Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 19th January 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Dadi saying you look happy, Ruhi, after eating jam like kids, I want to talk to you, Madhav and Vidya’s anniversary is coming, I want to keep a havan and throw a big party. Ruhi says it’s the best idea, what do I do. Dadi says you will handle the party arrangements, you can take someone’s help, whose help do you want. Ruhi says Armaan. Dadi says done, I give Armaan to you, organize a good party. Armaan comes and says no, not just good, but the best party. He thanks Dadi and hugs her. Dadi blesses him. Ruhi asks about the anniversary years. Dadi says it doesn’t matter, they never celebrated it. Armaan wipes his tears. Ruhi asks are you ready, partner. Armaan says yes, we will set the theme, its like Diwali for us. She says it’s a surprise party, talk slowly. He says sorry, don’t let me go overboard. She says I won’t let you go anywhere. He says thanks. Abhira sits to study. She recalls Dadi’s words. Armaan comes and asks her to eat the food first, then study. She says I don’t have time, the day was so awesome, tomorrow will also become the same. He asks what happened today, office, college or home? It means something happened at home.
He gives her the headache relief balm. He jokes. He sits and says I know you want to tell me everything, say it and then sleep well. Abhira complains to him. He says its wrong, I will talk to Vidya, how will you make breakfast for them every day. She says I will make good breakfast, I used to run resort with mumma. He asks did you have food. She says no, I was busy. He feeds her the food. Yeh tumhari meri baatein…plays…
Manish sends the audio messages to Abhir. He calls him and says Abhir… Abhir says buddy… Manish cries happily. Armaan and Abhira get ready in front of the mirror. He jokes on her height. They argue. She draws a line on the mirror and says this is the solution, this is my side and that’s yours. She applies the sindoor and smiles. Armaan looks at her. He gets Ruhi’s message and smiles seeing the themes.
She asks what do you eat in breakfast, tell me, I will make it. She sees Armaan busy and goes. Abhira says I will make some Rajasthani food. Madhav says my batch broke and my seniors are coming today. Abhira says I will help you, you just sing a song Ek do teen…. He sings. She gets a safety pin and tells its uses. She says you are getting late and I m talking so much. Madhav puts the badge and says but you have the remedies always. She says yes, I was lazy in my childhood, I used to find shortcuts always, laziness invents such shortcut solutions, I have many qualities, I will go now. Madhav says I have to tell something. She says I have done what I could. He says Vidya and my anniversary is coming, I have no idea what to do. She says wow, I have a solution, its good to stay with family, you both couldn’t become husband and wife because of responsibilities, this time, you both go on a date instead being here with family. Ruhi and Armaan discuss the party arrangements. Madhav asks what, date? No, tell me some other idea. Abhira says you have to go with your wife. He says if the family knows it. She says its your anniversary. Ruhi gives her ideas. Armaan says yes. Abhira says you both will go on bike ride, cool wind will blow, you will smile and see mum in the rear view mirror. Madhav says yes. Ruhi tells the cuisine. Armaan says perfect. She asks shall we get mum and dad marry again. Armaan says wow, brilliant idea. Abhira says you both will reach the picnic spot, I will make the arrangements, you both will spend a romantic evening, aw, keep the phones off, don’t tell this to anyone, its our secret. Madhav laughs and leaves.
Armaan says you are getting excited now, its our secret. Suwarna says Manish is calling someone since morning. Manish comes running and says I just spoke to Abhir, he is coming home, go and decorate the house. Surekha asks what will we tell Ruhi. He says we will made the kids suffer because of elders’ fight, Ruhi and Abhir were so close, he will become her support, my children will get happiness, my buddy is coming home. Ruhi says I was thinking…. What happened. Armaan says I m feeling odd by not telling this party secret, don’t know how will she react. They see Abhira. Abhira asks what were you talking about me. Ruhi says no, we can’t say. Abhira scolds them and goes. Armaan asks her to listen. Armaan says we weren’t talking about you. Abhira jokes. They argue. She shuts her eats and shouts. Armaan stops her and holds her close.
He pulls the bag zip closure. She says except resort and Rohit, you have some other connection with Ruhi, right. Armaan recalls Ruhi. Abhira says I don’t care, I m a guest here, I will be leaving. She goes. He says I wish it was simple to say, I can’t say and you can’t understand. Abhira asks what. Dadi says you have to get pest control done today, you be there in my room. Abhira says yes, but listen to me. Dadi goes. Abhira gets sad.
Ruhi says I will handle it, you just call the pest control. Abhira asks why. Ruhi says go now, I will handle it, don’t worry. Abhira thanks her. Ruhi gives her the tiffin. She says I want the empty tiffin when you come back. Abhira comes to office. Charu sees her and hides from her. The man says work on the assignment, the one whose assignment is the best will work with the boss. Abhira thanks him. She gets a pen and checks. She says its Poddar associates pen, how did it come, maybe its of some ex employee. Ruhi talks to the pest control workers. She gets Armaan’s call and gets busy talking. Abhira comes home and gives toffees to Ruhi. She says its thank you, eat it, its popping toffee. She feeds it to Ruhi. They laugh.
Dadi shouts Abhira. She comes downstairs and scolds Abhira. Everyone comes. Dadi says I told you not to send the pest control workers alone in my room, I suffered a big loss because of you, why weren’t you there, where were you. Abhira sees Ruhi.
Dadi says Madhav’s dad got a wall plate for me, its missing. Abhira says sorry. Vidya scolds her. Abhira says I accept the punishment. Vidya says call your office and inform them, you won’t come to office for the next two days.
Update Credit to: Amena
Even more toxic thn generation 3 goshhh both anupama and yrkkh are sooo toxic now in the name of parivaar and zimmedaari bullshit
This manish goenka and his overaction he did’nt care of akshu, abhir all these years and left them to die and did’nt he forget that akshu was pregnant with her 2nd baby of abhinav he did’nt care neither for akshu,abhir and akshu’s 2nd baby abhira. And always he supported that Ruhi who mudered her own mom Arohi and blamed akshu for arohi’s death. And manish goenka is now behaving like he loves akshu,abhir and akshu’s family a lot like seriously. I think the new entry is fake abhir(Raj Anadkat) and real Abhir is dead as shown in 3rd generation where abhir died with abhimanyu becoz souls of abhir and abhi meeting akshu before going to heaven.
This fake abhir who will snatch whole properties and businesses of goenkas and leave these useless,stone-heated and psycho old hags Manish,Swarna and Surekha on roads. And I think Armaan and Abhira will save this old hags(Manish,Swarna and Surekha) by using their law profession from that fake abhir. But I feel that these old goenka hags deserve this becoz the injustice they have done to akshu,abhir and and her 2nd baby for that murderer ruhi who murdered her mom arohi and blamed akshu(And akshu also for saving ruhi wantedly accepting the crime) for that and foolishly that goenka’s supported and put akshu,abhir and her 2nd baby on roads 22 years before so when this fake abhir will get these old hags(Manish,Suwrna and Surekha) on roads then they will understand Akshu,Abhir and 2nd baby Abhira pain for 22 years that is getting on roads without any support is how much tough in the society but I salute Akshu for this as she sustained and fought with the society alone with her children like her mother Naira.
These Old Hags(Manish,Swarna and Surekha) for serving the punishment becoz Karma will hit back the things you all have done to akshu will come to you with interest becoz of this fake Abhir these old hags(Manish,Swarna and Surekha) skipped the punishment 22 years before for the sin they committed towards akshu and now they will serve punishment for that.
I curse that Goenka’s should never live happily and die a miserable death that old Hags(Manish Goenka, Swarna Goenka, Surekha Goenka).
This episode is so funny I just don’t get the female lead Abhira get hated so much by the Poddars Roohi is a selfish and evil person Armaan is weak do he really love Roohi or Abhira
This is disgusting to see Abhira been hated blame in every episodes writers need to solved some of the plots the fans is going to get tired of the same things the old grandma is a hateful old hen she and that’d mom how will Abhira feel when she find out Roohi is Armaan first love Abhira should not trust Roohi
What is Armaans problem.He s forgotten that Ruhi is Rohits wife? He could have easily made Abhira a part of the team.If he wanted to nibba nibbi with Ruhi,why ask to her marry Rohit.What a hypocrite creep.Abhira just move out.Your mom has probably left some money for you,better dump this two timer bastard who is not even true to his brother.
@Rr looking at these episodes everyday make you tired the same things Abhira getting scold and Ruhi spying on Armaan and Abhira can they show US something to be excited about grandma must have had a hard childhood for her to be a female she is really sad now she wants Ruhi to have Armaan this is the worst I have ever seen who is writing these episodes plots never get solved they always bring in new plots and never solve any i only look at this because of Abhira because she is trying to do justice for females and others
@Queen absolutely right.I missed a week or10 days of episodes but the story is still same Ruhi spying,Abhira being blamed…Armaan being a yoyo and stupid.
RS has fantastic actors in this …you are right he can explore why dadisa is in this mindset or why is phupha more imp than her sons..or even Vidyas stories.
Toxic drama, please show some justice to abhira, often she gets blamed, atleast poddar family should realize that she was not at fault, when will they know, they continue to hate her because she has no support other than armaan but they should him a bit aggressive against family wrong doings n support abhira, ruhi another dumb girl always peeping armaans bedroom, no maturity in her character all
….Damn Manish ….he is just …. So delulu with the problems he created himself. Now I really wanna see abhira come to them and pour out his hate for them and make them regret everything.
I have a theory that may e after the accident manjari kidnapped abhira before akshu could find him. We didn’t see her hang a flower around abhir’s picture so she must believe he was alive and was looking for her. Abhira probably was trying to escape but couldn’t until manjiri died of old age but by then akshu passed away and abhira got married.
The Abhimaan pairing is good but they should keep Ruhi out of this. Infact, they should show two parallel love stories one between Armaan and Abhira and second between Ruhi and Rohit. They should not show devar bhabhi angle instead they should show a platonic friendsip between Ruhi and Armaan and Ruhi should be the one who will make realize Arman and Abhira that they have fallen in love with each other and also play a cupid between them, then it will be good to watch. I don’t want to see love triangle story.
And please no seperation tracks bwteen the main leads, they should always stand with each other no matter what may come.
Each every women of this house are jealous of Abhira cuz she is determined to follow her dream, while they have no goals in life, btw it has proven that Manish is a very selfish human so he’s trying to get in tou with Abhir only for Ruhi’s sake, his wife should have told him that Ruhi is not in any pain cuz her interest was never in her husband but in her BIL
Abhira should just leave that toxic Stone Age mentality family & complete her law studies The old hag is going to put all kinds of restrictions so she never makes it for her internship Arman is a married man but still accommodating to Ruhi’s request I hate it when he talks to her about Abhira so immature & his the best lawyer apparently disgusting Abhira should find someone else. & let the two losers unite Ruhi is one desperate girl
Y’all we know RS can’t write a good story cause he likes to punish his FLs to desensitise the masses when it comes to abusing women but I just want to say Akshara didn’t confirm the dead body was Abhir? She just shrug go lolz and leave Abhir and Manyu’s corpses to the state while she moved on
they need Abhir to marry a daughter of the 1600s Poddar’s because this is the YRKKH formula. So dumb. This story went sideways when they killed Nav without rhyme or logic. I saw they might resurrect Manyu’s character as well. This writing team just doesn’t have a clue. Honestly they should kill off the whole 1600s Poddar family and start of Abhira and Ruhi on a clean slate as 2 young widows trying to overcome society’s BS and finding better partners where they don’t have to dress like Christmas trees daily
@Jade i agree with you this is going backwards I have neverseen the female lead get so much blame and hatred I wonder what Abhira will say when she find out about Ruhi is Armaan first love I hope Abhira will never become weak and spineless and will work and finish her education the old grandma and mom really needs help I wonder if they will ever solve any plots
It seems very odd that Abhira don’t have any money. I mean akshara was a lawyer very well aware about financial situations a person can face during crisis. She must have made some savings for her daughter even Abhir had savings and FD’s. Even should have had couple of insurance policies which will easily get her at least 20-25 lac.
Is he Ak – Abhimanyu’s son Abhir or someone else….
I heard they bringing back Abhimanyu too is it true? WTH …..what is the point now they bring back both dead characters ,if they wanted both characters seriously then they shouldn’t show the last scene of both characters say goodbye to Akshara right?
The Poddars are trying to break Abhira spirit will they break her or not do she have the guts too break them down let see who is going too win who you think Abhira or 16 century Poddars family I already know who I think will win the writers need to do better please solved some of the plots I’m tired of looking at this Abhira hatred and blame games