Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 18th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Akshu keeping Abhi’s bag. She jokes. He says I will stay in the hotel. She asks why, you can stay here. He says I feel like Ghar Jamai before marriage. She pats him and asks him to leave his old thinking. He says I like old thinking. She says I drink kada every morning. He says Gharelu doctor is back. They argue and look at each other, recalling the past moment. He asks her not to get awkward. He says I can stay here, but this can’t be a permanent solution, I will talk to broker, where do you want a home, Kasauli, it will be good for Abhir and new baby. She asks how will you go leaving Manjiri. He says I will keep coming here. She says you can’t leave your city for my sake. He says I m doing this for me. She says we will discuss this later, you unpack first. He shouts Maa, my charger… Akshu looks at him. Parth is on call with Mahima. He insists her to meet him once and talk. Its morning, Shefali asks Manjiri to sleep for an hour. Manjiri says my son will come to me on his own, he is being stubborn. Akshu comes and says just you can break his adamancy. Aarohi says Manjiri’s BP is high, I will talk to her later. Akshu says let me talk to her. Manjiri says my son left me and went to you, I m ready to do any Tapasya for him. Akshu says I know a mum wants her son’s happiness, I want happiness of both my children, my baby and Abhir’s happiness, please put me in my lap, if not as blessing, then as charity, Abhi wants to make a family with us, give us some love for Abhi’s sake, please agree. Manjiri says you are wrong, Akshu.
She says my Abhi’s happiness is with your child, don’t know what greatness did you study, I want to teach my son about the worldly matters, my Abhi will come back home, he will come to me, he will leave your baby and come to his mum, he can’t stay without his mum. She goes. Aarohi asks Akshu did she get mad to beg for her children’s happiness. She says we all are with you, Abhi is with you, don’t beg, be strong. Akshu says I m trying to convince Manjiri for Abhi’s sake. Aarohi says you don’t need to do anything, don’t prove Abhi is weak, he has no right to decide, he has a right, he is capable, we all are with you.
Abhi sees Parth in the hospital and asks shall I ask the guards to make you leave. Parth says someone called me here. Abhi asks who. Mahima comes and says I called him, thanks Abhi. She asks Parth to come with him. Manjiri sees Abhi and her broken pic frame. Suwarna says you have tried a lot, think for your kids now. Muskaan says she is right, my mood is also good, learn to stay happy from me. Suwarna asks what. Muskaan says marriage registry application has come. Suwarna asks Akshu to just fill the form.
Akshu says I don’t have Abhi’s pic. She thinks of Manjiri. Manjiri sits crying. Akshu gets a call. She is shocked. Suwarna asks what happened. Akshu runs. Aarohi treats Manjiri’s wound. Servants takes the glass piece. Akshu, Suwarna and Muskaan come there. They see Manjiri. Suwarna asks did Manjiri cut her wrist for Abhi’s sake. Akshu asks does Abhi know. Shefali says no, we had no courage, but someone has to tell him.
Abhi says I will show the house pics to Akshu once. Akshu comes. He says I can’t stay without mum, so I checked for houses in Udaipur, Manjiri’s anger will end when she sees the baby, I will make a one year contract. She says listen, Maa has attempted suicide. He is shocked. He says no, she can’t do this. She says we will go home. He says no, I will go. He runs. She prays. He comes home and sees Manjiri. He cries and asks Aarohi about Manjiri’s condition. She says everything is fine, I gave her an injection. Suwarna says we should leave now. They all go.
Surekha says Abhi won’t come home tonight, he will stay with Manjiri. Manish asks her to think and talk. She says I m asking, if he will come home or not. Akshu says pray that Maa gets fine. She prays to Kanha ji. Manjiri wakes up and says Abhi… She sees Abhi. He asks are you feeling okay now. She gets up and holds him. He gets Akshu’s call.
Akshu asks did Manjiri get conscious. He says yes, she is stable, I will talk to you later. She ends call. She says Abhi is fine, he asked us not to wait for him, we will have dinner. Surekha asks won’t he come back. Akshu says he shouldn’t come. Surekha says he won’t come now, don’t know he will reach the court for marriage or not. Akshu says if Abhi comes here leaving his mum, then you won’t respect him. Surekha asks is Manjiri keeping a mum’s duty, she can go to any extent for her son. Manish says you mean… She says she did this deliberately so that Abhi goes back to her forever. Akshu says no, she was in stress, she knows that suicide can’t be a solution to any problem. Surekha says she got a solution, she got Abhi with her, you are alone. Abhi feeds the soup to Manjiri. He gives her medicines. Manjiri smiles. Aarohi looks on and goes. Abhi puts Manjiri to sleep. Akshu leaves her dinner.
Manjiri says I want my son back, Akshu. Akshu says please agree for this marriage. She goes. Manjiri says listen to me. She holds Akshu. Akshu falls and faints. Everyone is shocked.
Update Credit to: Amena
Manjiri is a real psycho. She needs medical help and not her son. I don’t understand why Abhimanyu even after being a doctor is ignoring her symptoms of psychosis. I think she will try to kill Akshara and might end up killing her son too before the leap. What do you guys think? Manjiri or Parth????
@dia parth is upto something nd maybe mahima supports him.. Why mothers are so weak nd blind in this show? Mahima might take parth back in Birla Hospital despite he risked so many lifes.. Manjri is damn obsessed with her son.. Akshara can do every stupidity for her brat son..
Its funny akshara is so concerned about manjri who suggested her to abort.. More thn abhi its akshu’s maa jaap
she bought fake father for abhir, hold abhinav’s collar for abhir, shouted at abhi, fought cystody case, got depressed after losing the case.. But not a single effort for nav’s kid in fact was ready to abort waah.. Still you people think she loved nav? Actually you people were right she was only using him.. She is even worse thn manjri.. Atleast manjri shows her selfish side.. Akshara loves playing victim.. Agar abort kara leti to uske liye v abhimanyu or pata nai kis kis ko blame karti or rona dhona karte rehti
@Surabhi, Exactly! what you said about Akshara! but then WHY are you voting for ABHIRA WITH ABHIR every now and then??? Contradictory at it’s best

@Surabhi I agree with you. I’ve hated this character from the very start. She’s the most dumb female lead I’ve ever seen. Akshara is another version of Manjiri because she nearly jeopardized her unborn baby for Abhir. I mean, who does that? Akshara always seems to act selfishly. I just realized that she made Abhinav her husband for Abhir’s sake. Did she even seek his consent? She took him for granted for six years. He’s been gone for just two or three months, and she’s already agreed to marry her ex-husband for her son’s sake. She’s a perfect example of what a woman should never be. She lacks self-respect and decision-making skills for herself and her kids. She always needs a man to babysit her. Arohi was spot on today; she is much more sensible than this foolish woman.
@Dia they are setting up for Manyu to supplant Nav in the Kasauli family, they’ll move to Kasauli and Manyu will struggle to make money as he will leave the hospital due to Parth…
I heard Anita Raj has been confirmed I think she will either play middle aged Akshara or Naira Birla’s saas
Why all this commotion? Just don’t marry, they can just be co parent for both the children. Just tell Abhir if they get married ur dida will die! Simple as that!

Wow this is the worst I’ve seen yet the son and mom is just ridiculous I have never seen anything like this Askshara begging that old lady for her son he act just like a momma baby feeding her like she is a baby that is a sneaky and evil woman karma need to knock her back to a another world
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@vinu it takes time to appear sometimes.. After admin approves it..
Oh..god what has happened to this forum.. not a lengthy coment even a thank you can’t be posted here. What’s wrong here? Or is it my phone

@Surabhi. Thanks dr.
@Surabhi askshara problem is she is a weak Female can not think for her self trust Abhi and that wicked mom of his he is also weak and a cry baby Askshara begging his mom for him after she did all that evil to her this episode is the worst I have seen yet Abhi is not to be trusted Parth might knock him to another world Abhi always look sad like he is in anther world
Why is dumbakshara “begging” for manjiri acceptance of Nav’s child.. the same Nav who had been humiliated by this same Manjiri…
If anything – akshara should keep the baby miles away from psycho !- but again..akshara is shameless n needs to be on escalator with her next abhi
Cme to think of it –
Manjiri is indeed psycho with playing suicide trick…i actually feel sympathetic to manyu coz he has to deal with her without choice.. he is rather trapped in her love/obsession that it suffocates..
No wonder he showed similar obsession to akshara before leap and she pointed out to him that “every love is not selfish like yours” !
And akshara is no different-she cannot for a minute be without an abhi and her stupid justification added to her toxic mimi n family eho are concerned about naach gana than mourning… always dependent and like surabhi said- play a victim card !..
7 yrs back it was still understandable coz she was thrown out.. one threw her out.. she is just giving in to her kid’s demand of “normal” family that she lost her sense and is ready to kill her unborn…
Majiri=akshara in a very psychotic way !.. both want to get rid of the unborn..both are obsessed with their kids to point they canh think straight.. both of them need constant support of someone.. manyu loves manjiri ..manyu loves akshara coz she is like maniiri !
PS – Today’s highlight was Arohi – her dialogue is on point .. and that one expression of eye roll when she saw manyu feeding manjiri ..she knew majiri did this wantedly !.. arohi .way to go !
@Rak.”manyu loves manjiri ..manyu loves akshara coz she is like maniiri !”
Totally agree. Seing their scene i felt the same. Manyu sees his mom in akshara who is ready to care for him all the time. Like je is protecting his mother who got weak he wants to protect akshara who is also a weak girl. That’s why he is obssessed with that love. But when akshara doesn’t act the way he wanted it’s the time their devorce or kicking out come to the stage.
This weird threesome of psycho-abhi-ra is enough to destroy themselves….create unnecessary problems for themselves…play victim cards themselves and act as if they are doing some mahaan thing..
1. Akshara is not doing any mahaan thing now by keeping nav baby..after all its her flesh n blood too..
2. Manyu doesn’t have choice – if he wants akshara he has to accept akshara with nav baby – he cannot ask her to abort coz it’s not his decision to make.. anyway his mom has audacity to ask !.. ofcouse his guilt feeling or grateful feeling for what nav did makes him accept baby
3. Manjiri- she is not a mahaan in any sense …neither was she when she got neil home and did not reveal his identity coz it will mean harsh has to love both his kids.. so.instead…she instigated manyu against harsh n neil anyway was made to feel alone…her obsession for neil was because manyu liked neil.. same way manyu likes she wants just akshara not her baby
This dirty threesome deserve each other…just hoping that jade’s dream of muskan raising nav baby comes true !!
Another time we hear the word “normal” – viewers may become abnormal !!
What is this stupid justification of ” normal family”.. instead of making the kid understand that any loving family= normal family…
What the hell are they showing that a woman needs to go to her toxic ex in order to fit in definition of “normal”..
Meaning – all single mothers / fathers or divorcees raising kids are not normal ???..
is arohi/ ruhi not normal ??.. well..flash news.. ruhi n arohi are much more normal than this stupid cringebhira can ever be !..
Just end this gen3 pls
“any loving family= normal family…”
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Arohi knows how that wicked witch is why is she keeping quiet when the old lady was manipulating Abhir while is Askshara pregnant with Nav child and they want to kill the baby so she can married the evil witch son I want to know what is Parth up too maybe he is going to send Abhi to visit Nav in another world
@Queen, she told Manyu the truth. When Manyu was leaving after Abhir’s hospitalisation he vaguely mentioned Abhir’s state due to psycho. I think Aru is trying to not stress her dumb sister, she know Akshara is weak and impulsive and she doesn’t want to get stuck with either Akshara or Manyu hence her pushing for the marriage so they can be each other’s problem and she can continue living as she likes
The new gossip is that Manyu will lose his job and struggle to make ends meet, he’ll live in Kasauli with Akshara and Abhir, they just supplanted Nav with Manyu at this stage

they put him in the same position Nav was in, struggling financially with the jam maker.
I have no words for psychojiri, if Manyu truly cared about his mother he would have called the mental hospital and checked her in, they would have her in a strait jacket and that would make my psychojiri hating heart very very happy
Jade – now greatest surgeon in world is gonna be on streets..that sounds ridiculous..but where is logic in this serial anyway…
I mean- nav struggling makes sense coz he is shown middle class..
Manyu is doctor n there would be patients n hospitals in kasuali or shimla too right…stupidity !..
Can they just not end this Gen soon

That’s funny. Manyu is city’s famous surgeon. When he can declare 50 lakhs as price money and potentially put the kid in danger…..he suffering financially is a joke.
They should start a show HOW TO RUIN SONS LIFE 101. All mothers in law are the similar idolise the son hate the daughter in law until son does what you don’t like or marry woman who isn’t of your choice then then emotionally manipulate him even if it means trying to kill yourself or blackmail him with some family secrets that will destroy family if it’s out. Then later blame motherly emotions for your misdeeds and say I love you a lot beta, I can’t live without you. After that give emotional speech about being a mother make everyone cry about being a mother and how tough it is especially when child doesn’t do what you want, after that your son gets emotional thinking about sacrifice and and once his emotions are in place all brain cells leave then after that get him to do what you want.
Manjiri is acting like abhi is a nadan bacha who has no knowledge of the world when he is a 40 years old grown up doctor who has been married twice and has a 6 years old son. I agree with all who are saying manjiri and akshu are same. They are so delusional in their own version of perfect family and they can sacrifice anyone and fall as low as one can possibly think of to complete their perfect family image. Sadly, abhir inherited same traits. Akshu is definitely the worst character ever, na ghaar na na ghaat ka. Despo for husband. And abhi is no better, despo for a girl who doesn’t love him. If both were good parents, instead of creating ruckus with this unnecessary marriage, they would have focused on abhir’s upbringing. That kid is behaving worse and worse day by day
Muje manyu pe taras araha hai ab. Aru did a good job today. Manju is psycho and akshu ko hum saath saath hai khelne se fursat na nahi koi self respect hai.
Abhi shefali aru in teeno ko apne apne bache leke birla house se kahin dur chale jana chahiye tabhi ye khushi khushi shanti se rehpaenge. Warna akshu mata aur manju mata milke sabki life barbad kar denge na khud khush rahenge na dusron ko rehne denge. Agar nav ka baby miscarry na ho raha hoga to i hope use in teeno mai se koi ya khud muskaan adopt karle. Akshu don’t deserve that child. Abhir ko samjhane ki bajaye abhir ki zid puri karne ke lie wo abortion ka soch sakti hai to aage pata nai kya kya karegi.
Aur itna hi family family tha to apni family se itne saal dur kyu rahi chali jati wapas kam se kam nav ko koi faithful wife milti aur wo shayad zinda bi hota.
Yehi pregnancy akshu ke lie life threatening hoti ya uske paas resouces nai hote bache ki upbringing ke lie ya wo khud is baby ko lana nai chahti to uska abortion karne jana sai bi lagta.
She never loved nav she used him. She don’t love this baby she is using victim card. Please koi is ladki ko thappad lagao.
Am I the only one who is loving second fl day by day like wow seriously love Arohi the way she handles herself and others. In my eyes she is the only character from this generation completely redeemed and got better than ever. How much responsibility this lady has to handle alone. Her daughter, Birla house and all the craziness household responsibilities which only she seems capable of handling,her doctor duties,mother duties, handling her jethani Jeth drama and family conflict , also Goenka house responsibilities as they are whole on another level in their illogical behaviour it’s not enough that she again has to go through the same shit these abhira couple did first time around using her emotions and then discarded , now their marriage drama mil suicide drama, hospital management drama, akshara’s kid also she has to handle many times plus new coming baby

they all see abhir’s akshara need for complete family but not her and Roohi, abhir getting teased by friends for marriage break but not Roohi seriously she should just leave them to their own actions and within sometime whole birla house will crumble. She has become that invisible engine running that household a lone fighter fighting to save her late husband family. You know there are many abhirohi ff on Wattpad I read other day and really enjoyed. Even I see vms that are beautiful 
@Ashle agreed with you, if Ruhi and Aarohi can live at peace without a complete family why not Akshara
@Ashley. Even um in love with Arohi and ruhi cahracters. Arohi is the only character that had the perfect character development and that too in a logical way. She is the only character that is strong and wise. Rest of the goenkas and birlas brain are filled with mud and clay. I wish instead of akshara, arohi should have met abhinav and they should have fallen in love. Then ruhi could have a best lovely papa like her real papa and arohi could have a nice husband who is just like neil funny, enjoyable and kind hearted. And abhinav could have the family he deserved. If so it would have been a lovely family. But still arohi without a man handling every thing strongly.
Completely agree with you said, makers are obsessed with first love is forever love concept and bring that Cringe couple back. I saw some of the previous clips here and there.. honestly, there is only attraction and not love in this abhira couple.
Does Manjiri really loves her son Abhimanyu?? All her doing is to stop him from marrying Akshara for his happiness as she thinks he will not be happy seeing Akshara with Abhinav’s child right? But then by committing suicide ending her life, will that make Abhimanyu happy? Happy or guilty for life? Which mother will want that for her son? Absurb!
@nonsense, she behaves more like a mistress than a wife
Exactly! @Jade
In all honesty if Manyu was his own man and not his mother’s puppet then he would have seen the value in Aru a lot earlier compared to her low quality sister. Today RS just showed his ML is emotionally handicapped by his mother hence he has attached to Akshara like a leech because she too is illogical like his mother. His mother will manipulate him from now till the day he dies
“In all honesty if Manyu was his own man and not his mother’s puppet then he would have seen the value in Aru a lot earlier compared to her low quality sister.”
10000% agree. No one knows the value of arohi. All these showed that arohi is the perfect one for manyu(just ignoring their relationships) If there is a person who can make manyu a man then that is arohi and not akshara. But manyu never identified the gems he alredy has but jusst goes behind mirage which exactly looks like his mother that he blindly trust and loved.
“…..would have seen the value in Aru a lot earlier compared to her low quality sister.”
Agreed she is stubborn and mischievous in the past.But if appreciated and trusted her, she is much much better than good for nothing gayan mata.I completely blame those toxic Goenkas and added fuel by Manyu for her insecurities.
All my insinuations and thinking have been dashed in this serial. Little did I know that Manjiri is this sick. How can this sick writers make a grandma cut her wrist for the attention of her son. Take her to hospital.
But for Akshu, what I will say is that, Some of the people talking here have not gotten a child of theirs. So, they think life is easy
If you are in Akshara’s shoes, in this same situation. Your child is a heart patient, he is crying and begging you to marry his father whom was your ex. The child became so worried and exhausted UpTo endangering his life, and you have a witch by the side who is saying the marriage will not happen bcs you are pregnant for your late husband, what will you do. You will allow the child you are already seeing, your first child to die? I can beg to save the life of my child.
And we should know that Akshara is begging bcs she knows Abhi will marry her even without Manjiri’s blessings but won’t be happy in the marriage.
@Funmi, a wise woman will explain her child what is wrong what is right. She will never give in to her child’s demands that too illogical demands. Don’t ruhi also deserve the love of father. Isn’t abhir wrong to cry about wanting a so called normal family when ruhi became fatherless even before she was born.
This show is making fun of single parents, foster parents, couple who don’t and can’t have kids, grandparents who are taking care of their dead children’s kids, same s*x couples. Abhir fell sick because of his own stupidity and her haramkhor dadi’s manipulation.
Akshu is wrong instead of trying to make her child understand things she went the easy way to accepting every bullshit her child says.
@Funmi TFPO

Life is easy it’s depend on how you perceive life okay

“, what I will say is that, Some of the people talking here have not gotten a child of theirs. So, they think life is easy”
Akshara can just simply tell Abhir ( he is an intelligent kid ) that they cannot have a “normal” family by asking to take away an unborn child! It’s a life in her stomach not a toy! How can they stay being a normal family guilty of killing a life? A normal family do not kill to be normal ! Plus tell him instead his dida is not NORMAL
Now she is behaving as if killing the baby is only option.
It’s not like Akshara is alone to handle Abhir.Manyu, Birlas and Goenkas are there to make him understand. When they can make him to convince Abhira to date, they can easily convince him to give some time instead of being stubborn and blaming the new born.This same Gyan mata once said to Manjari,she wished to die 10 times instead of another embryo.
This Abhira is only for saying “oye oye” creepily but never parented Abhir responsibly.Even now Abhir is like not even 1% guilty, just like his dada. It’s sad to see such a matured kid downgraded to uplift this cringe couple.
If aru can make ruhi understand that her poppy and matashri can’t marry then why can’t akshu make that ungratefull bastard understand that the unborn kid is the last sovereing of his papa. Is abhir that retard that he can’t understand.
I think abhir is not the problem akshara is the problem she don’t know how to communicate and make people understand things.
“…think abhir is not the problem akshara is the problem…..”
If we see the pattern of Abhi, first separation aniexty, abandonment, got bullied by his brother,dealing with Nav’s death, then depression,not properly processing the death…..I can understand that he is obsessed over some closure as normal family i.e to fill the gap of Nav.But in Ruhi’s case, she was bought up without Neil’s presence.Unless some external factors like getting bullied in the party makes her wanting “normal family”, she is fine with her Matashree and Poppy relation.Like I said, Abhira should step forward and do responsible parenting and make Abhir understand that any family which supports, loves and respects each other is normal family.Instead it’s like using Abhir’s obsession for their reunion.
Agree with you. But i think they don’t need to do this much drama for reunion.
They could have shown abhi and akshu coparenting abhir, becoming good friend and slowly bulding the foundation of a romantic relation building a good rapport and slowing realising that they have feelings for each other and doing courship and then get married like any slow burn romantic novel or kdrama.
I would have loved to see that. What is happening noew is forced, immoral, creepy and annoying. They could have shown that abhira reunited 2 yrs after abhinav died.
Agreed. Over the top toxicity, forceful scenes.Hence TRP went down.All the characters are like Abhira Jaap including Kairav.It was this pregnancy tarck that brought trp again to 2.0 from 1.7, it shows how people lost connection with this cringe couple.
I still wonder how this couple is getting top jodi

Very true. Niether of akshara nor manyu did explain abhir the right and wrong. Instead they are pushing abhir more and more to be further stubborn. What will the kids think then. They can get what they want if they behave strict and stubborn. And what is the solution if this parents for such situations? Kill a baby for another?? It’s like they are having no any answer other than killing.
@Nonsense Ak is busy trying to make psychojiri happy rather than worrying about her son. If she told Abhir that I can marry your Dada cause your dida will kill herself then at least the child will know who to be wary off, if you have a relative who molests children will you not make your kids aware to stay the hell away from that person or allow your kids to be around them cause you want them to be happy
molester mama molested Aru by touch and psychojiri is mentally molesting Abhir while all these chit head characters gather around her like she’s mother india, if I had a BF whose mother was like this I’d leave him, feelings be damned. I’d tell him when he’s mother dies and if I’m still single he can try again but as long as his mother exists I want nothing to do with him, sorry but peace of mind wins over romantic relationships.
Agree with you jade.
“peace of mind wins over romantic relationships”

so true.
All it takes is an illiterate woman to mess everything.
Agreed @Jade @
The biggest winner of yrkkh gen 3 is Arohi.. she’s the only person with a good character development… after Neil n ruhi she grew to be more mature, understanding and wise unlike her older sister who lost all her common sense the moment nav died.. her independence n the power to make her own decisions left with nav… when nav was around they didn’t easily give in to all of abhir’s demands but made efforts to make him understand.. akshara herself said this to abhimanyu when they were fighting for custody n he got abhir those ridiculously expensive shoes…. arohi is a thousand times better she knows to stand for herself n never give in to those who hurt her she even learns from her mistake n she does all of this with a Amin’s that her daughter is learning from her. She knows that the first person ruhi will learn n look up to is her so she does her best to be the best n ideal role model as women n mother for her child n honestly ruhi has also been way more understanding than almost all the adults in the drama especially the way she explained to abhir abt the coming child n that everyone is loved equally… at this point I wish they had kept arohi as the FL cuz her character is realistic many make mistakes but also learn from them n she is an independent single mom who literally represents alot of single moms… akshara is nowhere in comparison to the character development of arohi n I think that it’d be better for ruhi to be the next fl n pls don’t show enmity btw ruhi n the coming baby cuz they have so much in common that they could totally bond n be good friends.. both will n r growing up without a father, their mom almost aborted them (arohi’s case I can understand cuz I’ve seen it happen before when a pregnant women looses her spouse the women sometimes goes through n emotional breakdown) n they r the only girls in the fam.
Agree with you!!
If they can create Nav character with beautiful Kasauli scenes, exploring Manyu and Abhir bonds,Ruhi and Abhir,etc They can give quality tracks with proper growth.Like @jade mentioned,makers are obsessed over emotionally crippled leads.They killed and spoiled many bonds and characters for this low standard iconic couple.And since in this gen HC is famous, so all the focus is around Manyu and his whitewash.I hope this gen end ASAP and start gen 4 with positive characters with flaws,followed by growth.Not just focusing too much on fandom basis.
I don’t want become gar jamai before marriage it’s a big joke

Manjeri she is not act like his mother it’s like something else
Someone said abhi lost his job in Birlas hospital so what he is world’s best heart surgeon hai na if he lost the job here any other hospital he could get job so…..
I like Surekha chachi sarcasm she is very practical after Arohi..
Surekha most of the times tells the truth and practical solutions, but everytime she finish the dialogue….Mimi or Manish keep telling her shut her mouth or talk only positive blah blah blah
Yes i agree sometimes she should not fuel the situation like when muskan was blamed for Akshara’s negligence in the kitchen…..that time Manish, Mimi were listening to surekha taunting Muskan followed by Gyan mata to give long lecture
Cring Abhira soulmate concept ke lia they trying all possible ways but as per as they do it’s looking disgusting more and more …..shit

yes …they r not giving her chance what exactly she wants say about anything and their consequences right ? I think Surekha chachi supposed to be family elder not Mimi or Manish what do y say?
What do u say?
Ofcourse @Vijaya, these Goenkas only know to Gaslight all the real questions, be it surekha’s, muskan’s and Aarohi’s.Other than this Mimi, Manish or anyone who skip the real questions and manipulate them….. should be heard of family.But you know for this illogical couple to reunite, illogical people has to be head