Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 8th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Abhira and Ruhi are sisters

Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 8th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Manish bowing down to Sanjay. Abhira and Ruhi stop him. Sanjay asks what are you doing, you wanted to fall to my feet and apologize, I have forgiven you already. He asks Manish to get up. Abhira asks what happened to you, get up. Manish says no, everyone is happy today, I want to end all the sorrow, I just want happiness from now. Ruhi asks will you sacrifice your self respect. Manish says its fine. Abhira says you are wrong, self respect is everything, you didn’t give us to anyone, we are always with you, we will support you, we won’t let you bow down to anyone. They take Manish. Dadi asks Sanjay what happened to Manish ji. He says I don’t know, maybe he realized his mistake, I have forgotten the past, so I planned a surprise for both the family, they will

be shocked. Abhira asks Krish what happened. Krish says sorry and thinks I m helpless. Armaan gets mangalsutra and makes Abhira wear it. He says I was running away so that I don’t hurt you in anger. He asks her to vent anger on him, but not go away. He says I love you a lot. Abhira stops him. She says we can do puja together. They see some lights and curtains. They go and pray. Armaan sings the bhajan. Vidya cries. Manish prays.

Nagada sang dhol… plays… Everyone dances. Abhira does Ruhi’s aarti and apply the black tika. She applies the Kumkum to Ruhi’s face and plays Sindoor Khela. Everyone claps. Ruhi hugs Abhira. Manish blesses them. Akshu and Aarohi’s pic is revealed. Ruhi and Abhira, and everyone see the pic. Swarna and Surekha cry and say Abhira is Akshu’s daughter. Abhira smiles. Sanjay asks can anyone think of it, Ruhi and Abhira are sisters. Manish gets worried.

Sanjay says congrats, you got your lost Parnatin and Abhira got her family, I have found this truth and united two sisters on this auspicious day. Manish cries seeing Ruhi. Dadi looks on. Abhira says you are my Parnanu. Manish nods. She asks did you know this. She hugs Manish. She says I always felt this, I wished to have you all as my family, you are really my family, I m very lucky. She goes to Swarna and Surekha. They hug her and cry. Ruhi recalls Aarohi’s death. Abhira says Ruhi, we used to fight, because we are really sisters. Ruhi says you aren’t my sister, and pushes her. She says you are my mum’s murderer’s daughter. Everyone is shocked. Ruhi and Abhira cry. Ruhi leaves. Rohit follows. Armaan stops Abhira. Abhira goes. Manish worries.

Armaan says I trust you, your mumma wasn’t a murderer. Vidya says I will decide where my family stays. Dadi says this is my family, I will decide who stays here. Vidya takes Rohit and Ruhi along.

Update Credit to: Amena


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  • Vidya is such a disgusting women... She thinks Arman is her slave... Whatever she thinks Arman should do... Abhira should stand for her self respect.... This ruhi, even she did accident even then she didn't realise her wrong doing and still blaming abhira.. she want abhir, even abhira is akshara son, he s considered as brother not murderer son... It shows still she has grudge on abhira... Son ruhi wrong doing should come infront of everyone

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    • at least Swarna and/or Surekha will never misbehave with Abhira after today's episode

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  • Cât de sadici sunt scenariştii şi de proşti!

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  • Ruhi spune că o să înebunec, dar de fapt ea chiar este nebună. Dincolo de faptul că este şi rea de-a dreptul, răutate ascunsă bine cu ipocrizie. Nici o clipă nu s-a gândit la ceea ce simt bunicii ei!

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  • Ruhi trebuie să afle ADEVĂRUL despre accidentul mamei sale, să scape de ura ei inutilă, care continuă să o macine, să o traumatizeze şi să o înebunească. Altfel, am văzut de mult căt de rea este totuşi Ruhi! Încă de când era copil, apropo de Abir.

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  • i wonder in what part both surekha, swarna and ruhi eill realize that abhira being akshara's daughter means that abhir n abhimanyu r dead. cuz she clearly told them that she has no family except akshu.
    m extremely disgusted by ruhi n vidya's double standard today. i hope abira finds out teh truth n show ruhi that the one who actually killed her mom was non other than ruhi herself and the only reason akshu took the blame was bcuz she knew what it felt like to be blamed for ur own parent's death cuz that's exactly what arohi, ruhi's mom, made akshu go through.

    n i also find it so hilarious how the goenka's have the shame to face abhira when all they did was leave akshu alone during her bad times ever since she was achild, when she was blamed for sirat's death she got sent to boarding school, when neil died she was left alone n got blamed, (you'd think they'd learn something after finding out that she struggled asa pregnant women n had to get help from a stranger), n then arohi's situation happened an they still let a single mother pregnant akshara with a 7 yr old son out of the house to fend for herself.

    like she didn't even know abhinav, dude was a stranger but he was with her n believed her n never left her until death, even her own bio family couldn't do that for her, literally leaving her every chance they get. Strangers are better than goenkas, armaan only knew akshara so less but still believes in abira and knows akshara would never but her so called family didn't even bother question whether she was lying or not n straight up kicked her out.
    now i hope abhira somehow finds the last call recordng btw akshara n maniah n see how her so called parnanu denied her mother on her death bed. n cut all ties with that old hag goenka family.

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  • Este esenţial ca adevărul să fie reabilitat, iar Akshara trebuie să primeacă dreptate, chiar dacă nu mai este în viaţă. Până la urmă Akshara nu numai că şi-a asumat vina, nevinovată fiind, astfel încât Ruhi să nu poarte vinovăţia morţii propriei mame, ci Akshara i-a salvat chiar şi viaţa lui Ruhi, la propriu, ea atunci a scos-o din maşina cu frânele defecte, maşină care după doar câteva secunde a plecat singură. Dacă Akshara nu o scotea din maşină în acel moment, evident că maşina ar fi plecat cu tot cu Ruhi în ea. Nu-i aşa? Doar am văzut cu toţii asta, scenariştii să înceteze cu memoria selectivă.

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  • Dacă cu ani în urmă a fost despre fericirea şi liniştea orfanei Ruhi, motiv pentru care Akshara şi Abhimanyu au decis împreună să tacă, acum este necesar adevărul, fiindcă aşa este drept, şi fiindcă acum este şi despre faptul că orfana Abhira a rămas singură pe lume şi are nevoie de adevăr, în plus adevărul o va vindeca şi pe Ruhi de ura care o macină.

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  • În afară de faptul că Abhira are dreptul să se bucure de familia ei maternă, nu se poate să i se fure Abhirei până şi ceea ce ea are mai scump, ceea ce îi aparţine, şi anume amintirile frumoase despre mama ei, Akshara cea dreaptă şi cu coloană vertebrală. Nu se poate să se intineze memoria Aksherei în ochii Abhirei. Nu este drept să se atenteze până şi amintirea ei frumoasă despre Akshara, Akshara fiind reperul Abhirei, de altfel singurul reper. Pur şi simplu nu este drept, dar cumva asta continuăm să vedem, mereu şi mereu, doar nedreptate şi iar nedreptate! Rău şi iar rău… şi din nou şi mai rău! STOP!

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  • Este absolut necesar adevărul întreg despre accidentul lui Aarohi şi totodată nevinovăţia Aksharei, sacrificiul ei pentru Ruhi, dar eu una nu mai am încredere în aceşti scenarişti SADICI. Dacă chiar voiau să facă dreptate Aksharei scoteau mai întâi adevărul despre accidentul lui Aarohi, înainte de a se afla că Abhira este fica lui Akshara. Dar scriitorii ăştia sunt sadici, parcă vor intenţionat doar să supere telespectatorii (să genereze numai energie negativă, de vibraţie joasă, băi flamânzilor), nu să aducă şi bucurie (să genereze şi energie pozitivă). Binele şi frumosul îi arde, se pare!
    Serialul acesta nu au leac, ne chinuie pe toţi intenţionat, nu văd alt scop, nu există o morală, nu există nimic bun. Aşa prostie nu am mai văzut vreodată.

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  • What was going this serial are they writers are mad Arohi death just accident not murder according to roohi thinks that because of her maasi akshu her mother was left her but that's not true we already know that because of her silly mistakes her mother was died. Ok even we are understand that roohi at that time was kid and don't understand the things but the whole goenkas was mature and oldest they have to tell and understand the roohi that this was just a accident not intensely.even I am shocked this Manish goenka actually were the very very bad person he is so double standard.he is the one who choose ruhi and left out akshara and abhir also akshara unborn baby he even didn't thinking that akshara has pregnant and has 6 years old boy abhir where they lived and survived . Even didn't thinking that in this year's that how they are? what life they are living? What type of survival condition? Manish didn't even thinking that they have proper meal they take or not? even when the years fast when akshu is calling Manish at that time akshu is near death at that time Manish talked to her very rudely and saying that never call her again why is this roohi is much lover than akshu even Manish knows that Arohideath is just accident akshu loved arohi so much akshara always choose arohi first even when the time arohi loves abhimanyu than at that time akshara didn't thinking herself or not selfish she just thinks her sisters happiness. Also always akshu sacrifice her happiness for others. Even akshu sacrifice her whole life happiness for roohi. even I don't understand Manish has no guilt at all for he is doing so much wrong with her own akshu and her daughter abhira also abhir. even Manish is so shameless how he has the gutt to show her face abhira to knows her that she is akshu daughter and because of her abhira suffers her life so much because of her also I don't understand that what that Manish were forgot abhir his favourite even she didn't ask abhira for her brothers . And all that years when abhira is not hers then where Manish emotional love for akshu and akshu daughter for 10 years.

    And even this roohi has no guilt at all because of her maasi left her house because of her almost 10 0r 11 years akshu and her kids suffers souch that's not thinks almost 1 time roohi thinks ok even akshu realy got culprit of Arohi death ( that's not truth we are knows that roohi kill her mother by accidentally). Roohi have to thinks that her maasi suffers so much and even she has to forgot her mistakes. And I don't understand why always abhira is being blamed at that time even abhira was not born then how abhira is being blamed😡😅 this show is really a confused show😅.

    Also this vidhya has not shame she is sayings that she is Arman mom and loved har souch but where the love was gone because Arman didn't choose her he chose abhira over vidhya wow what a great mother she is🥺😭🤣😂😅😂🤣😭😭😱😱😱.

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