Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 28th August 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
Abhira is excited to organize the function. Vidya asks Kaveri about giving permission to Abhira to organize the function. Kaveri decides to test Abhira. She tells Vidya that Abhira should be responsible. Kaveri says after marriage she will give more responsibility to Abhira; thus, she wants Abhira to be responsible. Kaveri wants to see Abhira responsible.
Abhira fills out the loan form. The manager asks Abhira to talk about the guarantor. Kaveri decides to take Abhira’s guarantee. Abhira gets elated. Kaveri decides to test Abhira. Ruhi says Abhira will not pass Kaveri’s test easily. Kaveri asks Arman how he handles Abhira. Arman says Abhira is the best.
Ruhi thinks about missing Abhira’s parents name on the card. She thinks about wasting the time to plot against Arman and Abhira. Arman bumps into Ruhi. Ruhi asks Arman if he thinks she is not responsible. She falls sick. Abhira is shocked to see Arman and Ruhi. Arman tells Abhira that he bumped into Ruhi. Abhira confesses that she doubted him for a second.
Abhira and Arman take Ruhi back. Rohit worries about Ruhi. Ruhi is shocked to learn that Abhira and Arman bring her back. She gets shocked. Kaveri prepares for Janamastami. She asks to sing. Arman asks Abhira to sing. Kaveri asks to play the song on mobile if no one is singing.
Abhira leaves everyone spell-bound with her song. Ruhi remembers Akshara. Manish, Swarna, and Surekha are shocked to hear the song. Manish asks Abhira about the song. Abhira tells Manish that she heard the song in the temple. Manish asks Abhira if she is sure about the song. Swarna interrupts Manish. Ruhi thinks Manish helped Abhira learn the song.
Abhira asks Kaveri to give her a chance to prepare for the janamastami. She decides to prove to Kaveri her ability. Kaveri allows Abhira to do the preparation. Abhira gets excited. Ruhi thinks Abhira is making her remember Akshara. She decides to confront Abhira.
Kaveri praises Swarna and Manish for joining them to celebrate Janamastmi. Manish says that Abhira invited them. Kajal asks Kaveri who will make rangoli this time. Kaveri says she will announce soon. Arman asks Abhira to meet him privately. Abhira decides to do the preparation. Manish asks Arman to let Abhira complete the decoration. -Episode Ends
Precap: Ruhi asks Abhira about the song. Abhira ignores Ruhi. Arman and Abhira talk about the baby. Ruhi overhears Abhira and Arman’s discussion on baby.
Abhira tells Manish she heard Alshu’s favourite bhajan in a temple. Ridiculous! Dragging the story line of Abhira discovering the Gonekas and Ruhi are her family to the point of boredom.
How else are they going to showcase their fashion parade other than draggggiiiinnnngggg. The last time this show was good was with Abhinav everything became cheap and down market after Abhinav’s death when Akshara was ready to leap into trouble Manyu’s arms with just a little provocation from the Goenka’s and emotional blackmail from Abhir. Hell she was aborting Abhira when depressedManyu stopped her or this FL would have never been
@Jade, selling the goods of the wedding industry has become so obvious in the generation 4 story line. Pity because the actors playing Abhira, Ruhi, Armaan are very good. Though I preferred Shehzada in Armaan’s role.
But keeping the actors under manners seems to be the rule at YRKKH, and poor Abhimanyu’s character good ruined due to it. Abhinav was a good role, the romance with Akshara was unconvincing for me.
These makers have ruined Roohi character in a shameless way also Kaveri and Sanjay, i agree the outfits,jewelry and dancing is beautiful. But the story is shameless and embarrassing to me, because of the wrong Ideals about family life, marriage and disrepecting women’s in a shameless have Roohi a woman to disrepect herself just to get Armaan love. and to stoop to any levels is a disgrace. A woman character is the life of her even in a story.atleast let her character have some respect.
The story should be exciting to watch instead of negative. Kaveri is elder and writers are using her in a shameless way to hate someone and she is a mom and grandma should have more Respect.
To be honest this story is really not worth watching to me,it not telling me anything. the writers are confused, I’m tired of watching Roohi with all this evils plots against Abhira just to get Armaan this is just Ridiculous and Shameless to watch a woman stooping so low to schemes and manipulate just to get someone, the outfits and jewelry are beautiful.this story have been dragging for Months with the same over and over with Roohi,these people’s need to improved there storyline. Using Roohi to disrespect women’s in a shameless way. The story would be good if the writers didnt have all this Negative in the storyline what is it telling the Audiance.
This love triangle between Armaan Abhira and Roohi have been dragging for Months, this wedding between Armaan, Abhira and Roohi. Armaan left Roohi at the ALTAR was shamless,Armaan and Abhira wedding probably want happen because of Roohi. Abhira and Armaan have separate because of kaveri,Roohi and sanjay many times. Abhira have been kick out of Poddar home many times and always return to get abuse and hated by Kaveri, Sanjay and Roohi. We have watch this plot over and over in this story for months. This story is getting boring and embarrassing to watch. While these writers continue to show so much of Negative in this story is beyond me. This story is not entertaining to me. I think the writers like writing negative story like this story with no Values or good examples.
@Issey, I agree with you. It shatters the heart to watch how they have ruined sweet Ruhi, made her into an obsessive, scheme perpetrator of fatal attraction. She is dangerous.
Yes she is dangerous,and to herself also, she will never have happiness because of Abhira is in the way unless the writers change her character sometime TV gives the wrong Ideals about life in the worst way. I know this is a story but these writers should not show this story in this way.we have young Adult out there that don’t understand about life and these writers are using Roohi character in the wrong way by doing evil plots in order to get a man.this is not a good family story anyway I really don’t have respect for stories like DON’T have any good Values.this is my point I believe in watching stories that have love and happiness and good endind.i watch gen3 and it didn’t have a good ending.i think the writers need to do better with Roohi character. Stories should be exciting and entertaining to watch to me.this story have to much hatred in it for one person and that Abhira this entired SERIAL.
They need the love triangle to have 500 unsuccessful weddings but display all the fashions. They should just put an add at the bottom of the screen with the number for the designer.
Iar nu înţeleg de ce Abhira a spus că a auzit odată cântecul la templu şi de acolo l-a învăţat, de ce nu a spus clar că era cântecul preferat al mamai ei, Akshara? Doar îmi amintesc perfect scena în care Abhira a auzit cântecul mamei ei la templu, de la distanţă, când Abhira a şi spus că aude cântecul mamei sale şi alerga pe acolo să găsească de unde se aude acel cântec, sau rugăciune. A fost atunci când Manish şi familia lui au vrut să facă o slujbă pentru Akshara, atunci când s-a înfuriat Ruhi pe familia ei, şi ce scandal mare a făcut atunci Ruhi, că nu este niciodată pe primul loc pentru nimeni, şi le cerea socoteală că nu au uitat-o pe Akshara, că astfel o trădează pe Ruhi. A fost monstruos scandalul lui Ruhi atunci, în condiţia în care toţi ştiam că de fapt trădată de familia ei a fost Akshara, şi nu a fost deloc drept ceea ce s-a întâmplat cu Akshara. Drept ar fi fost ca niciodată membrii familiei să nu aleagă între un membru sau un alt membru, altfel nu se mai poate considera că iubirea în familie este o iubire adevărată, necondiţionată. Pe vremea aceea eu am rămas stupefiată de tupeul lui Ruhi, cum putea să-şi permită Ruhi să le ceară socoteală pentru sentimentele lor pentru Akshara, ei fiind totuşi cei mai în vârstă, şi nu invers.
Dacă scriitorii sunt amnezici şi uită ce singuri au scris până acum, noi nu uităm!
Acum, când Abhira a cântat cântecul preferat al mamei ei Akshara, foarte frumos, scriitorii au transformat într-o minciună o scenă care altfel era foarte bună şi emoţionantă. Este iritant! De ce aceşti scriitori ţin să strice totul? Până şi ceea ce este frumos îl murdăresc cu minciună! Nu înţeleg de ce aceşti scriitori prezintă situaţa în acest mod haotic, de nimic nu se potriveşte cu ceea e au prezentat anterior.
I don’t understand the language.
@Issey, google translate.
Care este logica scriitorilor? Cum poate Ruhi să mai spere să fie cu Armaan, în condiţia în care Ruhi este totuşi căsătorită cu fratele lui, Rohit, asta în afară de faptul că Armaan nu o iubeşte.
Nu pricep şi pace!
Nouă ne-au arătat gândurile lui Ruhi, planul ei, vedem înşelarea din nou a lui Rohit, înşelare cu premeditare, devem gândurile ei, că s-a întors în această casă pentru a îi despărţi pe Armaan şi Abhira, ne-au arătat că amnezica Ruhi consideră că a renunţat la iubirea ei prea uşor şi vrea să-l aducă înapoi pe Armaan, dar nu ne-au arătat deloc cum se gândeşte să facă asta, nu ni s-a arătat care sunt efectiv gândurile lui Ruhi în legătură cu soţul ei Rohit, care este totuşi dîn aceiaşi familie. Nu s-a spus deloc ce are de gând Ruhi să facă cu soţut ei!
Altfel spus, Ruhi tot plănuieşte să o îndepărteze pe Abhira, dar nu avem nici un gând a lui Ruhi despre Rohit, nimic nimic, în afară de faptul că Rohit se va supăra iar pe Armaan şi va pleca din nou, atat a spus, dar oricum asta nu schimbă cu nimic situaţia, Armaan tot cumnatul ei va rămâne, asta nu are cum să se schimbe niciodată, fiindcă ţine de un trecutul care deja s-a întâmplat. toate drumurile lui Ruhi către Armaan sunt inchise definitiv, nu există nici o cale de mijloc pentru Ruhi aici, ea este cumnata lui Armaan şi punct.
Drept urmare eu una nu înţeleg aceste omisiuni ale scriitorilor.