Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 9th October 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on
The Episode starts with Akshu and Abhi getting ready for the wedding. Hamari banno pyaari…plays… Abhir compliments Abhi. Ruhi wards off Akshu’s bad sight. She compliments Akshu. Abhir wards off Abhi’s bad sight and asks him to come. Ruhi says we have to make your every moment special. Everyone smiles. Akshu gets dizziness. She stumbles. Aarohi holds her. Suwarna asks Akshu to be careful. Aarohi scolds Ruhi. Akshu says don’t scold Ruhi. Aarohi says I will get other sandals. Akshu says I m fine, you aren’t fine, you are panicking a lot. They hear the baraat sound. Ruhi runs to see. Manish calls Suwarna to come. Suwarna says we will welcome the baraat and come, make Akshu sit in the room. Aarohi asks Akshu to sit down. She says I m not going anywhere. Akshu says go and welcome them, better adopt me, you always scold me like a mother, I m fine, promise, go out and welcome them. Pandit sings Balika tumhare sapno ka…. Abhi gets the baraat. Akshu looks on. Heeriye sehre bandh ke…. Plays… Akshu looks on. Muskaan is sad. Akshu smiles seeing everyone dancing. She turns away. Abhi looks for Akshu and thinks she was at the window. Akshu takes Abhinav’s pic and says I share everything with you, some good habits shouldn’t change, Abhir wants a normal family, he wants his mum and dad, I m giving that to him.
She asks Abhinav to see how Abhir and everyone are happy. She says even Abhi looks happy. Abhi sees the wedding board. Akshu talks to Abhinav’s pic and cries. She says I won’t change my habits, but my attitude, I will change for Abhir, Abhi and my sake, I don’t know loving like Abhi, but I will learn from him, I won’t stop the happiness from coming, I know you are with me in everything, we will never leave each other. Suwarna does Abhi’s aarti and goes to pull his ear. Manjiri and Shefali stop this and ask Abhi not to let Suwarna pull his nose. Abhi says you are giving me another chance, it’s a favor, I have made many mistakes in the past. Suwarna pulls his nose and asks him to come. She makes Abhi perform the toran rituals. Abhi does it. Dadi says the marriage got saved from every bad sight. The toran falls down. Kairav and Manish get Akshu. Abhi and everyone smile seeing Akshu. He gives his hand to her and takes her to mandap. Manjiri wards off their bad sight. Suwarna and Manjiri hand over the garlands to them. Abhi bows down. Akshu feels dizzy again. Dadi asks why isn’t she making him wear the garland. Akshu makes Abhi wear the garland. Berangey the din….plays… He makes her wear the garland. Everyone claps. Abhi and Akshu sit in the mandap. He sees her and offers water.
Dadi and Aarohi worry. Pandit says bride’s parents come ahead for kanyadaan. Manish and Suwarna perform the Kanyadaan rituals. Yeh Rishta kya….plays… Pandit asks bride’s sister to do the gathbandhan. Aarohi prays for Akshu and Abhi and ties the gathbandhan. Akshu gets dizzy. She faints. Abhi holds her. Everyone worries.
Aarohi sees Akshu and thinks how will I lie to both the families, Abhi is a doctor, how will I lie to him. Dadi lies that reports didn’t come. Abhi asks Rohan to get the reports. Rohan calls the hospital and says they will send the reports on your email. Akshu wakes up. Abhi asks why didn’t the reports come. Dadi says don’t worry, Aarohi will tell us. Manjiri says Akshu’s health is imp, she fainted twice today. Abhi gets the reports. Dadi worries. He checks.
Akshu says I m pregnant. Manjiri says marriage happens for love or family, not for friendship, Akshara can’t be Abhi’s wife, and Abhinav’s baby’s mum.
Update Credit to: Amena
“Everyone is happy, I will change my attitude but not my habits of wanting a normal family of dada and mama” Abhira fans
Which attitude is she talking about???? She was all smiley today, tomorrow she will smile more with the preg news. After all, she was left at the mandap
Didn’t I say Akshara will leave the mandap because of Nav.
I can’t wait to see Manyu choose himself over Abhir and Akshara. Or Manyu is still in shock? I am sure he didn’t speak anything and is waiting for Manjiri to speak for him? What is he thinking now? That Akshara completed her marriage with Nav???? Or she didn’t preserve herself for him????
@Mark we knew psychojiri will react that way in precap, I just hope they don’t blame Aru cause “full” happiness Mimi is the real villain here. I bet she’ll go ask Akshu to abort the baby too… I think for once Akshara will need to think for herself and not listen to others.
What a selfish lady Manjiri is! What if Abhinav had decided the same? I know the situation is different, but at least think about the fact that it’s the same man’s baby who raised and loved your grandson for 6 years without any objections or expectations. Akshara, for once, try to stand up for yourself and your baby instead of constantly trying to please Manjiri or lecturing her to change her mind. Just tell her directly that you won’t choose anyone over your baby.
Nav is dead. There is no point of keeping his baby if there is no one dear enough to raise it. Let Akshara abort the baby if she is going to have to lecture Manjiri to change her mind.
If she wants to keep her baby, then she should say no to marrying Manyu because of Manjiris demands. She should find another man to raise her kids because of what Manjiri suggested in precap.
Otherwise, instead of lecturing Manjiri to change her mind, better abort it. Because Manjiri will mistreat her baby if Manyu show signs of unhappiness in his marriage.
Abhinav was not in dat plc coz he didn’t evn knew akshara dat time n d makers r doing dis wrong y will abhinav daughter play d lead role after leap coz abhimanyu is d lead his child should play dat akshara was naira daughter so she played d lead Dey dint give chance for arohi coz she was seerats daughter Dan y now for abhinav child dis is wrong
Manjiri I don’t have anything to say to you, selfish human, do you expect her to abort her baby for the sake of your baby son (yes baby son cuz he’ll surely want what you want) nonesense m
Manjiri should express herself freely. It’s up to Akshara to decide what she wants. We all know she will never decide anything but instead lecture Manjiris feelings.
Manjiri thinks his son is worth more than a baby made from true love, Akshara needs to show Manyus worth by saying no to the marriage. Non negotiable. The moment Manjiri suggested that, disqualified Manyu and Manjiri to be the child’s future family. Akshara shouldn’t look back. She should go and look for a man who will love her kids unconditionally. After all, she wants a normal family for her kids. She should know that “normal family” has conditions and expectations.
Wow… Everybody give a standing ovation to this sub human lady… She never fails to disgust us… 6 years ago she had a different law book when Arohi was pregnant… I cannot fathom her shamelessness
More than Manjiri, Manyu is shameless. Nav raised his son but he is here letting his mom ask Akshara to abort Navs baby for him. Why not tell Manjiri that he is not worthy to be chosen??????
Lol here abhimanyu haters started blaming him without seeing the episode.. Manish galti kare to manish galat.. Dadi galti kare aur arohi saath de to dadi galat.. Akshu galti kare or nav saath de to akshu galat.. Mj galti kare to mj ke sath abhimanyu v galat waah waah.. Watch the episode first thn start this bashing.. Abhimanyu will choose akshu nd upcoming baby over mj’s baseless demand nd thn u people will say “haa makers to abhimanyu ko redemption or whitewash karne ke liye bla bla”
Matlab naa accept kare to galat or accept kar le to v galat
If one supports a wrong, they are wrong too. When did Nav support Akshara’s wrongs? Never right?
And for the record, Manyu will be bashed in due time. We won’t sugar coat it.
But I am going to give a head start, if Manyu is going to let Manjiri do the speaking for him, then he is wrong.
Abhimanyu didnt say anything y u PPL r assuming things he wil accept d baby coz he could not do dat at abhirs time
@ Surabhi leave them. They will never be pleased with whatever Abhimanyu does. If he rejects the baby,they bash him. If he accepts, they’ll still bash him.
Will he do anything at all or will he let Manjiri do her worst?? Guess is, he will not do anything. That itself is bash worthy.
So what’s manjiri suggesting that akshu abort the child or what ??
Yes. Manjiri thinks her son is that valuable.
Manyu is still trying to squeeze himself into Nav’s shoes, he’ll accept the baby and marry Akshu against his mother, both the original Akshara and Naira spent some time away from their joint family when there was a big disagreement, I wonder if Manyu will do that now, live away from his mother for Akshara and her baby’s peace of mind, he’ll have to think about Ruhi as well because holding Akshara’s hand and accepting her baby means abandoning Ruhi, they again he may make Akshara stay in Birla house where Manjari can cause her miscarriage and kick her out again.
I don’t know who will do the begging more? Manyu or Akshara or Manish,abhir and Mimi? Because its Manish and Mimi and Abhirs fault that Akshara will be left on the mandap.
What quality of weed these writers are smoking
.At this point Manjari looks less Chameleon than Akshara.And these writers are getting paid for this shit writing
What are those dialogues to Akshara….”Abhir thinks normal family means mumma dada under one roof,but he will realise one day that mumma dada also should love each other”.Isn’t she the same woman who asked a man to just be father and not to expect anything as husband?
And what is this Normal family,Normal family Bhajan everytime….are single parents not considered as normal family??
Marriage with Abhinav was also Dosti type….but you can they will never cross any limits.But support each other financially, Emotionally and have respect for each other.They have fights which are relatable.And now with Manyu, all touchy touchy,falling in his arms every now and then, all family members forcing her to romance him including children, inserting molester tracks to show as strong….and then say dosti ki shadi.
She means when Abhir is older with a family of his own. Maybe Akshara deems her marriage with Nav as abnormal until when she realized she loves him, that’s when the family became normal for her. “The things people believe in”. Akshara believes that a normal family is when wife and hubby love each other.
, so true.! Akshara
@Mark, ‘Akshara believes that a normal family is when wife and hubby love each other.’ Well, like most of us.
Ya true when she first came to udaipur n abhimanyu met wit accident she still loves him n Dan suddenly started hating him n Dan she fell in love with abhinav n now she is saying she can’t love abhimanyu she loved abhimanyu more Dan she loved abhinav Dan wat nonsense Dey r showing I dnt knw
So what makes this psycho think that akshara will choose her dumblosermanyu over Nav’s baby ???..
And would she have put this condition if she really considers akshara as her “daughter ” !
Ofcourse manyu will choose akshara coz what other option does he have ?..
Akshara didn’t even abort high risk pregnancy when manyu himself was asking her to…why will she abort now ??..
Akshara’s goal is simple- she wants perfect family for her child.. now along with abhir.. she has another upcoming child to consider.. so obviously…for akshara as a mom – her children will be priority over her ex- husband whom she doesn’t simple as that!
And by putting forward this condition..not only did she disrespect abhinav who took care of abhir all these years ..but she proved that she never really loved Neil as equal to manyu..
Coz if she did.. she would rather ask manyu to take care of the new baby …
Ohh wait.. she took care of Neil coz after all its Birla blood while this new baby isn’t…
Really – pathetic human being manjiri!

Exactly. It’s simple. Her boy and his love for Akshara isn’t worth anything. Akshara will never choose her son. Akshara didn’t abort her babies when her lover Manyu asked her to, so what will make her abort now?????
Manjiri is testing the waters alright!
Looking at the new promo..
All manyu fans shouldn’t complain if akshara moves to new “abhi” …coz in 2nd month of pregnancy if she can go back to ex-husband for a normal family..
In 4th month of pregnancy- can she not shop for a new daddy for her baby?.. anyway she is pro at it !..
This whole manyu death track is joke on ardent abhira fans
Atleast nav fans knew nav was a cameo n someday he ll die..
But manyu fans waiting for cringefest romance have been slapped by makers on face
I just want to see them whole heartedly support akshara’s “moving on” now ..anyway escalator won’t stop right ?
She said so herself today. She will keep looking for a normal family for her kids.
Manjiri is disgusting at this point if she’s suggesting akshara abort her baby for her son like your a mother for crying out loud to suggest that and abhi is just sitting there quiet without saying a word at this point muskaan should suggest raising that child and defending that baby because it doesn’t seem like akshara would do it because abhor wants a “complete family” the Gonekas are very stupid for trying to convince manjiri to change her mind no one is thinking about that poor innocent unborn child life
Manyu is in shock. Let’s wait for tomorrow
Congratulations to everyone on the anniversary episode for those who currently have the most funny emojis. It’s immediately clear who is who.
“Shahi said he did not belevie in retorting to some of the vile comments. He said he anticipating more reaction with the coming tracks. He was quoted as saying “More than the good part, I always listen and remember the complaint. However a story that must be told in a particular manner will be told”
Hmmm….”with the coming tracks”?????
Mark and Jade –
Here is a wild thought…now that new promo is out n looks like abhi n abhir are both gonna die ?.( although I think abhir may survive somehow n appear after gen leap for drama )..
How about akshara having twins?.. she has history of having twins !
So 2 girls or a boy/girl ..that should be setting tone for gen4…
Not manyu’s kid but navra’s kids n ruhi to be around for gen4..
Omg- makers literally throwing mud at abhira stans


Wonderful idea.
If Navra kids leading gen 4 means it’s a big slap on Abhira stans ……

hopes…. but if it happens then WOW 
But Makers and writers always pouring some stupid unbelievable things each and every time so no
Hai guys..iam new here.
. She showed the true love for Niel. Please send this serial. And is abhinav child will be named as naira?
Actually once upon a time this serial was my fav..but now i hate most. I used to feel nice seeing akshara naitik. Then i enjoyed kaira funs and their was fabulous. Though they got separated but they understood each other love and feelings. Here who is the real couple? Abhimanyu akshara or abhinav akshara? Why is makers insulting the word love? For a serial..we will see the love between main leads and even if there is misunderstanding they will regret and clear it but here they are spoiling everything.
And one more thing..if they keep Suhasini dadi in4th generation..then this serial can be called as supernatural serial because which human lived like dadi?
The true love is only is Niel and arohi..hats to them
,I am not following this serial at all…so i missed many things.
“She means when Abhir is older with a family of his own. Maybe Akshara deems her marriage with Nav as abnormal until when she realized she loves him, that’s when the family became normal for her. “The things people believe in”…….”
Like that
Thank you @Mark for clearing
Lol marriage happens for love and family not friendship what drugs are you smoking Manjiri. Abhira marriage that is happening rn is all about compromise the love looks one sided that too from your son. And Mimi is the problem here she didn’t tell the truth at the right time and this entire situation could have been avioded. For a whole day she knew Akshara was pregnant but didn’t say a damn thing she chose to keep quiet did she think this entire situation could have been avioded by keeping quiet, for goodness sake Akshara is pregnant she carrying a human who has emotions this entire situation isn’t just about one person. Akshara is getting married it affects everyone Abhi needs to be prepared to accept or refuse this marriage and if he accept he needs to know about this big thing he’s about to do, the Birla must also learn to accept this didn’t it cross your mind Mimi that maybe Manjiri wouldn’t accept this??????? the audience knew Manjiri would never accept this child.
How a bad story ruins actors and actresses career can be seen from this Gen.
This Gen is a perfect example that only having talented actors playing lead roles won’t work, a good story is what completes the work of actors playing their part. RS have surely ruined both Harshad’s and Pranali’s track records. Karishma’s acting talent was not appreciated by the makers, making her a 1 or 2 dialogue side character.
What Akshara’s says now doesn’t even makes sense. Ones she means to say Abhimanyu doesn’t know to love and other moment she appreciates his love. Her running for a complete family aspect only and ignoring relationships meaning is so contradictory to her saying she is strong. The way Abhira are shown running n clinging to complete family, shows they need medical help and not marriage. They are teaching Abhir the same thing. What they needed to teach Abhir was to value what he have and feel the love of his parents, even if they are not together. He should be taught to value emotions of people and not just mere name sake relationship. Relationship are not show offs.
He has both mom and dad then why don’t I have 2. He have this then why don’t I have this. This thought is wrong. Instead of teaching Abhir importance of relationship and respecting others pain and emotions, they are singing the same tune as him.
Why is Manjiri now saying that marriage can’t be based on friendship. Where was her brain, when she forced Arohi and Abhimanyu to marry despite knowing Abhimanyu is still (according to him) loves Akshara. Was she sleeping, when previously Akshara said that she is only marrying for Abhir. Now she will indirectly force Akshara to abort. Seeing Manjiri’s reaction any sane mother will herself stop this marriage fearing for her child’s future in such inlaws hands.
Agreed. Where was Manjiri the entire time?????
@Maria Mimi and Manish will themselves hold down Akshara and make her abort next to the mandap then make her marry Manyu, that Hag Mimi and her sissy raja beta Manish have proved they are worse than ManyuJiri, they are out here doing their own blood dirty
Muge –
Yes, indeed it’s old witch mimi mistake to hide truth..
But now that it is out – manjiri reaction is as expected by audience and what mimi was afraid of too..
We all know how badly psycho treated abhir when she thought he was navra son..before finally showing her sudden affection and dadi ka haq after its indeed “birla” blood…
So it’s better if manyu dies before marriage coz akshara can atleast save this unborn baby from claws of evil manjiri..
If manyu dies after marriage- the baby is left at mercy of psycho who will take all her cruel revenge on the lil one !.. pathetic female character!
And she was best SaaS?…lol..I wonder who the worst SaaS will be if this psycho is indeed best
Good question @Rak who is worst Saas???she will most definitely bring Nav’s child into this world I just pray Birla’s keep their paws off Nav’s child and stay away. Muskaan should raise the child even Goenka’s should should stay away from Nav’s child.
No one believed in the love of Neil and Arohi – but it turns out that it was also unearthly, such that Aroha made a good girl out of the witch…
No one (well, except for the problematic ones) believed in the love of Nav and Aksha, but it turns out she loved – look how our pregnant woman suffers)))…
Everyone believed in the love of Akshara and Abhimanyu, fell for the candy, but it turns out that it was not love, but a childish crush… well, or obsession, whoever…
What is this show about, family ties, traditions, a healthy and strong family? We must fight difficulties and live no matter what, because…what? Are you going to suffer even more in the end?
About trust? About respect for women? About the fact that you can get married many times? About the fact that if you do good to people, you will die faster??
Couldn’t agree more. I didn’t believe in abhira love because I knew from the beginning that, it was just mutual attraction. Akshara as a woman and Manyu as a man. Nothing more than that.
I believed in Navs love and it turns out, Nav was man enough to father a kid.
@Mark, “Nav was man enough to father a kid” – he was “man enough” even before Akshara – the only problem was with the girls – one wanted a man with a family, the other didn’t want to have children, and the third had a problem with Nav’s surname – he didn’t have a surname… Akshara was not confused, because for her the absence of a family was a positive bonus, she quickly resolved the issue with the surname – Sharma was the surname of Akshara’s gynecologist.
This show is about how a child from an orphanage managed to realize himself, did not live long, but lived happily? Is that the essence of this show?
But I suspect that the show is about how Akshara, whatever she doesn’t touch, turns everything into a dead body. Like King Midas.
@IrCy, you are right is the story does come across as the deadly curse of Akshara.
Couldn’t agree more !
Indeed pranali n HC are good actors with good following..
But they cannot pull up a bad story track !
And yes – seeing manjiri reaction, any sane mother would be away …but any sane son also would also keep his wife/ child out of her psycho reach coz it’s epitome of selfishness and she can harm the unborn also with this kind of hatred !..
And yes – akshara dialogue are meaningless and full of contradiction/ hypocrisy..
Makers think that If a dialogue is uttered slowly and softly by a female lead- it’s equivalent to being mature…lol..dumb fellows.. it just means it’s brainless and clueless nonsense.
Agreed. Maturity is zero in abhira love.
“instead of lecturing Manjiri to change her mind, better abort it. Because Manjiri will mistreat her baby if Manyu show signs of unhappiness in his marriage.”
Totally agree with you. We have seen how harsh and others treated Neil even in the presence of Manjiri and Abhimanyu so there is no doubt that the future of Navra’s baby actually no future Nav’s baby will not be good, still Akshara going ahead with this marriage shows that actually she doesn’t care about the child.
Agreed @Maria
Manjiri showed her double standards. She emotionally blackmailed Arohi into continuing her pregnancy when she panicked and Mimi suggested terminating the pregnancy for Arohi’s future. Though I agree that Arohi herself didn’t wanted to abort the baby but if we only see manjiri’s view point, it clearly shows all she cares about is herself and her man child’s happiness.
“….all she cares about is herself and her man child’s happiness.” Exactly
I think the new promo is a false alarm. It may be like Manjiri denied the marriage and lateron Arohi and Abhir’s pursuance both Abhira decided to marry and Akshara is waiting with Arohi for Abhimanyu at the court to get married and it might happen that Abhimanyu and Abhir do get into a accident but gets saved (like we were given Abhinav’s false car accident incident) and successfully reaches court.
But still after all the drama manjiri is going to create, shouldn’t Akshara be more concern about her unborn child’s wellbeing. Like she didn’t wanted Abhir to grow up in birlas house because of Abhimanyu and manjiri’s hatred even though he was a birla by blood than how can she be so selfish as to neglect the happiness of her unborn child.
Till the time Manjiri was not vocal, Akshara could fool herself into believing that Nav’s baby will be welcomed but after Manjiri’s verbal show of her thoughts, can Akshara still fool herself?
Moreover Akshara herself doesn’t seem happy with the news. In true sense it’s only Muskaan who is happy and as @Jade said Muskaan should make a run with the Nav’s baby and raise him/her. I wish Nav’s child is boy so that this 2 sister and one man track ends here.
Agreed. Akshara should care for her baby and be alert to it’s safety.
Once again, manjiri f*ckup
Manjiri actually didn’t loved Neil as an equal to Abhimanyu.
Many times, I feel like she saw Neil as a toy she bought from orphanage for her son. Manjiri doesn’t care about anyone be it Neil, ruhi or Abhir except Abhimanyu. Till the time a person is able to give happiness to Abhimanyu, she welcomes that person but the moment that person makes Abhimanyu sad, he/she becomes a eyesore to her.
If she truly live Neil than she would have understood his insecurities and pain and disclosed his truth way before to Harsh so that he had gotten his rightful place but there also she choose Abhimanyu, as that truth will destroy Abhimanyu.
This Gen had absolutely nothing.
No family bounding, no siblings care and love, no friendship bounding even the love the makers claim to have shown is absent. A total failure it is.
This Gen seems more about Abhimanyu and his mother and Akshara’s confusion and dumbness.
@Maria ‘No family bounding, no siblings care and love, no friendship bounding…’ funnily enough this is the most common complaint I hear from people about India today. Perhaps the programme is making a point.
Maria –
Absolutely agree with the view on Neil.. she didn’t love him equal to manyu and probably her inner psycho bought him home to take revenge on his dead mom for having affair with her husband !.. maybe !
Because if she really loved another woman’s child..she would never put a condition to a mom to marry which involves aborting the unborn..thats pathetic !..
And I don’t think akshara is sad with news.. she is shocked and probably worried how things are gonna take shape with new baby in equation…
Whatever akshara is.. I dont doubt her love for her children !.. let it be abhir or now the unborn !
And yes- your take on manyu accident also seems possible.. but either way..manyu n akshu both have to die soon.. but now it’s clear that manjiri does not have right intention when it comes to nav’s child.. and any self respecting mother should back out.. but our dumb akshara has habit of getting herself in these problems by jumping right in !
And the best saas award goes to Manjari

@Mark n @Jade

Great hope the marriage is annulled!
Manjiri said marriage happens for love n family not for friendship, didn’t she knows that this exact marriage IS for friendship n Abhir’s perfect family??? WTH she thinks is for Love? Doesn’t she knows that Akshara was Abhinav’s wife b4 she now becomes Abhi’s wife? Akshara is still Abhir’s mother and mother of Abhinav’s child! WTH Manjiri expects?
@Nonsense she wants to delete Nav from Akshara’s mind like he got deleted from everyone else’s. Manish is a snake
There is no logic in Manjiri’s statements, because otherwise she will lose her only grandson! If Akshara does not marry Abhimanyu, then logically she will marry someone else (Abhishek? :)) and then go to live with him and take Abhir with her.
The creators’ logic is close to zero…it’s so sad that they don’t give a damn…