Hi guys! It’s Miya. I’m so happy to see your comments for Yeh Vaada Raha. I hope you’ll enjoy the further story too.
Ragini: Stop it, Mannu!
Aryan: Acha, all right. Come let’s sit.
The four entered into the classroom and all took their sit. Aryan and Ragini were sitting together in the middle while Kavita and Manpreet were sitting together at the back. Uttara was sitting with another student in the front. The history teacher came.
Teacher: Good Morning Students!
Students (in chorus): Good Morning Mam!
Teacher: Students, I have a good news to announce you! We have selected few students who have won the competition at our school. And from those few students, we have Ragini, Aryan, Kavita, Manpreet and Uttara in this class. We have decided to take them for a trip to Goa. (All clapped)
The class ended and the gang sat under a tree to discuss.
Manpreet: !Wow! Goa! We are going to Goa, guys!
Aryan: Haan, we are gonna have fun!
Manpreet: Abbe, you are thinking about having fun! I’m thinking about girls! Aryan, Goa! Where there are girls! Casino! Beach! Oh my god! I’m gonna rock!
Kavita: Someone please shut his mouth! Always thinking about girls!
Manpreet: Arre then who should think about girls? You? By the way, you can but people will think you wrong, you know… (Aryan laughed)
Kavita: offo! (Uttara giggled)
Ragini: guys, stop it! And Mannu, stop dreaming about all this! And plus, we aren’t yet 18, so you won’t be allowed to do all this, ok! Stop dreaming! (All laughed at Manpreet) guys, listen, we are going to Goa and gonna have fun! And haan, please don’t fight there (looking at Kavita and Aryan)
Kavita: Tell this to him, he always irritate me!
Aryan: oh hello madam! It’s not my fault if you are getting irritate with what I’m doing!
Uttara: Ragini said right, you both always fight for nothing, please Yaar! (Both kept quiet)
In Kavita’s house, her mother was instructing her to take this and that in which Kavita was getting irritated.
Kavita: Mom enough! I’m gonna have fun in Goa with my friends. I’m not going to any fashion shows to take these kinds of thing. Give me simple dress!
Kavita’s Mom: But baby, you are a business tycoon’s daughter. You have to maintain your image even there. (Kavita held her head in disbelief)
In Manpreet’s house, Manpreet was seen playing video games in his bedroom while his grandmother was seen packing his suitcase.
Grandmother: Beta, be careful and take care! And yeah don’t trouble anyone there!
Manpreet (while playing): Haan, Haan Beeji! I won’t. By the way, Ragini is there na! She would take care of everything!
Grandmother: Hey Rabba, don’t know when he would change for good!
In Ragini’s House, Ragini was seen packing her dress and her mom was looking at this.
Janki (Ragini’s Mom): Beta let me do this, na.
Ragini (with a smile): Mom, I’m big enough to do my things, don’t worry!
Ragini’s Dadaji: Absolutely, correct, let her do her work, beta! (Ragini received a call)
Ragini: Haan bolo! What… ah ok… yeah I just finished packing… ok… good night… see you tomorrow!
Janki: Who was it?
Ragini: Conference call Mom! Those idiots called me to be ready at 8 a.m.
Janki: Oh acha… beta, inform about this once to your dad…
Ragini (interrupted): Mom, I told you many times that I don’t need to tell him anything related to me!
Janki: But beta, he is your father!
Ragini: What father! If he really cared about me then he wouldn’t left us! Anyways, I’m gonna sleep! I don’t want to spoil my mood. Good night!
Janki: Papaji, look…
Dadaji (interrupted): Beta, she is right. He doesn’t deserve us. Go and sleep!
In Uttara’s house, Uttara was seen listening to Dp very carefully.
Dp: Look Uttara, I’m allowing you to go after your Badi ma’s request. I don’t want you to do any mistakes there. I hope you won’t disappoint me! Otherwise you know what I will do.
Uttara: Ji, bade Papa. (He went from there)
Ap: Look, Uttara be careful, ok! (After finishing packing)
Uttara: Ji, badi ma.
In Aryan’s House, servants were running here and there to pack his dress.
Aryan (after finishing talking on phone): Mom, I informed Ragini that I will pick her tomorrow.
Aryan’s Mom: Ok, be careful haan! And take care! Don’t trouble Kavita a lot!
Aryan: Mom, we are friends and in friendship, troubling is allowed! (He laughed)
Aryan’s mom: you won’t change!
Next morning, Aryan came to pick up Ragini. She was seen upset as her mother talked about her father. Aryan sensed her being upset.
Aryan: Kya hua? Again Aunty talked about your dad…
Ragini (lost in thought): Haan… How do you know (coming out of her thoughts)?
Aryan: Your face is telling me. Ragini, since we are friends, the only thing which you can’t bear is your father. So that’s how I guessed.
Ragini: Haan yaar, you are right… Don’t know why Mom is like this… Even though she doesn’t live with him, she respects him a lot.
Aryan: Leave about that and think about Goa!
Ragini: Haan, ok!
They reached the airport where they saw the teachers waiting for them. Uttara has already reached there before them.
Ragini: Arre Uttara, you are alone. Where are the others?
Uttara: Manpreet, as usual, is flirting with girls and Kavita might be on the way.
Aryan: Yaar, why this girl takes too much time just to show her horrible face.
Ragini and Uttara: Aryan!!
Aryan: Ok, I’ll stop. Yelo, Agaye madam ji!
Kavita came and the five with other students and teachers boarded the flight. It took them few hours to reach the Goa airport. They then took a bus from there to go to a resort which the school had planned for the students.
Aryan: Ok guys, we will all get bored if we stay like this on the bus. Let’s play a game.
Manpreet: What game yaar! (While flirting with a girl)
Aryan: Hmmm…
Uttara: How about Antakshari?
Kavita: Wow! Cool!
Actually, the four has planned this so that they can cheered Ragini who was seen still upset.
(Tukur Tukur of Dilwale played…)
Pa pa pa.. oo.. (All students started singing except Ragini)
Tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur
Dekh taka tak
Tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur
Dekh taka tak
Tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur
Dekh taka tak
Tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur tukur
Dekh taka tak
Dil mein haan hai hothon pe naa (Aryan started singing)
Dil mein haan hai hothon pe naa (aaye…)
Bhare bazaar mein dil tod gayi zaalima (Manpreet joined him in singing)
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur (All students said)
Dekh taka tak
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur
Dekh taka tak
Aashiqon ki jaan le gayi (aaye..)(Uttara started singing)
Aashiqon ki jaan le gayi (o ho!)
Kaahe rumaal magar chhod gayi zaalima (Kavita joined her)
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur (All students said)
Dekh taka tak
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur
Dekh taka tak
Chahne wale tere jitne hazaar sanam (Aryan sang and made Ragini stand up)
Badh ke humse nahi honge dildaar sanam (Manpreet sang and took her to the center)
Ye zamana hai bewafa (toh) (Kavita sang and side hugged her)
Ye zamana hai bewafa (haaye) (Uttara sang and did the same)
Mile mushkil se wafadaar koi baalma (Aryan sang and danced)
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur
Dekh taka tak
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur
Dekh taka tak
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur
Dekh taka tak
Pa ra re pa…(Manpreet danced and Ragini smiled and the four continued to dance to cheer her)
Ai yai ya Vasco da Gama (All students got down the bus)
Ai yai ya pagdi pajama
Hey ai yai ya Vasco da Gama
Ai yai ya pagdi pajama
Pyaar kya cheez hai (Aryan gave his hand and sang)
Peechha chhode naa wo marz hai
Umr bhar sar se jo (Manpreet made her sit)
Miyan utre na wo karz hai
Iss se bach ke rehna zara (Aryan pointing at Kavita)
Iss se bach ke rehna zara (Aryan ran seeing Kavita chasing him)
Nazar andaaz naa kar mashwara ye kaam ka (Manpreet pulled Ragini’s cheeks)
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur (All had a group hug)
Dekh taka tak
Tukur-tukur tukur-tukur tukur-tukur (they got inside the bus and danced)
Dekh taka tak
Pa pa pa.. oo.. (The bus stopped suddenly and they stopped singing while some who stood up, fell down)
Ragini: Arre, what happened driver uncle?
Driver: Don’t know beta but the bus stopped. There isn’t any technical fault but still I’m not able to move ahead the bus.
All got down of the bus and noticed that it stopped in an isolated place. And there was a mansion visible in their eyes. The teachers reached the mansion. It was the same “Villa” where Neha and Sahil stayed two months ago. Once again, the caretaker came of the mansion. The teachers explained him the situation and the caretaker offered them to stay there as long as they want. The teachers were happy to stay there for free. They took the students there. Ragini and her class stepped into the mansion and a pair of eye was shown, opening suddenly. While all were feeling the mansion to be weird, Ragini admired it a lot. She liked the way the mansion was built and decided to take a look around it. She went upstairs, without anyone realizing it. The pair of eyes was witnessing about what Ragini was doing. After she went, the caretaker again said those same rules: to not step out of your room at night and to not open the room in upstairs.
Here, Ragini was upstairs. (Dead silence bgm plays…)
Ragini (while walking): Wow! How beautiful it is! Don’t know why people were calling it weird. (She walked a little) What is this? (She went near it) Oh my God! Such a big door! And why it has a padlock? (She touched it) Who is in this room? Shall I open it?
It was seen that Ragini was completely admiring the door. She was staring at it as if it was telling something to her. When Ragini was looking at the door, all realized that she was missing. All got afraid as they didn’t want to break the rules. They went to search her in every corner.
Manpreet (panicked): Arre yaar, where this Ragini went?!
Aryan: Don’t know… Do one thing, I will search this side and you go that side.
Manpreet didn’t find her down so he went upstairs to look for her. He found her in front of the door.
Manpreet (shouted): Ragini!
His shout put an end to Ragini’s thoughts. She realized where she was. Manpreet went near her and shook her.
Manpreet: Ragini!!!
Ragini (turned and saw Manpreet): What?
Manpreet: What are you doing here? Everyone is searching you.
Ragini: I was bored so I decided to take a look here. Look how big it is… But I don’t understand why it has a padlock.
Manpreet: You can look it later, now come with me. (Dead silence bgm plays…)
He dragged Ragini from there and the same pair of eyes was seen watching them going from there. Those eyes were turning red and we could see anger in those eyes. Manpreet took Ragini to show her room.
Manpreet: This is your room.
Ragini: With whom I gonna share it? Kavita or Uttara?
Manpreet: Alone.
Ragini (shocked): What!
Manpreet: Haan, we are 21 students. There are 9 girls and 12 boys. Two have to share room and you are left alone. So…
Ragini: Oh no!
Precap: Aryan and Ragini sneaked into the forbidden room.
So guys, how was it? I don’t if it’s really scary but still I hope that you all like it.
Last time, I wanted to write the prologue as the first Episode but it appeared to be the prologue so technically; this is the first episode
Awesome superb
Thank you!
wowwww super interestng dear….waitng for nxt part eagerlyy!!! keep rockng dear…
Thanks dear!
Thank you!
Love it
Thank you!
omg this is so amazing btw who is playing manpreet and aryan
and utara and kavita r same from swaragini rite
Thank you!
Yeah! Actually Uttara and Kavita are from Swaragini serial and Manpreet and Aryan are played by Zuber K. Khan and Shravan Reddy
Amazing it’s really Awsm loved it can’t wait for next part at all
Thank you so much!
Superb yaar……Plzz update soon……its getting more and more interesting
nice awesome next part soon
Ragini scenes are nice
interesting, dont make me wait so long, update soon.
Awesome awesome..loved it…