Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 4th September 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Armaan running to Abhira. Ruhi sees him and says so sorry to trouble you this way, I had no other option. Armaan says Abhira, I know you are angry. She scolds him. He says you think I knew about this contract, I don’t want you to leave work and sit at home, I will talk to Dadi. She says tell her that I m not a doll and she can’t hurt my self respect, stop defending her. She tells the terms of the condition. She says what’s this, she has decided to snatch my baby, I m foolish to think of becoming a good bahu, you want me to make me a slave, Dadi has crossed limits, she has written my fate. Armaan says you can call this contract wrong, but not say anything to my family, they love you a lot. They argue. Ruhi looks on.
Abhira says I won’t sign these papers. She tears the papers and goes. He hits his hand on a bench and gets hurt. Ruhi worries and gets first aid box. She asks him to apply medicine first. Rohit comes. Ruhi says you know Abhira well, you have to balance Abhira and this family all life, good luck. She sees Rohit and goes to him. She says Armaan helped me when I was hurt, I helped him today, nothing else. She goes. Rohit says you are hurt, can I help. Armaan says just leave me alone.
Abhira thinks of everything. She talks to Akshu’s pic. Armaan is also sad. He says I should give her time, I will talk to her tomorrow. Abhira says what if I don’t agree to this. Its morning, Dadi comes and gives the papers to Abhira. She says you are coming into my family, you better learn it, if I take the name back as guarantor then you won’t get the loan, your parents will get insulted. Abhira cries. Dadi warns her.
Ruhi comes and says your career was your mom’s dream. She goes. Abhira recalls Armaan’s words. He asks her to relax. She asks are you living in a fairy tale world, I want my space. He asks space? You didn’t think what I m thinking about the contract, what shall I do, just relax. She says I don’t want to talk to you.
He asks what fun do you get in fighting. He gets angry and leaves in the car. He meets with an accident. She shouts Armaan…. this can’t happen….
Manish asks Abhira about her parents. She says my dad was from Kasauli, my mumma’s name is Akshara. Manish gets shocked seeing Abhinav and Akshu’s pic.
Update Credit to: Amena
FINALLY!! They’re finally getting to know Abt akshu… At least the next few eps will be worth the attention n the drama I was waiting for btw all this prenup, baby, misogynistic bakwas.
Wow! M-a luat prin surprindere precapul!
Acum dacă Manish rămâne tăcut şi nu o recunoaşte oficial pe Abhira ca fiind fica familiei Goenka, pentru că vezi doamne face crize de nervi Ruhi, eu una renunţ să mai urmăresc acest serial. Nu se poare ca Ruhi să se joace cu toţi manipulandu-i la infinit în fel şi chip, nu se poate nici ca Ruhi să impună ce sentimente să aibă bătrânii din familia ei maternă, Ruhi este deja un adult, nu mai este un copil care trebuie protejat cu minciuna! Oricum minciuna nu vindecă niciodată nimic!
Mai mult, vreau să iasă întregul adevăr la lumină, adevărul despre accidentul lui Aarohi, vinovată este Ruhi, nu Akshara este responsabilă, Akshara doar a protejat-o pe Ruhi de o suferinţă în plus, Ruhi fiind micuţă atunci. Acum Ruhi a crescut, trebuie obligatoriu să i se facă dreptate lui Akshara, chiar dacă ea nu mai este în viaţă, Ruhi fiind deja un om adult şi văd că poate gestiona orice doreşte ea, nici nu mai are nevoie să fie protejată, alţii au nevoie de protecţie din cauza falsităţii ei alţii suferă. Altfel nu este drept şi crează frustrări telespectatorilor!
Şi da, Ruhi trebuie să se vindece de ura ei, ori pentru asta este necesar să se afle adevărul pe care nici ea însăşi nu şi-l aminteşte corect, şi numai adevărul o va vindeca pe Ruhi. Însă pentru toată suferinţa Abhirei este drept ca Ruhi să şi fie pedepsită măcar d.p.d.v. moral, nu se poate ca Ruhi să scape mereu nepedepsită pentru toate faptele ei rele.
Armaan nu mi-a plăcut deloc astăzi. Iubind-o şi cunoscând-o pe Abhira aşa cum este ea, Armaan ar fi trebuit să fie mai înţelegător cu Abhira, furia ei chiar este justificată 100%. În situaţia dată nu se poate calma uşor cu o îmbrăţişare, ci trebuie o clarificaredecisivă cu bunica sa mai întâi, ori nu l-am văzut încă pe Armaan să vorbească cu Dadisa şi să refuze hotărât orice contract de căsătorie. De ce nu? Ce aşteaptă Armaan? Cert este că observ cu tristeé că Armaan mai are mult de lucrat cu el însuşi, pentru a deveni cu adevărat un bărbat de încredere, un bărbat cu coloană vertebrală pe care să te poţi baza, fără să existe riscul ca oricând el să ceteze în faţa aberaţiilor bunicii sale. Armaan este obişnuit de o viaţă întreagă ca bunica sa să ia deciziile importante pentru el şi el să asculte fără cârtire, ori asta nu se poate să funcţioneze în cuplu.
Nu ştiu cum se face dar scriitorii aceştia nu sunt deloc sincronizaţi cu emoţiile telespectarorilor, mereu rămân în urmă, sau nici măcar nu ating niciodată punctele cu adevărat importante, astfel totul este tratat atât de superficial, de îmi vine să renunţ.
Despre Rohit, el nu pare deloc fericit, nu zâmbeşte aproape niciodată, ceea ce înseamnă că el nu este fericit, yici că este stană de piatră, nu am cum să nu mă gândesc la firea lui veselă de dinainte de a pleca de acasă. Chiar dacă au schimbat actorul care joacă personajul lui Rohit, totuşi personajul este acelaşi. Ori dacă el merge cu adevărat înainte în viaţa cu Ruhi, de ce este mai mereu trist?
Oare sunt singura care mă gândesc că Rohit joacă teatru cu Ruhi, având un mottiv ascuns pentru asta? Sunt singura care mă gândesc cp Rohit nu pare deloc îndrăgostit de Ruhi?
These writers shown all this nonsense I’m tired of this worthless pathetic story.
What is wrong with Dadisa? She is a pathetic dictator not a matriarch. She is very dishonest in getting what she wants – she and her so called dishonest son in law – always plotting.
They can’t get anything done without resorting to manipulation and dishonesty; not a single thing!!. She is always shouting about reputation and values but she has none herself. She does not respect herself and she expects her household to respect her. Respect is earned and not commanded and what her family feels for her is fear and not respect.
Coming to signing of prenup documents, why was Ruhi not subjected to the same treatment when she married Rohit? In fact, which person in that family has had to sign prenup papers? No one!! Why do they think that Armaan and Abhira’s marriage will not last? Pure discrimination against the poor and she has the NERVE to talk about VALUES. What values do the Poddars have except PLOTTING, MANIPULATING, BULLYING?
Even their law firm is dishonest and not loyal to their clients!! Which law firm commits fraud against their staff like Sanjay does to Abhira? They hate TRUTH; they don’t even know what that word is, so they dislike Abhira because she speaks the truth and stands up to them.
This is such a passive regressive show now!
I’m still trying to make sense of this story. It is like a puzzle where u have to keep watching to put the pieces seem like the story is going backwards instead of forward with the same evil plots against Abhira.and the evil peoples never get exposed.this story is getting boring.
What change in Dadisa?
I love the concept of pre-nup, well done. If you cant take dowry, you cant take alimony, simple.
This will bring all the Indian feminists to the ground.
Also, I love how it’s the Indian women who are the villains.
Yes the women’s seem to know how to play dirty to get what they wants these men’s seem to be scared and weak.
Roohi have played dirty this entired serial for Armaan and still having been lucky to get him, and when she thought she had him he left her at the Altar,maybe writers will let her get a little more wiser at her game.