Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 17th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Abhira receives a shock

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 17th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Armaan saying I don’t have the reports. Dadi asks him to come. Ruhi says I should have told this to Dadisa, I thought Armaan will not marry Abhira, I made a big mistake by telling him, what shall I do. She sees Vidya. She asks who kept the silbatta here, I will lift it. She thinks Vidya should see the reports and stop this marriage. Manisha says I know you had gone out, Abhira, have water, I will write Armaan’s name on your hand. Armaan cries and recalls Ruhi’s words. Sanjay says they look worried. Dadi says maybe report has come and it has something wrong. Vidya stops Abhira. She says Armaan’s name will never be written in Abhira’s hand. She shows the report to Abhira. Abhira cries. Vidya says you can’t give the happiness to Armaan which he deserves,

you can never conceive. Everyone is shocked.

Abhira gets dizzy. Armaan holds her. He says I didn’t want you all to see this report. Vidya asks did you see it, why didn’t you tell us. He says its Abhira’s report and she has a right to know it first, its our private matter, I thought to tell this to her at the right time, how could you tell this to her. Vidya says I have seen you, you always had a dream to have your child, but poor Abhira can’t fulfill this dream. He says I don’t know all this. Dadi argues. He says I can’t leave Abhira.

Dadi asks him to think well. She says you regard Vidya your mum, she regards you her son, but it wasn’t easy for you both to reach here, you can marry Abhira and adopt a child, that child’s life will be tough like yours. Armaan and Abhira cry. Dadi says if you marry this girl then you can never see, meet and hug your own child, you can never become a dad, are you okay with this. Armaan leaves Abhira’s hand. Dadi says think Armaan, what will you get by marrying this girl. Manish says marriage isn’t just done for having kids, Armaan will get a life partner and you will get a good bahu if he marries Abhira. Sanjay says you are funny, she is a problem, she got on our heads, fate also gave the decision, this girl isn’t deserving to have her family, stop putting this burden on us. Manish raises hand. Sanjay stops him and says calm down, else you may fall sick, you can’t change this truth that Abhira will never have a child.

Abhira falls. Manish holds her and wipes her tears. He says don’t shed tears, no one knows the value of your tears, stones stay in this house, life always tests us, we have to decide where to go, you decide where you want to stay, you can’t stay here, else you will just get insulted, come with me. He takes her. Vidya stops Armaan. Manish, Surekha and Abhira are on the way. Abhira cries and thinks of Armaan. Vidya comes to Armaan and says I will fight you for your happiness’ sake. Abhira sees a lady begging for money. She says the baby is hungry, I have to give her something, jewellery… Manish passes his wallet. Abhira gives the money and cries. Vidya explains to Armaan about blood relations. She says Rohit thinks our love is his right and you feel it’s a favor, if you adopt a child, then do you want the child to get under burden. Rohit says don’t pressurize him, its his life, his marriage, decision will be of him. He holds Armaan and goes.

Abhira says I don’t deserve family’s love and happiness. Armaan calls her and says we will discuss it. He asks Vidya to stop the preparations, Abhira refused to marry.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • The writers knows how to ruined the characters, tonight episode was not good. Armaan is a weak and spineless man who could not stand up for his lady love Abhira, this is a very disrepecting story to watch.the writers have disrepected women's shameless. Kaveri Vidya are a disgrace to be elder women and should have more Respect, to disrepect someone upbringing and parents is wrong, what kind of people write nonsense like this anyway.

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    • In this DNA age when IVF and surrogacy is so rampant this old fashioned line does not stand up.

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  • Just know Indian series have no happy endings

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  • I cant believe I wasted my time on this useless show.dont these makers have any shame for writing such a story.i bet they don't have any happiness in their lives thats why they never write one.its better if they kill Abhira and make ruhi the lead instead because thats what they are making ruhi look like.abhira has never had a single moment of peace since the beginning on this generation.its sickening and disgusting.she always get insulted,humiliated, disrespected,abused in all kinds of ways.i feel sorry for samridhi.shes always crying in this show.imfact i feel sorry for all of them.makers please have pitty on viewers.the viewers have had enough of this bulshit

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    • I lost all my respect for this disgusting shameless and embarrassing story when Kaveri disrespected and belittle Armaan real mother,I have never like this nonsense story anyways the writers are confused and backwards themselves, this is the worst story I have watch in TV.these writers have know shame in there game to write a pathetic story like this. the Audiance are the ones who are keeping there TRP NUMBERS UP BY WATCHING THIS PATHETIC STORY,THESE PEOPLE'S have disrepected Marriage divorce at the ALTAR in a disrepected and disgusting way in this story.THESE WRITERS SHOULD BE A SHAME OF THEMSELVES, I KNOW THESE PEOPLE HAVE FAMILY THEMSELVES SO WHY WRITE A NONSENSE STORY WITH SO MUCH HATE.

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  • Does someone like Sanjay, kavari and vidya exist in this life i mean this family is so heartless, what's going on this show, i couldn't watch the episodes cos it was really hurting my emotions. I think I'm done with this show cos is dealing with my mental health

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    • THE WRITERS HAVE RUINED THESE CHARACTERS IN A SHAMELESS AND EMBARRASSING WAY.KAVERI ROOHI VIDYA AND SANJAY are really pathetic to watch, even characters should have Respectable scripts and also have respect,this is entertainment so the Audiance,FAMILY'S
      and Fans should be able to enjoy a good storyline without NEGATIVITY.

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      • Kaveri is an elder and older lady who should be a shame of herself. the writers have used her in a shameless and embarrassing way to be a mother of the Poddar family,why so much hate ,abuse bully for Abhira and disrepecting her upbring and parents,what kind of peoples does this to someone because they are poor. What are yall point writers, this is disrepecting family's and giving the wrong Ideals about family life. Sanjay is an older man his character is weak and pathetic, he belittle and disrepected Abhira and her parents in a disgusting and shameful way, to be a man what is this telling the AUDIANCE and family's that it is okay to disrespect a woman like this. Roohi the writers have ruined Roohi character in such a disgusting and embarrassing way to be a woman,this lady have disrepected herself Shameless she have played evil and hateful games against Abhira to get Armaan and still having been Successful. Rohit who is married to Roohi is on the blind side, while Roohi is sneaking and lusting after Armaan who is Rohit brother and they are living in the same how is Roohi going to get Armaan and she is married. This sad to watch this story with all this hate for someone. I have always been curious about who is the Female lead of this story Abhira or Roohi. Roohi have been playing this entire serial.and Abhira always get kick out of the Poddar home.

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  • Nu pot să cred că într-o astfel de situaţie Armaan a dat drumul la mâna Abhirei! Serios! Asta este iubirea lui? Chiar nu o merită! Acum oricum ar fi, real sau fals, Armaan trebuie să lupte foarte mult pentru a o primi înapoi pe Abhira. Clar! Sper că scriitorii nu vor trata cu superficialitate subiectul.
    Nu mai am cuvinte! De fapt îmi vine să abandonez serialul!

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  • Manish is right Poddars don't deserves Abhira especially Armaan, the time whdn Abhira needs his support the most he back out! Abhira is better off staying alone than to marry him, no one in that family support her except Manoj, Manisha, Madhav, and the four siblings, how to stay happy in that family? Especially the most important person Armaan is not there for her! They just condemn her just bcoz she can't conceive?? Is a woman lives to give birth or else she is nothing??? Abhira is right to refuse marriage moving on! Ruhi thought she can get Armaan after this? Will the Poddars accept her? How about Rohit? Vidya and Kaveri will not allow that to happen! Vidya will arrange for a new girl for Armaan and Ruhj will be shattered! Isn't it expected? Or what she was thknking she can replace Abhira?? Even if Armaan agree Rohit Vidya or Kaveri? Will they accept this changing husbands?? It better Abhira leaves then for Ruhi to become surrogate mother the nonsense copycat storyline like GHKKPM

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  • All the Poddars (except a few) know is bully, manipulate, lie and cheat their way through everything. Nothing is ever done with honesty in that house. Ruhi has learnt so much from them that she stops at nothing. Yet they have the shameless gut to talk about morals, values and reputation.

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  • I haven’t watched this shit in a while, but I’m curious about what happened with Abhira that led to them doing hormonal tests lol. I mean, Is there any other way to find out about this? I don't think so...This is just BS, I think whatever happened is for good. It's better not to marry this spineless Armaan. Who wants to marry someone like him who just stood there like a statue when his whole MF family was insulting his fiance????

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  • I need abhira to leave armaan. I am sure roohi or Kaveri exchanged the reports but the fact that armaan can't stand by her at a time like this is enough to end the relationship. She deserves better than the constant suffering and bullying from the poddas. She should leave the country and meet a better man. Armaan isn't worth it. The storyline is tiring and annoying like this nonsense can't happen in reality

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  • Vidya într-o astfel de situaţie s-a purtat execrabil cu Abhira, chiar dacă avea părerea ei în legătură cu subiectul, putea să se poarte mai omeneşte, mai discret, nu să înfingă cuţitul în inima Abhirei în acest mod brutal. Dar nici nu mă miră, fiindcă de mult timp mie nu mi-a plăcut deloc personajul Vidya, încă de la începutul serialului, de când se certa cu Mandav, iar Armaan asculta la uşă cum Vidya spunea cât de greu i-a fost ei să aibă mereu în faţa copilul altei femei şi să se poarte cu iubire, ceea ce mie îmi arăta cât de falsă era iubirea ei pentru Armaan, firesc. Mai mult, când Armaan se căsătorea forţat cu Ruhi şi el era foarte trist şi supărat, se mişca de ca şi cum era somnambul, de se vedea supărarea lui din avion, Vidya îi zâmbea lui Armaan cu gura până la urechi, şi paradoxal spunea că ea ca mamă ştie ce simte fiul ei, dar numai nu vedea tristeţea lui. După cum se prezenta situaţia în trecut, dacă scriitorii erau cu mintea la purtător, coerenţi, firesc era să o bănuieşti pe Vidya de intenţii ascunse, în care numai fericirea lui Armaan nu o urmărea. Când vedem că zâmbeşte ca proata la tristeţea lui Armaan, mă întrebam dacă este sănătoasă la cap, sau este vreo psihopată răzbunătoare, foarte bine ascunsă. Dar cum scriitorii nu sunt deloc coerenţi, uită ceea ce au prezentat înainte, mereu se răzgândesc pe drum, şi se sucesc la 90 de grade, de nu se mai înţelege exact nimic din nimic.
    Totul este haotic în acest serial, se încep subiecte care nu sunt duse la finalitate (de exemplu şantajistul care o şantaja pe Dadissa), nimic nu se clarifică niciodată, şi cel mai rău este că nici un rău lui Ruhi nu este desconspirat. Este insuportabil să văd satisfacţia lui Ruhi pentru suferinţa lui Abhira.

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