Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 3rd September 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Ruhi saying its good news, smile poppy, I m so proud of you. Manish says I m so proud of Abhi, he has become MD for the second time by his hard work. Dadi says I wish he stays happy. Akshu thinks is Kairav worried about Muskaan. She messages him. She asks why are you in tension, is everything okay between Muskaan and you. He replies yes, I have work tension, ups and downs happen, it will get time with time. Muskaan comes and moves his phone to keep the food plate. He takes the phone and says sorry, I m getting an imp call. The doctors congratulate Abhi and give a bouquet. Aarohi says you should say thanks, aren’t you happy. He says I m confused, I feel if I m snatching something from Parth. She says it’s a hospital responsibility, not family asset to give it to anyone, Mahima is Parth’s supporter, she decided this, she will reply to him, he has become sorted, say thanks when anyone congratulates. He says thanks. She says I want to discuss this case. He gets Abhir’s call. He says I m busy, call mumma, what, I m coming. She asks all okay? He runs.
He comes home. He says no, never, I won’t sing. Abhir says my marks will get less, sing for me, I got an award, my marks will get less. Abhi says I can’t sing, it will get us insulted. Abhir says you have to sing, please. Abhi says please, I can’t. Ruhi says enough, stop, I have an idea. Muskaan comes home. She looks for water. She sees Kairav’s phone. She says no, I shouldn’t check his phone. She tries to unlock. She enters birth date. It doesn’t match. Kairav comes from the washroom. She keeps the phone. He says you came home early from office, amazing. She says yes, work got over so I came, I have to go to Suwarna to help her. She goes. He sees his phone. He says I had put my phone on charging….
Akshu says it got late, we shall sleep. Manish shuts the door. Someone knocks the door. Dadi asks did the goons come. Surekha says we should call the police. Manish opens the door and sees Abhi. He asks is everything fine at home. Abhi says there is a big problem, where is Akshu. He recalls Ruhi saying Akshu can’t sing with Abhir, but she can teach Abhi. Abhir thanks her. FB ends. Abhi asks will you teach me singing. Manish asks will you sing. They laugh. Akshu says you are joking. Abhi says no, your son has given my name without asking me and now he is threatening me. Manish and everyone go. Abhi asks will you teach me or not, if he loses, then he will make your life tough. She says fine, I will teach you, come in the morning, congrats for becoming MD, come at sharp 6am, else class cancel. He says thanks and leaves.
Its morning, Akshu asks him to start with Sa. Abhi sings Saregama… She laughs. He says don’t make fun of me, I need time. She says I will sing, you listen. She sings Dil se bandhi… He recalls Akshu’s singing. He gets sad.
At home, Abhi says how can I make such a big mistake, its our past, I have no right to think of those memories. Shefali says don’t get upset, no one has control on memories. He asks how can I think of that, its wrong. She says we can control our actions, thoughts can be good and bad, it doesn’t matter. He says she trusts me. She says that window is closed, when wind comes from an open window, books’ pages get turned, relax, old connection got triggered because of music, don’t think much. He says you are right, I hope this doesn’t happen again.
Kairav asks did you check my phone yesterday. Muskaan says no. He says the phone was removed from charger and I saw wrong password on it, I have to ask the staff if someone from them is trying to hack it. She says yes, I had to talk to Neela, sorry to touch your phone, what’s in the phone, you snatched the phone from my hand. He says you doubt me, take my phone, check it well, you keep it, Akshu was asking me about us through messages, I deleted that so that you don’t feel bad. She asks what did you answer her. He says I told her everything will get fine with time. She says you mean our marriage has problems. He says you aren’t in right frame of mind. He gets Pallavi’s message. Muskaan says your manager is messaging Hi at 11pm, maybe you took Akshu’s name for this matter. He asks what. She goes. Its morning, Abhi comes home. Akshu says you are late, function is today only, did you practice the vocal exercises. He smiles. She says come back on the planet, where are you lost. He says no, I m in tension. She says I got a student like you, I should be in tension. He says I will sing. She says sing, sit, what happened, why are you not singing. She says close your eyes, your fear will go away, Abhir will be with you on stage, you can sing. He closes eyes and sings. She plays the guitar. Aye zindagi…plays…. She claps for him.
Abhi and Abhir dance on stage. Akshu picks a trophy. Abhi saves her from a car and scolds her. She says nothing can change between us.
Update Credit to: Amena
I saw promo that means they moving apart
or it’s seem like something fishy
@Vijaya gossip sites are already announcing Naira Birla as the next lead which is so flippin unappealing- give the kid a unique name is each gen going to either be a Naira or an Akshara each one more screwed up in the head than the next. Just close shop DKP and do something new.
@Mark After the precap, they should stay away from each other far far away…Their bitterness will poison Abhirs life..Abhimanyu can keep his memories both sweet and bitter and Akshara can continue to believe that her life began when she met Abhinav.. I think Abhir is going to have a third name change ..Just Abhir or Abhir Akshara.
@Rr the Abhira stans we’re begging and crying and harassing for Naira Birla now they will get Naira Birla
and we get to make sassy comments 
Who said “But nav chosing to keep his love a secret bc he wants to respect a woman’s boundaries is obsession”
Also, what is Manyu saying in the precap?
@Mark there are 3 of them who said something similar all three are Manyu stans with a partiality to Abhira. All 3 write essays
@Mark, I said some thing along the lines why Abhinav’s secret yearning for Akshara are considered cute and not obsessional. You can read my essay posted at 3.45pm. Waiting eagerly for your rebuttal!

Once I saw promo , Abhira with abhir even without Nav also it won’t happen ….it’s looks like guys what Do u say?
Exactly. If Akshara was smart, she would leave Udaipur after the precap and if Abhir wants to meet his dad, he will go to him. But we are expecting so much from Akshara because she is set to reunite with Manyu.
And @Rai is so right. “Misery likes company”. Manyu being miserable because of old memories, made him say what he did in the precap so that she too, becomes miserable. Same goes to all the times Akshara abused his mental psych. He abused her back.
@Mark, after Nav passed I have 0 hope for anything progressive from this DKP you can see how mental Anupama is, there is no chance to expect sanity from this, too much forgiveness and no justice unless Nav was killed for the sins of ManyuJiri. All Akshara’s big speeches are now worthless, they wasted Kajol’s time to come talk about fighting for her child, now Manyu will give up the MD position for Parth and go on a singing tour with dumbshara the next gen Naira Birla will be introduced which means they will show an aged Manjiri hanging about like Mimi and the story will shift to the Birla’s and the Goenka’s will be forgotten like the Singhania’s. DKP out here saying men are more valuable than women indirectly by showing the household of the girls family disappearing and only her in laws going forward, what kind of regressive hashish is RS smoking
@IrCy, why compromise? It’s your life, your dream, you are in control! Nobody can live your life for you, only YOU! Why settle for less??? When you can definitely live your dream, you are in charge!

you couldn’t have said it any better
@Gayu n @Pavi


I am not the only one seeing through your helplessness in defending for the sake of defending

but good job in your desperation to defend

@Rai, the same as you regarding your remarks for @Mark, you are as much a psycho, back at you

@Tsk go and read what was said before putting words into my mouth.
@Gayu, @Pavi @Vijaya @ Jade @ Mark, y’all are really the only smart ones here. And @Pavi,you’re right when you stated that abira supporters are the actual real haters of them. They wish to see disaster repeat itself again.

I just don’t understand how anyone thinks its normal to leave a marriage,marry anoth3r, have a fantastic and beautiful union,bett3r than anything youve ever had and the current husband dies, then the solution would be to for back to poisonous marriage number one because…pyaaarrr yaaarrr
You know,I’m just going to say it, anyone who supports a train wreck like Abira is dumb,immature,childish and probably is or will be in a toxic relationship in their lives
They are the type of people to rush into a foolish relationship out of desperation,attraction,loneliness and self inflicted pressure born out of fear of being alone. Sad
@Vaijyanthi, thank you sweetie. The Abhira stans are not haters, they are just pathetic like the couple they idolise
if they think THIS absolute
is romance they clearly have no one romancing them
I might be single due to my high standards and expectations but I had my fair share of toe curling, heart racing, breath taking moments back in the day 

none of which involved finger licking or cheek rubbing. there wasn’t a case where both parties just hurt each other and brought out the worst in each other… relationships sometimes naturally die cause as you grow as a person you want different things in different stages of life, the guy you would date in high school and the one you would date as a qualified professional are 2 very different kinds of people, back then it was is he good looking and popular and what car does his daddy drive and now it’s like is he kind to retail workers and servers, are his fingernails clean, and most importantly does this man have his own hair!!!! But that’s just me, not sure about everyone else 

omg I realised something… they way the old ways are structured is around the concept that the woman will stay at home forever and look after kids and the house and never grow as a person themselves, they will be expected to serve for life… marriage sounds a lot like prison to me for so so so many reasons.
Exactly @Vaijyanthi I think toxic relationship people’s surroundings by them still they leaving together they saw it they think it’s pure love bla bla….
.( Soulmate)
…….abhi never ever change his character ever……he always Abhimanyu Birla 
I like little bit argument, quarrel disagreement etc in relationship they make your relationship strong but not like this Abhira things…point out your mistakes every time when u r
“ your way of viewing Abhimanyu is some form of psycho. That is not how the writers are characterising him.” Really?????
Do you think writers are characterizing him according to you? Who are you by the way? Writers or the audience like me? Writers will write whatever they do, and I will give meaning to their writing. That is how it works. Sadly, according to me, that is how I see Manyu. And I understand how you see him differently. You don’t see me saying your way of viewing Manyu is “backward, biased and misogynistic” do you?
The end is unknown. Leave that to the writers instead of being impulsive about it.
But one thing is clear, Manyu is enough on his own. He will manage. Instead of troubling Akshara.
@Mark, who am I, someone who is debating with you about our interpetion of the writers product. And you?

on your reply to @Rai about Abhimanyu obsession!
@Rai, I agree with @Tsk reply to your comment about @Mark being a psycho, please don’t judge and start name calling
you are attacking @Mark just bcoz u don’t agree with his comments? SMH

@Boo, please read the conversation. Where do I call @Mark a psycho? Name calling is not my style. I am reply to her preception of Abhimanyu.
Thank you for defending me. I agree. Abhira can only happen without Nav. Because how else will Akshara be careless and dumb to make Manyu come to her rescue?
Like you, I feel they will use “People connect through music” to reunite these two. No wonder they are closing shop early because everyone knows, logically, Akshara can never reunite with Manyu even when kingdom comes. Impossible. Manyu sang well the lullaby, during one week but now he can’t sing???? He is lying to Akshara so that he can hang out with her.
The wisdom is look forward not backward, ” misery loves company ” that is OLD saying, and does it help in ur development to ur future? Why create n attract misery? Instead of looking forward to joy n happiness. When you can live happily creating more happiness to enjoy life
You are what you think!
Very true “They are the type of people to rush into a foolish relationship out of desperation,attraction,loneliness and self inflicted pressure born out of fear of being alone. Sad” very real and authentic.
@ Gayu it’s me not Rai who compared Akshnav marriage to arranged marriage.In ‘ modern ‘ arranged marriage After parents (or whoever has arranged) have met , the couple meet three four times.If they like they get married .They talk over things adjust to each other, expectations are less .Families are generally supportive .Once kid comes both your lives revolve around the kid his / her birth ,babyhood ,school etc bringing you closer as spouses.Is this love in the western sense? But almost all women I know would say yes and would defend their world against an appearance of an ex. BTW women in 30s dismiss s*x as a biological urge and put it in good or bad category
…a minor factor in ” love”.What is rated most highly is trust and dependability.
This is why I compared Akshnav marriage to arranged marriage

none of which involved finger licking or cheek rubbing. there wasn’t a case where both parties just hurt each other and brought out the worst in each other… relationships sometimes naturally die cause as you grow as a person you want different things in different stages of life, the guy you would date in high school and the one you would date as a qualified professional are 2 very different kinds of people, back then it was is he good looking and popular and what car does his daddy drive and now it’s like is he kind to retail workers and servers, are his fingernails clean, and most importantly does this man have his own hair!!!!”
With you here “I might be single due to my high standards and expectations but I had my fair share of toe curling, heart racing, breath taking moments back in the day
Mine is, is he smart? Cause I can’t deal with dumb people.
@Jade @Mark When you meet the “right” guy you are going to look back at these expectations and say did I really wish all that?

.You need just one thing to click
and it can’t be defined
Jokes aside, I can’t deal with dumb people. I will love him yes but I will be “a Akshara” who will want to change him.
My grand parents marriage is Arranged they still leaving and my grand father is just like Nav character, he still like asking her when ever he want do things , they never say ILU to each other seriously ,but both concerns each other, he always respect her and my Grandma too,( my parents too) they arguing each other too but silly way
God bless them
One of the reason I like Nav character
I’m not saying love marriage bad arranged marriage good but thing is how you respect u r spouse , giving freedom , irrespective of what ever she /he took some decision how you support her/him , how thick your relationship in bad phase of your marriage period that is important right …..where is it in Abhira?
We see that in Akshnav relationship ..what ever happens right now I don’t talk about anything …….but point is they both are not good for each other ,that’s
Love how Abhir and Ruhi were ordering their Docman and Poppy. So endearing.
It so good of Abhir to give his father’s name to sing together. He has disgraced Abhi’s enemies. He has accepted him in his life. Calling him Docman does not mean anything. In my house we call our mother “sisi”, which means young girly. She loves the name so much . What matters most is the bond.
When Abhi was leaving Abhir for his mother to partly take care of, which is normal these people complained. Now, that he is all out to listen to his demands and treat it as urgent, they have come again, he is trying to get to Akshara through Abhir. Even if that true what’s bad in it. If a man still loves his ex and she comes out to be single again. And there is 60% assurance that she might be hiding the love in a corner of her heart. There’s nothing wrong in trying to bring out the love again.
The love that brought forth a beautiful child like Abhir is what some mumu are calling obsession.
So, it is a sin or a very bad thing if you get back to your ex. When in the real sense Akshara never left him.
Her crying, rushing to him and putting his head on her lap during the accident shows that the love is hidden, it is not lost yet. And that was why Abhi told her that she still love him.
Akshu told everyone that their marriage is namesake and up till the end we didn’t see anything contrary to that. Unless there are still some surprise of pregnancy which I doubt much. And each time I make this observation some kids will rush to say that marriage is not only about s*x. Respect care and understanding is what matters. Yes I agree all these things are very important in a relationship. But any woman that does not submit her body to her husband not boyfriend does not love him. In fact they have not become one. Until proven otherwise.
There must be a reason for Akshu to announce in the presence of everyone that Abhinav have not touched her. Or will someone say is she’s just blabbering rubbish.
I have seen many, uncountable couples that divorce, separated, and they later settled and came back.
My people believe that any couple that already has a child or children in-between can never separate in totality bcs that child must continue to bring them together. So, friends take a chill pill
@Pavi, have a shame
Then, I don’t know whether some people are watching or just reading. Mahima clearly said medical director. She didn’t say MD as in abbreviation. She clearly said, medical director. Why will someone turn it to be managing doctors. He truly deserve the post. Among the Birla’s he is the only one who has not done any malpractice in that hospital
@Funmi, again you hit it on the head that feelings and not a label define relationships. Abhir has given Abhimanyu the place of father. He did even when Abhinav was alive. ‘I have two fathers…’ speech at his school.
Yes, too what is the moral outage in an ex trying to reconnect with his widows ex-wife with whom he shares a child. I am sure the child would prefer the parents reuniting of the can rather than adjusting to a new stepfather.
And yes, s*x is a meaningful, beautiful expression of the union of man and woman.
@Funmi the update said MD so I assumed it to be managing director which every hospital in india has to have for administration purpose.When I saw the episode I realised Mahima said Medical Director,which is for employing ,managing doctors and ordering equipment etc.
@ Jade i didn’t watch gen2 so how Naira was No idea ? I saw gen1 so I knew little bit Ak 1

.. seriously yaar RS WTH….each and every Gen passed he damaging his previous generation FL character even Ml too ,rather doing same stupid concept he better choose different concept , that’s good for him other wise he will get same back lash now he getting….
Gen4 another girl Naira Birla
Gen 3 he makes Akshara characterless what not….
If Gen4 Naira Birla character……..
If Gen 4 the characters like Nav present in this too ,then I won’t entertain myself
again yaar it’s too hard for me to over come Nav…
You came late today comment section @jade You okay?
@Vijaya, all good here dear, weekend went way too fast
one day I will achieve my dream of working from a cruise ship for 6 months, how are you?
@ Rai let’s see in the episode tom.They seem to be in a parking lot so to an extent the other car coming fast is at fault too…but there was no need for him to rake up what happened six/ seven yr back..For me he was completely at fault six / seven years back.
This theory of yours Mahima making Abhimanyu MD to get Manjiri on her side is interesting….and we get to see something else besides this toxic to each other couple.
Manyu made sure to ruin Akshara for anyone who she falls truly in love with. Because then, she can’t submit her body to anybody else as the trauma he inflicted is soul demanding. No wonder she will return to him. She indeed has Stockholm syndrome due to Manyus love. So sad. Akshara is indeed the real victim at the end of the day.
Didn’t this answer your question?
“…… audience like me?”.
” @Mark, in your way of viewing Abhimanyu is some form of psycho. That is not how the writers are characterising him. ”
@Boo, strongly no! Here is the bear bones of the conversation between @Mark and me. She calls Abhimanyu a psychopath. I say no that is not how the writers are portraying him. Mark then writes back with a ‘how dare you question my interpetion – fair enough, all part of the debate.
Now how do you change all this into me saying ‘@Mark is a psycho’?