Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 3rd September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Ruhi saying its good news, smile poppy, I m so proud of you. Manish says I m so proud of Abhi, he has become MD for the second time by his hard work. Dadi says I wish he stays happy. Akshu thinks is Kairav worried about Muskaan. She messages him. She asks why are you in tension, is everything okay between Muskaan and you. He replies yes, I have work tension, ups and downs happen, it will get time with time. Muskaan comes and moves his phone to keep the food plate. He takes the phone and says sorry, I m getting an imp call. The doctors congratulate Abhi and give a bouquet. Aarohi says you should say thanks, aren’t you happy. He says I m confused, I feel if I m snatching something from Parth. She says it’s a hospital responsibility, not family asset to give it to anyone, Mahima is Parth’s supporter, she decided this, she will reply to him, he has become sorted, say thanks when anyone congratulates. He says thanks. She says I want to discuss this case. He gets Abhir’s call. He says I m busy, call mumma, what, I m coming. She asks all okay? He runs.
He comes home. He says no, never, I won’t sing. Abhir says my marks will get less, sing for me, I got an award, my marks will get less. Abhi says I can’t sing, it will get us insulted. Abhir says you have to sing, please. Abhi says please, I can’t. Ruhi says enough, stop, I have an idea. Muskaan comes home. She looks for water. She sees Kairav’s phone. She says no, I shouldn’t check his phone. She tries to unlock. She enters birth date. It doesn’t match. Kairav comes from the washroom. She keeps the phone. He says you came home early from office, amazing. She says yes, work got over so I came, I have to go to Suwarna to help her. She goes. He sees his phone. He says I had put my phone on charging….
Akshu says it got late, we shall sleep. Manish shuts the door. Someone knocks the door. Dadi asks did the goons come. Surekha says we should call the police. Manish opens the door and sees Abhi. He asks is everything fine at home. Abhi says there is a big problem, where is Akshu. He recalls Ruhi saying Akshu can’t sing with Abhir, but she can teach Abhi. Abhir thanks her. FB ends. Abhi asks will you teach me singing. Manish asks will you sing. They laugh. Akshu says you are joking. Abhi says no, your son has given my name without asking me and now he is threatening me. Manish and everyone go. Abhi asks will you teach me or not, if he loses, then he will make your life tough. She says fine, I will teach you, come in the morning, congrats for becoming MD, come at sharp 6am, else class cancel. He says thanks and leaves.
Its morning, Akshu asks him to start with Sa. Abhi sings Saregama… She laughs. He says don’t make fun of me, I need time. She says I will sing, you listen. She sings Dil se bandhi… He recalls Akshu’s singing. He gets sad.
At home, Abhi says how can I make such a big mistake, its our past, I have no right to think of those memories. Shefali says don’t get upset, no one has control on memories. He asks how can I think of that, its wrong. She says we can control our actions, thoughts can be good and bad, it doesn’t matter. He says she trusts me. She says that window is closed, when wind comes from an open window, books’ pages get turned, relax, old connection got triggered because of music, don’t think much. He says you are right, I hope this doesn’t happen again.
Kairav asks did you check my phone yesterday. Muskaan says no. He says the phone was removed from charger and I saw wrong password on it, I have to ask the staff if someone from them is trying to hack it. She says yes, I had to talk to Neela, sorry to touch your phone, what’s in the phone, you snatched the phone from my hand. He says you doubt me, take my phone, check it well, you keep it, Akshu was asking me about us through messages, I deleted that so that you don’t feel bad. She asks what did you answer her. He says I told her everything will get fine with time. She says you mean our marriage has problems. He says you aren’t in right frame of mind. He gets Pallavi’s message. Muskaan says your manager is messaging Hi at 11pm, maybe you took Akshu’s name for this matter. He asks what. She goes. Its morning, Abhi comes home. Akshu says you are late, function is today only, did you practice the vocal exercises. He smiles. She says come back on the planet, where are you lost. He says no, I m in tension. She says I got a student like you, I should be in tension. He says I will sing. She says sing, sit, what happened, why are you not singing. She says close your eyes, your fear will go away, Abhir will be with you on stage, you can sing. He closes eyes and sings. She plays the guitar. Aye zindagi…plays…. She claps for him.
Abhi and Abhir dance on stage. Akshu picks a trophy. Abhi saves her from a car and scolds her. She says nothing can change between us.
Update Credit to: Amena
Abhira with abhir

Precap is the proof that abhimanyu can never change
. Do y’all heard that story of Scorpion and frog? Yes, just like that it’s manyu’s nature. He won’t change even if it means he would be drowning too.
she saw a footage and went to fight for this man child leaving her mourning son. She also neglected every other logic that could be questioned of that lead to death. That girl fought even when the victim is her husband.
still holding her responsible for what happened back then. If he have to say all this shit now why the so called realisation?? Now please don’t coat it as ‘concern’ 
Akshara is really stupid
And this guy
@Gayu, Akshara is a milder for of Anupama but both are rashes that you think improved but come right back
Spermdonor initiated a step to test the depth of the sea it seems like
. He never had control over his feelings from the very beginning, when Nav was alive he shamelessly proposed her, and demanded Ak back from her husband 
without any shame. Now luck is on his favour, he will leave no chance. Yeah he is not supposed to think about THAT but still he does that’s y he is labelled as CHEAPMANYU. He got MD position without any efforts, he got successful in removing Nav, he got everyone’s love and care, despite being a bad father he is able claim rights because he brought abhir into the world. He is the most luckiest person.
He was /is shameless person but What about Ak when Nav was alive how she was with abhi
why makers damaging sr Ak name coz of dumbAk ,day by day she becomes characterless coz abhi and his obsession 
@Msdism I am more and more convinced he deliberately ended Nav cause he realised when he was throwing his tantrum and crying on the floor that he wanted to be Nav…. We’re lucky they went to look for Nav or they might have found Manyu wearing Nav’s skin like leather face
Reading the update yesterday I thought Mahima meant MD managing director ( as a administrative post ) but realised today she said Managing Doctor.So the post can’t go to Parth anyway.
.Birla hospital like any private hospital is a ‘business’ only governed by law and medical ethics ,but that doesn’t mean one does not consult all shareholders (family in this case )and vote .
If Abhimanyu can talk to Aarohi( wrong advice)Shefali(right advice) he can’t talk to Parth his brother?
@Rr there is no sense here. So many loose ends, Parth and Manyu should both be in jail, one for beating his wife and the other for torturing viewers with his pathetic self and murdering Nav. They will keep pouring in more bleach, I’m not sure if the people writing are idiots or if they think they are writing for idiots
Shefali is nothing more than a useful idiot and Aru has been turned into furniture
@Rr, I think Parth trained as a doctor but lack interests/confidence to practice. In the earlier programmes he was shown helping Manjiri at home rather than shine in the hospital wards much to Mahima’s disdain
I think Mahima is trying buy off any opposition to Parth from Manjiri in a forthcoming custody battle with Shefali by gifting Abhimanyu the MD role.
Both the characters has flaws. Makers thought audience have no brains to recognise that Akshara was coated with bravery (like @Msdism mentioned) by challenging in football match, fighting goons and stopping human trafficking.And Abhimanyu was coated with sympathy.One track he realises his mistake, next track asks her to apologise,another track again he realises his mistake and again blame her.
Abhimanyu again back to controlling and impulsive behaviour pattern.This is all a confused writing.First you put the characters to hit the lows and then next moment you create sympathy for them.
Okay.. one doubt which manyu fans will conveniently ignore coz of their obsession …
Why did manyu need training to sing ..he happily sang well in summer camp and then shamelessly lusted for someone’s wife( wife- not widow) during akshara singing.. seems like even writers are out of story and are having Short term memory loss and just adding some random manyu becoming MD …learning singing from akshara so that he can again lust for her ..and precap is proof.. his so called realization is just fake…he calling akshara bigger person etcc is just lie… he always blamed akshara for past and he is doing so even now when truth is both have a part in what transpired between them 6 yrs back.
HC – quit the show already.. this role is beneath you and not what you ve signed up for !.. shitty ML role
True. This man doesn’t feel any remorse that his irresponsibility caused Abhinav’s death.But always be ready to blame Akshara that she is responsible for Neil’s death.And yes this woman is another stupid person who leaves her son instead of giving that high quality video to his mother or police.
@ Rai agree with your comment yesterday.Abhimanyu has never fallen out of love for Akshara and to his credit has never hidden the fact from anyone.It can be called obsession if the other person does not return it? But but you are also right Akshara was in denial at every point in her life.Abhinav chapter was like our arranged marriages in india.We are told you met the guy /girl twice/thrice if there is nothing to dislike marry and love will follow.After a few years of shared responsibilities, kids,companionship we assume ourselves to be in love( Behave exactly like Akshara ) By chance 5/ 10 yrs later another person comes along we are attracted to we are suppose to squash all feelings .We are conditioned to spend all our lives with the one we marry
@Rr, perhaps because the NavRa love was set in the mould of an arranged marriage people here so committed to it and understand it.
Abhira they understand through the cautionary and negativity that we get tutored into again love marriages in our Indian culture. So Abhimanyu showing anger makes him automatically into a wife beater, him trying to persuade a naive Akshara into recognising her love for him and he is obsessed with her, a stalker. Actually during their courtship I thought some scenes were like stalking but that is the Indian cinematic style for showing deep attraction. They need to improve on it. It fails the character especially where there is an international audience.
Also, I find it amusing that there is all this outrage at Abhimanyu’s feeling for his ex-wife and when Abhinav was professing his love for Akshara to Mukshaan, NeelaMa but playing at being friends and co-parents in front of Akshara herself, most here felt that was cute and loving. Wasn’t that obsessional. It went on for near enough six years with Abhinav not whispering a word to Akshara. She only found out by accident and that too after finding a confessional note he had not the courage to give her.
Yes, he was shy, reserved etc hence his behaviour. But then Abhimanyu is open, honest and direct, why is that wrong! I am rambling now.
After losing her second love , I don’t see Akshara needed love. She is fine.
She is living with her memories of her and her Abhinav
But Abhimanyu is interfering in her life like a irritating fly.
He was /is always irritating fly in Abhinav life.Ak some time it’s like she is Nav wife ,in next few minutes she is something else……like WTH

What’s going on ,where it leads no idea ?
Writers and makers
Abhira reunion kelia aap ka hard work day by day it’s like
Compromise, people compromise with their dreams and desires.
They are afraid to wish for something better! If love is a scary, fat and insecure person! They think that beautiful people are all bad! They themselves are content with the worst and they like to convince people that this is how it should be!
@IrCy, beautifully put and so true. Provoked me to write my comment. If you are interested I posted it around 3.04pm.
Hats off to abhimanyu haters..what if precap me abhimanyu ke jagah abhinav kairav ya manish hota? They would have pampered akshu right instead of scolding her for always being careless.. Ok ok
Nd hats off to those people who think manyu is not a good doctor coz he was at kasauli for a month.. Ok ok so doctors are our servants who have no right to go anywhere.. They dont have any personal life and are just for seva.. Now some will say that even now he is at goenka house.. Yes he is but when he dont have any surgery.. Otherwise he always go for surgeries.. So plzzz.. Atleast he go to hospital unlike other male leads who are always at home like anuj, angad, etc
Abhimanyu just saved Akshara’s life. She didn’t think what would happen to her son if she died immediately after Abhinav’s death!
It was reckless! And then – I was crossing the road and a motorcycle ran over me! What is my fault?
@Surabhi, exactly! Abhimanyu can never do right in some people’s way of watching this show.
@surabhi….today’s episode is in itself a proof he doesn’t deserve the position…abhir called him for a competition in his school…he could have told he will discuss it later…but he ran immediately home…leaving all his work…I don’t think a part time worker deserves that big responsibility
@Surabhi he never understood her six years back ,did not trust her enough to find the actual truth ,leave alone support her…The core of the problem is he never stood by her and because of his mother threw her out….Seven years later he has not changed,in the precap she stoops to pick up an object and a car is coming he again blames her instead of blaming the driver?In his eyes it’s always her fault .. Her family or Abhinav would not put the whole blame on her.
No one said he’s a bad doc.Where will he get the time between his mess of relationship, surgeries to manage a hospital ?
@Rr, there is no denying Akshara is careless. Her taking on the dowry case is commendable but she needs to be aware of the danger to herself and her loved ones and take appropriate measures to protect herself. At least give the family a heads up there might be trouble ahead so they can be vigilant about their safety and not get caught by as Mukshaan was yesterday. Abhimanyu, should not care so much for her. She though needs to think on why she zones out danger. Failing to do so, she is a danger to all who love her.
@Vandana. Lol.. part time worker 100% true

@Surabhi is trying to save her fav “Yes he is but when he dont have any surgery.. Otherwise he always go for surgeries” She has seen him doing surgeries though we saw him 23/7 behind akshara and rest hrs behind his mother. So let’s believe coz it’s the ML one of biggest devotee saying this. And during that court case track she was blaming abhinav saying he is doing nothing and staying home..her assumptions according to her valid only for the lord of udaipur, lord of birlas..
@Ircy sadly very true for most of us.We are afraid to take the leap
in which way do you think comparing manyu with Anuj and angad will make him look good? You are always like ‘others are more bad’ so does that make manyu less bad??? By doing so you think you’re making him look good but the truth is you’re degrading him more
LOL! why always comparing with other shows
And yes kairav may have scolded her but not abhinav. First and foremost he would’ve made sure that she’s okay. She didn’t get injure. And then have scolded her for being inattentive. BUT MANYU DIDN’T SCOLD HER FOR GOD SAKE. HE RIGHT OUT BLAMED FOR. THAT TOO FOR SOMETHING HE APOLOGIZED HER FEW DAYS AGO. IN THE NAME OF SCOLDING HE’S CHIDKING NAMAK ON HER WOUNDS.
When last time you have seen Abhimanyu doing hospital duty other than during Abhinav’s Accident ?
Manish would have scolded Akshara, Kairav too
But here Abhimanyu scolded + Taunted, reminded the Blame on her.
Do you know the difference?? Or are you Illiterate?
@Funmi you too,
Have some shame. You like Abhimanyu then why you want disastrous life again for him by supporting Reunion of Abhira. Like You are the Actual Hater of Abhimanyu and Akshara who even after knowing, still wishing for they commit the same mistake again and turn their lives hell.
You can’t see anyone’s happiness. Don’t you understand Discipline?
I would be happier to see Abhimanyu with some better life Partner because he Deserves Better like Akshara got a better Partner i.e Abhinav. Period.
If abhira has always been the planned end game it could have done in a best way in these 8 months. No medicine can heal better than TIME. But they literally made trashmanyu a VILLAIN of the story for 8 months. They destroyed a already repaired ABHIRA even more brutally, countless times abhira proved that they are not healthy for eachother. Used Nav’s character to maintain the reputation that 1 2 gen earned, killed him in a clownery way, now trying to fix all the broken pieces in a pathetic way and failing miserably.
Once broken it’s always broken we can see ……
Makers found out that nothing can undo toxicmanyu’s sins, so they will let dumbsara do more sins so that both criminals deserve each other and stay together
Leave @Surabhi and @Funmi. They are like the @Subha from Anupama Forum.
They just want to see what pleases their
They may be right that we bash Abhimanyu too much for small small things but Will Never acknowledge the points we are right at.
Like typical Abhira Stan.
The truth is we are the actual ones who are concerned for Abhimanyu because we don’t want him to do the mistake , instead have someone better and
Also for Akshara, she doesn’t flips on her words.
We are the ones who want best for both leads and Arohi and kids. But these blind bhakts cannot see it.
We often criticise the one we love. We criticise because we care. @Surabhi feels lovely when Abhimanyu Criticises Akshara like this but can’t see us why we r criticising Abhimanyu, why wanting Harshad leave this show, etc.
A survey said that Abhira fans are mostly teens. So we can’t do anything about these Pakhi Shahs. They are immature, lust minded, fickle minded and Badtameez.
Only Therapists can help these Stans.
Today, the pearl of wisdom in @IrCy’s comment reminded me of some old sayings. ‘Misery likes company’ a friend’s mothers used tell her, as she warned her daughter, taking her first steps into adult life, not to surround herself with people who had lost hope, had no faith and are scared to live life.
This along with other gems of wisdom like ‘dare to dream’, and
‘tomorrow is another day’ helped me ‘dust myself down, pull myself up to start all over again’ during the many challenges life throws up when you start to design your own path for it.
There is also the cautionary note of ‘once bitten twice shy’ which at times helped, others not so much, so apply with care, but my guard was always up against the wisdom coming from the ‘never having tried’ because I could hear my friend’s mother saying what they seek are companions for their misery.
It is Sunday and feeling thankful for
wise old Mums and gems of wisdom that have travelled through time.
Well said!
I took my own advice and allowed myself to take a risk once! At the very beginning, when people get to know each other, I doubted my decision many times, but now, a quarter of a century later, I am happy that I took the risk.
@IrCy, beautifully put and so true. Provoked me to write my comment. If you are interested I posted it around 3.04pm.
@rr @no @gayu @vandana yes I saw abhimanyu at hospital that too 2-3 days ago.. Watch the episode when abhir was about to get the award.. Both abhi nd akshu were busy with their work.. Is it ever shown that he is neglecting his work? When abhir rejected him nd he started drinking that time he was neglecting I agree but other thn that it was never shown that he is neglecting.. But you people assume things which are not even shown in the show.. Its abhinav who always neglected his work especially after coming to udaipur.
Nd taunt? Does not akshu keep saying “6 saal pehle Tumne bla bla”? Aj manyu ne keh diya to villain hogya waah he saved akshu’s life but this woman.. Always careless.. Pehle khud ko sambhal le fir betu ko sambhalti rehna
Some idiotic toxic Akshnav fans are behaving like they wanted to believe like abhinav died because of Abhimanyu don’t forget pahadi mein abhinav leke Gaya tha aur niel ki death nahi ek murder thi he got injured by Goons due to irresponsiblity of akshara she tried to show her heropanti without any precautions and she even accept her mistakes and such a arrogant character is akshara I think she deserves a widow life and she is not trustworthy in marriage with abhinav in the case of love and with Abhimanyu in the case of faith and promise
Wow again hypocrisy. If Akshara was irresponsible then ABhimanyu too in Abhinav’s case.
@Balanand B, true! Akshara does not face up to her faults. A deliciously unself aware character.
Feeling happy by seeing kairafans toxicness in comment section andbakth ki jay ho

aise hi jalte rahi
@Surabhi if Abhimanyu is OK with being MD ..fine .But he’s not .He should follow his heart and ask Parth first.He knows Parth is not happy and I think you can guess the rest of the story..Ultimately Akshara will be Shefali s lawyer…in direct conflict with Birlas
@Mark, in your way of viewing Abhimanyu is some form of psycho. That is not how the writers are characterising him.
But you are right Akshara is totally ill suited not due to any superiority, it is their outlooks don’t match. She needs someone hundred percentage of the time signing her praises and be a yes man.
I agree with you Abhira isn’t the end game. What we are seeing now is probably the closure that relationship did not get due to its abrupt end. Akshara and Abhimanyu will settle as friends and co-parents. She will become the loyal and faithful Indian widow and Abhimanyu and Arohi will marry with Akshara’s blessing. Ruhi would get her Dad with Abhir’s blessing.
@Rai Abhimanyu still having feelings for his ex does not bother me. That is his one redeemable quality that he never fooled anyone.Like Shefali said today we have no control over memories..I will add “feelings”.But today’s precap was sad they are still hurting each other over what happened six years ago..both are not over it.He has no control over his anger and let’s out words that hurt her…She hasn’t moved on from the WD inspite/ despite Abhinav ,She just put a lid on it. Look at us here at this forum ,very few are neutral. Half of us think Akshara was not at fault and hate Abhimanyu and half think Abhimanyu is right and blame Akshara.If we can’t find a meeting point ,I don’t blame the writers in making a bigger mess…..
Imagine someone changing his stand everyday. Today he says sorry, tomorrow not sorry, next sorry next again not sorry for the same matter. He is exhausting. And having to remind Akshara of something that caused her pain is just cruel. Why not keep away if he feels whatever he is feeling? Selfish alright. I know Manyu is selfish and self centered but can’t he change for the sake of humanity? I can imagine how their reunion will be. Manyu will keep reminding Akshara about 7yrs ago, over and over. In the process, keep draining her soul. Why in mahadevs name will Akshara return to him again?
If Manyu really loved Akshara, even a little bit, he would bury his love for her where the love will never resurface. Because his love was a curse to her life.
“perhaps because the NavRa love was set in the mould of an arranged marriage people here so committed to it and understand it.
Abhira they understand through the cautionary and negativity that we get tutored into again love marriages in our Indian culture.”
What a MISCONCEPTION! You are not even asking but just saying like it’s a fact. My parents had an arranged marriage and they never loved each other. They just kept fighting and still do. Yes, I was not a product of love. I’ve been thorough hell bc of my parents’ loveless marriage. All the trauma, depression, fears, therapy.. thanks to my parents and you say people here think that arranged marriage is good? That’s why they say ask before you assume. I’m sure no one here thinks that arranged marriages are good and hate love marriages just bc we are told so. Yes we’re conditioned like that but we chose to see the reality. There are failed arranged mrgs and successful love mrgs and vice versa.
You think people here are old fashioned and narrow-minded??? If so we would not be supporting navra.
And no one here said that he’s a wife beater. Physical abuse alone doesn’t make you an abuser. Agree or not she was tortured emotionally. (Even manyu had been thru mental trauma, that makes ak an abuser too). Even mental abuse is called an abuse.
Abhimanyu still having feelings for his ex is not the cause of outrage but him wandering around her all the time stating stupid reasons is.
So him asking a man to leave his wife and send her to him is not obsession? Him asking a woman to come back to him(the same woman he himself left) leaving her husband and six year old kid is not obsession? Thinking about a married woman and another man’s widow while being engaged to another woman is not obsession? But nav chosing to keep his love a secret bc he wants to respect a woman’s boundaries is obsession
@Gayu I don’t know how to explain Rai Abhinav love to Ak is different from abhi love to Ak (obsession ) Nav always respect Ak and he knew his boundaries each and every matter related POV her, but abhi always crossing his boundaries before marry her, married period, after divorce also even when she became widow too where is his boundaries though his path? Look Nav all his companionship process he didn’t cross, even he wants hold her hand he was asking her permission ……the respect she got it from Nav…
Someone saying he coward but , he find out she was married girl even pregnant too what about abhi behavior to her as husband and as ex too seriously guys…
@Gayu, much in your comment to consider. You I am the product of a happy arranged marriage. The majority of marriages in my family are arranged. I am one of the few outriders for a love marriage, though I never committed to the marriage bit. So, yes, our comments are relative to our personal experiences.
Also I am unfamiliar to emotional abuse, even possessive love but thankfully so far dodged the bullet in obsessive love. Like you I watch and comment drawing from my own rich history and to me no what we are being shown in Abhimanyu is not an obsessive psychopathy but a man with the usual insecurities born from a mess up childhood who simply does not have the language to love. Same with Akshara. They are both idealists. They are two rich kids, more neglected than spoilt whereas Abhinav as an orphan who has to fend for himself at an early and had lost the love of a family evolved greater emotional intelligence. Remember in NavRa, other than the Udaipur melt down, he guides Akshara emotionally.
Very long winded but what I have learnt in life, it is not how a couple coke together that defines success, it is how they weather the storms in the relationship together.
Anyway obsession is complex. I attach this to explain my understand. See bit on ‘Symptoms’.I hope we continue our debate. Invitation extended to you too @vijaya.

@Gayu, @Vijaya
‘Also I am not unfamiliar to emotional abuse, even possessive love but thankfully so far dodged the bullet in obsessive love.’