Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 26th September 2024 Written Episode Update: Vidya asks Armaan to leave the house

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 26th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Abhira coming to her room and seeing it decorated. She cries. Manisha comes and consoles her. She says just stand by Armaan’s side, Vidya’s anger will end soon, smile a little, I will send Armaan. Swarna says Abhira is the elder bahu, things will change in that house. Manish says let it happen, I feel things will get better. She says Abhira and Ruhi are upset with each other, how will they stay without fighting. Manish says fights happen and end also, sit calmly and listen to me, tough times come to teach us something and prepare us for tougher times, there is fun when we get jerks in life. He explains her. He calls Abhira and asks how are you. Abhira cries and recalls Vidya’s words. He asks did Vidya say anything to you, but why would she do, she got

ready and came there, did they do the rasams. Abhira says yes. Manish says sorry, I wanted to hear your voice and called you, take care, enjoy with the family. He ends the call. She cries. Dadi comes to Vidya and asks what did you get by doing this drama. Vidya says my son was my heart, someone has taken my heart out, I can’t breathe, how can I keep this pain inside me.

She says I have given my life to this marriage and family, I have raised someone’s son, my sacrifice got waste, Armaan has stabbed my back, so I did right. Dadi says Vidya… Vidya says please leave. Dadi leaves. Manoj and Manisha are sad. She says a bride gets a good welcome, everyone gives her love and blessing, poor Abhira got a curse, Vidya has done wrong. She cries. Manoj asks her to calm down. He says trust Armaan, he will handle Vidya and Abhira. She says I hope you are saying right, but situation and person change after marriage. Abhira sees the time and calls Armaan. She says I have to go and find him. Armaan comes home drunk and breaks the bottle. She is shocked. He asks Vidya to talk to him. She holds him. He calls out Vidya. The lights get on. Dadi and everyone come. Armaan asks Dadi to tell Vidya to talk to him. He goes upstairs to Vidya. He holds her legs and apologizes to her. He cries. Vidya cries and holds him. She says I forgive you. Armaan hugs her. Everyone is relieved. Armaan thanks her. Vidya says I have a condition to forgive you, you have to leave this house with Abhira.

Everyone is shocked. Vidya asks Armaan to leave. Abhira says you called Armaan your son and you are making him away. Vidya says don’t ask me anything, this is my wish, I won’t answer, he has to leave. Abhira says I know you would be hurt too, I beg you, don’t hurt him. Madhav asks how can you talk of breaking the family, Vidya, you will regret a lot. Vidya pushes Abhira and stumbles. Armaan holds Abhira. Dadi holds Vidya. Abhira asks Vidya not to do this. Armaan says I accept your condition, Maa, Abhira and I will leave this house forever. Everyone is shocked.

Armaan says I m a bad son and bad husband. Abhira consoles him. Abhira says I will take this pic with me, Armaan has to live with memories now. Vidya cries.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • Mi-am amintit de ziua în care a fost trimis raportul medical al Abhirei.
    Cine era foarte nerăbdătoare să vadă raportul? Vydia! Ruhi doar a găsit întâmplător raportul, căzut pe jos, după care şi-a jucat cartea. Însă îmi amintesc că înainte cea foarte stresată şi cu gândul doar la raport era Vydia, Vydia era cea care urmărea mereu uşa, care tot întreba dacă a ajuns sau nu raportul medical. Nerăbdarea ei era evidentă. Ei bine, acum mi-a trecut prin minte o întrebare. Nu cumva chiar Vydia este responsabilă de falsul raport? Faptul că acum Vydia ne-a arătat faţa ei hidoasă şi o răutate fără margini, mi-a strecurat această întrebare.

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  • Who is surpose to leave the house in vidya and armaan? cus in indian the first child has more access to the property so who is vidya a stepmother not even moher to give command. Every one in the podder house are "CRAZY" is armaan fatherless. HAAA!!!.

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  • I don't think Armaan and Abhira marriage is going to make it,I think they are going to separate either Armaan going to fill hurt about leaveing his family because his love for Abhira or Abhira is going to want Armaan to be with his family.these writers will not let Abhita have happiness. Roohi have played dirty games to get Armaan but never get exposed. Abhira is the Female lead and have always been abuse and hated by kaveri,Sanjay Roohi and Vidya.

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