Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2nd October 2024 Written Episode Update: Manish encourages Abhira

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 2nd October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Vidya giving a hair champi to Ruhi and Rohit. Armaan and Abhira look on. Ruhi gives tea to Rohit. He says I love my life. She sees Armaan and Abhira. They leave. Manish says I feel Abhira isn’t fine, in the last three months, Armaan and Abhira appear sad. Surekha says you are right, they didn’t go on honeymoon also. Suwarna says maybe because of much work. Surekha says Rohit and Sanjay can handle the work. Suwarna says maybe it’s a problem for Vidya that they can’t have a child, who can explain Vidya. Abhira says your hair got dry, you will get good sleep. Abhira insists and does hair champi to Armaan. She plays Maalish tel Maalish song. Armaan is sad. He says please, its enough, I don’t want a champi, I m going to sleep. She also gets sad and goes to

sleep. Its morning, Abhira and Ruhi discuss kitchen work. Ruhi says you can message me, I will make dinner. She advises her to discuss the issues with anyone she is comfortable with. Rohit comes and kisses Ruhi. He sees Abhira. Abhira says I m getting late for office. She goes. He says I m an idiot, I didn’t see her, Armaan and her problems aren’t ending. Ruhi asks doesn’t Armaan talk to her in office. He says no, he doesn’t talk to anyone, he stays in anger. Armaan scolds Atul. Atul says sorry, its not my fault, your laptop is faulty. Sanjay says laptop is working. Abhira comes and sees Armaan shouting and throwing laptop in anger. Armaan says face the truth, you are a failure, your mom will stop calling you son one day. Abhira says so sorry Atul. She asks Armaan to come with her. He says you won’t talk in between. She says fine, have water. He says no, try to become a good lawyer in office, not a good wife. She cries and says sorry Sir. She leaves. Sanjay looks on.

She collides with Manish and hugs him. He asks why are you crying. She says everyone stays upset with me, Armaan and I won’t be happy. He asks what do you mean, tell me everything. He gives her a kachori. He pacifies her. She says I m trying this since three months, I stayed alone with mumma, I don’t know joint family things, I lost. Manish asks how can you lose so soon, you are Akshara’s daughter, you told me your mumma was brave. She says I m not brave like her. He asks what will you do now. He cheers her. She eats the kachori and says you are the best. Sanjay says we lost the client because of Armaan. Dadi says I can’t believe this, he is a capable and responsible lawyer. He says fine, see his capability. He shows the video. He says Armaan has not even spared Abhira, you shouldn’t give more responsibilities to him. She is shocked.

Everyone jumps in and shocks Abhira. She screams. Krish says we will play a game. Abhira says Dadi will beat you. Rohit says we have changed the game. Rohit tells the game rules of putting the ball in the orange juice glass. Abhira says I will just come. Manisha says Abhira is upset, we have to make her laugh a lot. Abhira says Manish has sent kachoris. Ruhi thanks her. She asks shall we share it with everyone. Abhira nods. Ruhi says but then it can get less for us. Abhira says then we will go to Manish’s house and ask for more kachoris. Ruhi asks everyone to have kachoris. They all eat the kachoris and laugh. Ruhi picks the last kachori and offers Abhira. Abhira says I had it, its yours. Ruhi says its ours. They break the kachori and eat it. They play the ping ball. Armaan looks on. Vidya collides with Armaan and goes away. Abhira and everyone see Armaan. Armaan also leaves.

Rohit says you should make arrangements for Vidya’s birthday, it’s a good chance to bring Armaan and Vidya together. Abhira says thanks for giving me this golden chance, see how I add sweetness in their relations tomorrow. Rohit says you are the best. Ruhi smiles.

Abhira says I m preparing for Vidya’s birthday. Armaan says we won’t do anything. Manisha says Vidya is allergic to walnuts. Abhira adds walnuts in the cake batter.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • So because Abhira will not be able to give birth, that’s the reason Vidya is upset etc etc and everyone is simply trying to please her?
    And Abhira was right to say no to marriage after she got to know the truth.
    Armaan has become a man child!
    Itna hi problem tha toh nahi karta Abhira se shaadi!!
    Vidya does not give 2 shits about him.
    She raised him first to become great
    Made him a puppet, always feeling he owes her coz he was accepted and what not.
    Vidya & her immense ego and need to become great.
    It became quite evident during the conversation between Kaveri & Vidya the other day, when vidya spoke that Rohit was the true blood & deserved to be head of firm when Kaveri showed her real picture.
    It also signifies that even in the past, when armaan came into podcast family, it was to pacify vidya that robot’s right would not be snatched & to keep the family together and also kaveri’s her own ego & principles combined, she always maintained the prejudice against Armaan since childhood & vidya didn’t have to be evil because Kaveri did the job for hers
    It strokes vidya in good way that Kaveri has never said armaan that she loves him or accepted him.
    Vidya is more upset that armaan did not listen to her and her reasoning being because now armaan will not have a baby!
    In every tough situation, more than supporting she has always made armaan choose between her/family & the other thing. Even after abhira’s medical reports during wedding, it was all about armaan will have to choose between her & his love. It upset her ego that armaan chose to marry. All the family has always been feeding into her ego in some or other way by pity or sympathy.
    Now Madhav has disappeared & not upset with way vidya has turned his son’s life into hell.
    Armaan should be shown exploring his real mother, his maternal roots, the tragic love story of his parents, support his wife, instead of vying for such a family & step mother who mostly want to use him and make him feel obliged & indebted to them all.

    All in all, even by understanding the synopsis in a twisted way, too many loose ends and I don’t find myself eager to look forward to the story development in this generation, hardly any good has happened.
    This gen is by far the worst.
    There are various angles for the show, even dramatic in a good way could happen but this production has chosen to go the toxic negative emotionally abusive drama way.
    Good to see Ruhi & Abhira bond.
    Ruhi has some happiness in life, good turnaround, good character development, hope at least that stays.

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  • This track is getting boring now, Armaan had fought so hard to get Abhira but now he is treating her so bad 😢it makes me so sad to see that this girl has not been happy.

    As for vidya's anger is not even justified, she was always an ugly person hiding it with her fake niceness.

    Like its either you love your stepson or you don't but if her love for Armaan disappeared so fast it mean she never really loved him as a son.

    I feel equally as sorry for Armaan, he loves her so much but she is so blinded by her hatred for Abhira, then again Abhira not being able to conceive is not her fault.

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    • You surprised? Even Abhimanyu treated Akshara badly in one of his moods. All itv men eventually treat their wives like trash

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  • Cum adică au trecut 3 luni şi Armaan este încă în acelaşi punct? Supărarea lui Vidya! Hello! Păi nu este despre supărarea lui Vidya, ci este despre lipsa iubirii ei de mamă, cum puncteay[ bine Manisha, şi este despre IPOCRIZIA Vidyei. Vidya nu l-a iubit niciodată cu adevărat, ca o mamă, Vidya doar s-a folosit mereu de Armaan, rănindu-l prin el pe Madahv, pentru prima căsătorie cu mama biologică, Sivani. Vidya nu numai că nu l-a iubit pe Armaan, ci doar l-a ÎNDATORAT pentru firimiturile de atenţie acordate, asta fiindcă Vidya a punctat mereu fiecare firimitură de atenţie. Şi uite aşa l-a manipulat pe Armaan să se simtă mereu îndatorat şi să se comporte ca un căţeluş pripăşit din milă. Scriitorii au uitat ce ne-au prezentat la începutul serialului? Noi nu! Cât timp mai continuă cu asta? Armaan în loc să accepte realitatea a;a cum este şi să iasă din iluzia lui, el o chinuie pe Abhira şi îşi compromite relaţia cu Abhira? Serios! Ce este asta? Ajunge!
    Scriitorii ar trebui să tranşeze odată această situaţie. Vreau ca ipocrizia Vidyei să fie expusă! Vreau ca Armaan să accepte că Vidya nu l-a iubit ca o mamă, să accepte că el este orfan de mamă şi să mergă mai departe cu viaţa lui, să trăiască frumos cu Abhira. Mai mult, vreau ca Armaan să înfrunte realitatea şi să se confrunte cu Vidya, odat[ pentru totdeauna ;i s[ puna punct, să i spună efectiv cu voce tare Vidyei totul, că ştie ce a simţit ea mereu pentru el, că a auzit vorbele ei amare cu mult timp în urmă, ascultând plângând la uşa lor, atunci când se certau, ea cu Madhav, că în ciuda vorbelor ei amare el, Armaan, a încercat o viaţă întreagă să-i câştige iubirea, dar este cazul să accepte că nu a reuşit, dovadă blestemul şi dorinţa ei de a îl da afară din casă. Atât!
    Încetaţi să mai lasaţi mereu nerezolvate toate nedreptăţile. Este prea mult.

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  • Please stop this toxic show Anupama. No morals remained. Dont drag it, just End this stupid drama.

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  • Juhu ruhi ist nicht schwanger täuscht Fehlgeburt vor und abhira bekommt die Schuld, ich denke das wird zur Scheidung führen und abhira verlässt das Haus erneut, ich frage mich was soll sowas ernhaft erst Armaan der verzweifelt um avhira kämpft und dann sowas das muss man sich nicht anschauen ,und dann noch ruhi mir war klar das sie nie lieb seid wird nie im Leben sie ist noch viel schlimmer wie ihre mutter

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  • Women are not breeding cattle!!! This is why God’s design is flawed, women were born into a handicap

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