds, it will impact Arohi’s family relations. Abhimanyu and too selfish. Arohi with this piece of marriage and Akshara’s return her days without malice are sadly numbered. it’s highly likely that if Abhimanyu disappoints her or Akshara interferes on purpose or not, she’ll start being mean again.
@Ariya true and if in near future arohi or abhimanyu(less likely) falls for someone else then it would be wrong and unnecessary to tolerate this loveless marriage for the sake of ruhi. They’re inadvertently closing all the doors of upcoming happiness for them. That would be a different case if they fall for each other which is impossible
@Ariya true
I want Akshara to give it back to arohi and manjari if they do drama. Why should she not go back to her father’s home. These selfish evils manjari and arohi have no right to question her.
This time Akshara should not tolerate any shit frome these people
@R Shankar arohi, what did she do now?
you’re putting her name together with manjiri as if they’re the same person. Next if arohi is pregnant would you say manjiri is also pregnant
You know that meme “why the f**k you lying” so apt for Abhi, he’s going to break Ruhi’s heart. Then again Parth might kill Abhi-Arohi-Akshara-OtherAbhi before Abhi gets the chance to break all his promises. Then Kairav will raise the kids with Muskaan, I think Kairav will love Ruhi a lot and put pressure on Abhir as he will project his negative feelings for Akshara on Abhir… next gen will be some girl coming in and settling the dispute between Kairav and Abhir… seems like they really are setting for the next gen with Muskaan’s intro
Why are you telling that parth will kill arohi akshu n abhir?? Has he tried to kill them before also?? Actually i don’t know the deep history of this show.. bcz i watch it only when it seems interesting for me.. the recent accident although it is unforgivable he had no intention to kill her i think
so has he done anything before that also

in all most all the indian series they show the boty parent die in an accident or whatever when their children are still too small.. i think for kairav arohi n akshu also same thing happened..
but still their mimmi is alive
but that is ok actually if she has a long life
And i have another problem.. why these writers always show both parents die very early and make their kids like orphans when they wanna show on nxt generation…
Question the writer!
@Pz it’s because all the creative people lost braincells during covid hence all these serials are insufferable. They mess up the story so badly they need a gen leap cause they can’t fix it like in Imlie… they should show more unique shows that don’t focus on saasbahu drama
@Jade that would be best. Even if they don’t kill the 3 As, the next gen should be made without them with kairav and muskaan. The trio should go to some tirtha yatra or plane crash like kartik
What is going to happen when abhir finds out that abhimanyu is his papa. Let akshara stop the marriage between abhi and arohi for abhir sake. If he comes to know later it will break his heart. Abhinav is understanding he will not stop abhir from going to his papa
I feel akshara, even for the sake of abhir has no right to stop abhi n arohis marriage…
bcz he is the best

Although this marriage will complicate the realtions n issues further both have decided it without thinking future circumstances.. initially i also felt this marriage is ok bcz now they both are compatible n good for the children..but thinking of their past and when ruhi n abhir undestand about relations n when they know the whole truth then it is the worst decision.. Even abhir n ruhi might start hating each other.. Or else kids should never learn the truth of their parents lives..
@linda.. you are correct about abhinav.. he is a kind n well understandable person.. when the truth comes out he will definitely let abhir go to his real papa.. may be him going to udaipur will be his decision to unite abhi abhir n akshu..
I still can’t think what will the makers do with abhinv character.. will they make him negative suddenly or will he die after reuniting the 3 or will he leave abhir n akshu with abhi forever n live the lonely life.. i dont like any of them and i dont like abhinav ending up with arohi either.. bcz he truly loved akshu n lived as a happy cute family akshu is the one who matches with abhinav
Sorry um talking a lot about abhinav
@pz that’s normal, Abhinav and so sweet, understanding, endearing and loving. He encourages Akshara, he lets her know when he disagrees with her respectfully without getting angry or yelling. He supports her, he is hardworking, with such an infectious joie de vivre. Very few Ml are like him. Maybe he’s a little too naive. I will also be disappointed if he goes negative for the main couple to get back together. I’m afraid he will sacrifice his love for Akshara if he notices that she is too sad or upset about Abhimanyu’s marriage. maybe it is even him, who finally reveals Abhimanyu’s paternity, just for Akshu’s happiness as Abhinav is too nice.
@Ariya I just hope Akshara will gradually fall for Abhinav coz he is such a caring n understanding partner to Akshara n a good father to Abhir, he is also not selfish to ask Akshara to reveal to Abhir n Abhi their real relationship! For now Abhinav is out of this world!
agree with you
Abhimanyu proved to be brainless again. He didn’t carry any of his responsibilities well, already he has spoiled Akshara’s life, now going to spoil Arohi’s life too…kairav was right, anyone who comes into life of Abhimanyu barbad hojayega… Pata nahi uska dimag me kya chalta he… Akshara will never be happy with those toxic Birlas…hope they don’t show abhira reunion…bcz Abhinav is best for Akshara, she is very happy with him.. only problem is financial crises, which she can handle somehow… atleast she won’t be heartbroken again
Plz makers have pity on us why r u Maki g so complicated relation.why r u mocking all relation n asking urselves ye rishta kya kehlata hai. God knows frm where they r coping the script .how can abhi be soo dumb that he cannot realise his soo called soul connection n his son his he believed ak can move on so easily. Why did he not question her. He was trying to solve his problem with ak.then suddenly makers realised to whitewash n give more screen time to jadu n more sympathy to her daughter.n Kand Mata has no right to be called mother w ho herself is so wrong. N Kariv shd die as of was ak with him in anisha death she onlytrusted him fought fr him against her this man showing attitude as he did nit trust her even once asked how the accident happened accused her equally n expected to call him when she was in trouble n beg fr help .he is a dhaba on name of brother.n our bechari ak is soo Mahan she loves all her relatives who threw her out of their lives nshe will only hurt abhi fr all their sins .great makers wow what a original story
Of course we will feed a child lies because the only reason for this marriage happening is Ruhi. Why Abhi is complicating this relationship for no reason, he should explain Ruhi that she is his brother daughter and she will always be Neil’s daughter. Akshu shouldn’t stop that wedding because Abhi is complicating the relationship by building castles in the air for that poor girl. Abhir’s truth is one step closer to being revealed as Akshu is coming to Udaipur. Abhi wants to be Ruhi father then he must stay true to being Ruhi’s dad even when Abhir’s truth is out.
All the while Aarohi has a victim mindset, she is very insecure tats why she always hope tat family to show her love n care when instead she was showing attitudes when things dun go her way n think tat family put Akshara in first priority over her, even now she has the same mindset over Ruhi, she feels tat Ruhi will not get first priority even though we can see Manjiri n Abhi love her so much, especially after this party incident she feels Ruhi is deeply hurt. Tats why she make Abhi take tat promise, coz she knows Abhi still has Akshara in his heart!

I understand what your saying but what woman in her right mind would marry a man who is in love his ex wife I mean Akshu isn’t just Abhi ex wife but she is Arohi’s sister and along the mother of Abhi’s child. Gosh I have never seen a life as complicated as Indian TV serials. Arohi will be making a big mistake by taking Abhi as her husband. Trust the process Abhira is end game no matter what Abira is it. Arohi getting married to her brother in law to keep her child happy is wrong. But I’m the one writing the script because if I was Akshu would not have met Abinav and I think Arohi should have met Abinav since she is the one without a lover. They are pretty much two broken souls Arohi lost her husband and Abhinav has been searching for a family which he found in Akshu and Abhir. And Abhira would stay together and Arohi would get her happy ending with her daughter and the toxic on and off couple would be together because in the end Arohi Abhinav and Ruhi will be hurt.
@Muge I really don’t want Akshara to get back together with Abhimanyu. Abhinav and Akshara go really well together. But as you say, there’s a good chance the main couple will get back together given all their subplots about Abhimanyu’s paternity, and the fact that he and Akshara can’t get over each other. Arohi is going to be used she is little Ruhi in this whole process of union between Akshara and Abhimanyu. Poor Abhinav will also suffer from all this. just like in Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, Krish was a good person and father figure to Pihu, but he didn’t end up with Priya as Ram was the main male character. Abhimanyu and clearly capable of breaking promises. When he is obsessed with a few things he no longer pays attention to the feelings of others, he risks neglecting or making Ruhi feel insecure in the future.
@Muge ur right abt Aarohi n Abhi vice versa!
Ewww … i don’t like Aarohi for Abhi… this Manjiri keeps poking her nose in everybody’s business…. no wonder we are not seeing her husband
probably fed up no doubt smh… not that I want Akshu to reconcile with Abhi, because I really like Abhinav… and the way he has already bonded with Abhir
they are super cute together … don’t mind seeing Abhi with a new love interest…much better than that jealous Aarohi whose only good trait is her parenting… smha
Why do ppl want to go back into the past? Why cant you go ahead with the choice and your present?
Only one thing can clear everything up….kill someone. Someone’s funeral is the best place to clear misunderstandings.
I felt sorry for Aarohi today. She is in quite a fix. She didn’t want to marry after whole Neil relationship turned out. She loved him but also took his love for granted and used him when she finally realised her mistakes and tried to be a better partner he died so it’s remorse and guilt that has trapped her in Birla house. That she couldn’t think of getting in another relationship when her past is filled with guilt. Now staying at Birla house taking care of Neil family in his absence is kinda her repentance. But now her daughter is too involved with this family and abhimanyu that she can’t just up and leave. Abhimanyu is her daughter’s father now and she can’t do anything about it now and it’s scared her today the emotional dependency and future consequences. After initial outburst I never heard of Aarohi saying anything bad about akshara she is always silent like Abhimanyu. They Miss her but also she is reminder of loss whether her fault or no. And both abhimanyu and akshara has built this illusion of family for kids it is clear that they are scared of it breaking and following consequences.
@Ashley Abt Aarohi did not say anything bad abt Akshara was bcoz after the incident Akshara left the house, when she is not there wat to say bad abt her?? Right?
Now majority are for Abhinav, Akshara n Abhir to stay as happy family, so writers pls dun unite Abhira n hurts Abhinav!!!
I don’t have any words for Abhimanyu or Akshara.But For Kairav,seriously he is the worst brother one can ask for.He was not a good brother to Akshara nor Aarohi.He always loved Aru more than Akshu.He knew Akshu loved Abhi in the beginning,but did not made any efforts to make her confess.Now the show is protraying Kairav and Muskhan would come together
Kairav adores his two sisters but he never makes the right choices, he mishandled the story with Abhimanyu’s sister. When he learned the truth, he should have told everything instead of keeping quiet because it concerned his life and his future. At that time, Akshara took a lot of risks for him because no one had evidence to exculpate him. Even after losing the evidence, she stood her ground to defend him. Even if he wants to protect Akshu, he has to tell him how he feels. because every time he kept silent, like the fact that he was aware that Akshara was in love with Abhimanyu. If he had confessed the truth to the family, he could have avoided all the mess that happened to the sisters. He has no right to treat her like that even if it’s to protect her.
@Ariya completely agree with you.
like what heck is wrong with abhimanyu ,he would have know that Akshara would come as it’s own great grandmom birthday . and she has ever right to come her own sushani only invited her .manjiri come on . like just don’t go to dadi birthday , if don’t want see her than simple , use some brain cells women. like all will understand manjiri not coming
Agree @savamiraculousladrien how can Manjiri deprives Akshara of coming home to her own family, how can Manjiri deprives of Dadi’s bday wishes to see her great grand daughter n her family? As much as she wants happiness to be in her family, Akshara n Goenkas also want to see happiness in their family!! You cannot wish for ur own happiness at the same time deprive of someone happiness! You are right to say Manjiri has no place in Goenkas if she dun like Akshara to be there she can always dun show up nobody cares!
I just hope when Abhi finds out that Abhir is his son he will understand that Akshara’s decision to marry Abhinav was for the sake of Abhir during that time, just like he is marrying Aarohi for Ruhi’s sake! So hopefully he is fine to be Abhir’s uncle instead of fighting for Abhir’s custody n complicate Ruhi
n Abhir’s relationship, since marriage already happened and the present moment Akshara n Abhir are happy with Abhinav! He also should be happy with Aarohi n Ruhi!
Abinav Akshara and abhir are the best .They don’t show abhira’s reunion. Birla’s oust theirs daughter in law akshu from home in any reason .it is not fare.Out the Birla family from the serial. Manjari is a very selfish woman. she does anything with the help of any drama.
I hate manjiri much hatred that I can’t explain
Exactly what I said would happen… I just read it’s confirmation

Apple didn’t fall far from the tree…. Ruhi is going to hate…sry, dislike Akshu and Abhir at first meeting lololololol… Now…who said I was wrong???
Ruhi is very insecure just like her mum Aarohi!!