Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 27th June 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with the old lady saying Aryan…. Abhira says its not Shivani’s house, I stay here with my dad, Madhav Poddar. Madhav comes and asks did your registration work get done. Abhira asks who is Shivani. He worries. He gets a call and leaves. She asks why is dad hiding about Shivani from me. Armaan comes home. He thinks all the bahus will celebrate Sawan Milni tomorrow, I know you aren’t a part of our family, but I want you to do this rasam. He ties the swing. Abhira changes and comes. Armaan sees her and hides. She looks for her phone. Armaan sees her. Abhira opens a drawer. She sees Shivani and A…. drawing. Armaan thinks what is she seeing. She turns. Armaan leaves. She says I felt Armaan was here. She says thank God, Armaan isn’t here, I can’t face him.
Sanjay says we won’t celebrate Sawan this year. Manisha says Dadi said we will celebrate and the entire city will come. Sanjay says they will question us. She says you have to bear her anger. Manoj asks what will we say if people question us. Dadi comes and says nothing, no one can dare to question us. Sanjay says sorry, but people are making news. She says we will celebrate well, let them talk. She looks for Vidya. Manisha says Vidya isn’t fine, I feel there is something that’s troubling her.
Vidya wears her bridal dupatta and cries. She says you tries less for our relation, you left the house and went to that house. Armaan comes and sees Vidya crying. Madhav and Abhira see the swing. He asks who fixed this swing, did Armaan….? She breaks the swing and goes. Madhav says Armaan you understood it now, she wants little joys, not big gifts, you got late, your real test will start now, you are my son, don’t fail in this test. Armaan says I know you are missing dad a lot, but you have to take care. He gives her medicines. He says sorry, dad is with Abhira, its good, she had no money for housing and food before, dad takes care of her, I think he always wanted a daughter. Vidya says he left the house because of me, I never felt he is mine, he stayed away from me and today he went far. Armaan says you are my mum, perfect, he is upset with me, he left because of me. She says no, he left on our wedding night and came in morning, he said he can never love me as he loved your real mum. Armaan says this is happening because of me. She says no, Madhav and Rohit aren’t with me, but you are with me, you are the best blessing of my life, stop blaming yourself, trust is imp in a relation, if the relation gets hurt again and again, then trust breaks.
Dadi welcomes the guests. The couple asks about Armaan leaving the house. Dadi shows Armaan coming. She says rumors aren’t true. The lady asks did Abhira come in this function. Dadi asks can you see her, come. The ladies dance on Rishton me pyaar hai… Vidya is sad. Armaan imagines Abhira and dances with her. Everyone claps. Madhav says Abhira, its your turn to make the breakfast. Abhira takes the furniture outside. He asks what are you doing.
Dadi says great, beautiful start, Mahadev has made a swing for Parvati in Sawan, so we believe that husband and wife have more love between them if husband makes his wife sit on the swing. Manoj takes Manisha to the swing. Kajal and Sanjay go next. Armaan imagines Abhira. O morey saiyyan…. Plays… Dadi shouts Armaan, what are you doing, everyone is watching you. Armaan gets down the swing. Madhav takes the furniture inside. Abhira says its junk, it belongs to Shivani, we don’t know her, we will get new items. She shows the broken table. She says its not our duty to look after a stranger’s belongings. He says no, she is Armaan’s real mom.
Dadi says you have become a lawyer, you will struggle. Abhira says I will become a big lawyer. She takes Dadi’s blessings. She says its my promise, I will prove you wrong.
Update Credit to: Amena
i just hope they don’t show Armaan’s bio mom presumably Shivani as a bad woman/ gold digger/ bad mother.
and that it was due to Kaveri the dadisa’s arrogance, ego and prejudice
lives of Shivani, Madhav, Vidya & later on their kids, Armaan & Rohit’s life got ruined/ affected.
did not like the way Abhira was questioning Madhav about Shivani in a taunting way,
as if it’s something wrong. especially when she does not know anything.
Madhav gets that from it all the family n world, he doesn’t deserve such condescending questioning from Abhira as well.
Abhira’s return to Poddar’s – no comments. utterly disappointing.
she could’ve just stayed alone at house no. 48 & madhav could have visited her often.
Abhira’s need to have the family and relations has become her downfall.
she went there for sake of Vidya & Madhav’s relation. what nonsense.
vidya doesn’t even acknowledge her, what is the point. Madhav could be very right but his own family has never been interested to understand him, his emotions and like to dominate all of his being.
why does she need to even converse with them! the poddars don’t deserve it.
only when she is rich, they will look at her with a changed perspective.
@Tisha Abhira did ask Madhav about Shivani and he avoided answering her ,she sees a drawing of mother and child she’s suspicious so she triggers Madhav by being rude with the furniture. I am concerned that Madhav uses present tense for Armaans biological mom!!
.I wonder whether she’s alive!!!
The story cannot move unless Abhira and Armaan share screen Ruhi will return to Poddar house also.
Madhav knows Abhira and Armaan are still married but he knows there is no trust in the marriage..and he knows his family will do utmost to break Abhira and Armaan…so now the ultimate test for Armaan.
An intresting episode.Madhav has put his past with Shivani behind him.In earlier episodes he was trying to mend his marriage with Vidya .But from today’s episode Vidya is keeping Shivani as the third person alive in her wedding.So what if he has gone to live in Shivani (and his ) old house? Why so insecure? Madhav has not mentioned Shivanis name to anyone till now.(Not even to Armaan) It’s she and Kaveri ‘s dialogue of gandha khoon that has created lack of trust in Vidhya Madhav marriage.
Yup true that.
Dat fiind caracterul vertical al Abhirei și de asemeni personalitatea ei puternică, mie îmi place ideea întoarcerii ei în casa Poddar împreună cu tatăl Madhav, altfel povestea s-ar bloca.
Mă încântă ideea cu testul lui Armaan, testul chiar este necesar, vreau să văd cum va gestiona Armaan situația acum, familia versus Abhira. De când Armaan a spus un hotărât stop nunții cu Rohi, de când și-a conștientizat iubirea adevărată pentru Abhira, singura faptă concretă este că el a plecat de acasă să obtină iertarea Abhirei, totuși toate celelalte de până acum au fost doar vorbe despre iubirea lui pentru Abhira, ori este nevoie de fapte concrete, ca și dovadă a iubirii lui, dar fără să se separe de familie. Oglinda este necesară pentru claritate! La distanță, separați, Armaan nu ar avea cum să învețe și să înțeleagă adevarata realitate a familiei lui… ce este bun și ce este rău în familia lui, și exact răul care trebuie eliminat, sau de corectat.
Pe de altă parte mie îmi place ideea ca acum să vină Abhira în casă și să scuture din temelie dictatura lui Dadi Kaveri. Uite așa! Doar avem adolescenți în această familie care de asemeni merită să iasă din dictatura lui Dadi, îmi place ideea ca cineva să îi pună piedici lui Kaveri, piedici în modul dictatorial în care Kaveri conduce familia, de chiar și cei maturi tremură de frică în fața ei, ceea ce nu este deloc firesc. Copiii din această familie trebuie cumva ajutați să se ridice din genunchi, și au nevoie de cineva curajos și drept ca Abhira care să le dea curaj.
Vreau ca Abhira să schimbe atmosfera din familia Poddar. Vreau ca Abira să reușească o schimbare reală pentru întreaga familie, și această schimbare să fie aportul ei în aceasta familie, în afară de relația ei cu Armaan.
Apropo, mi-am amintit de acea dimineață din trecut când Abhira a cântat și dansat servind micul dejun familiei, și toți au înlemnit de ca și cum ea comitea o crimă. Ei bine, eu nu am considerat că a fost ceva provocator, nu, nu, nu, era ceva obișnuit pentru Abhira, la fel de obișnuit ca pentru orice om normal din lume, și mi-ar plăcea să ajungă ceva obișnuit și pentru toți ceilalți din această casă, în special pentru copii, să nu se mai oprească dintr-un moment a lor de veselie doar fiindcă se apropie Dadi, spre exemplu. Vreau ca Abhira să obțină libertatea de a trăi pentru toți din această familie scorțoasă si atât de terorizată. Doar să cânți, să dansezi, să râzi este ceva firesc într-o zi obișnuită în familie, care să înveselească atmosfera din casă, nu doar de sărbători simți că trăiești.
Altfel acești copii vor ajunge în viitor să accepte abuzul ca fiind ceva normal și mai departe în viața lor, nici măcar să nu fie capabili să diferențieze firescul de nefiresc. Ca și exemplu, tratamentul pe care îl experimentează Kajal de la soțul ei Sanjay, cât se poate de docil, și nici măcar nu realizează că ceea ce trăiește ea nu este firesc. Kajal nici măcar nu are cunoștință despre ce înseamnă fericirea, nu știe de considerație, nu știe nici că există în lume și altfel, nu doar abuz. Cum este posibil așa ceva?! Voi puncta doar că Kajal a fost educată de mama ei, Kaveri, motiv pentru care acceptă ca fiind firesc modul în care se poartă soțul ei, atât cu ea, cât și cu copiii. Kajal nu își trăiește viața, ci doar se strecoară timorată prin viață. Uite rezultatul educației mamei ei, a rămas în genunchi și la maturitate! Asta este o consecință a educației din familia Poddar Kaveri. Acum copiii ar avea o șansă de a ieși din acest cerc vicios, șansa lor fiind Abhira, ea are capacitatea șI capabilitatea de a aduce o schimbare benefică în casa Poddar.