Fan Fiction

Yes im a Don, and underworld Don:so y cant I love u..?? (Part 4)

Im so happy with ur comments….even im confused with my ff whether to start my new ff or to continue this and hatred to love..its u people who needs to decide….

At gadodia house

At night

Shekar was sitting alone in the room. Sumi enters and is shocked to find shekar like that

Sumi:what happened jii…why are u worried all hardword will ne wasted..I dont knw what to do…business is falling down…

Sumi:dont worry jii..everything will be the way u talk to swara..maybe she will help u in business

Shekar:how can I ask her to join my business..she needs to study naa

Sumi:its her last year naa…she will understand…

All conversation was heard by swara

Next mrng

All are dining table

Swara:maa baba..I need to ask u something

Shekar:what happen shona

Swara:baba..actually im thinking to join ur fed up with my studies…and it will give me some break also

Sumi and shekar was shocked

Swara:dont worry baba..I will handle..and dont introduce me as ur daughter…just by looking my qualifications u give my job…and even I can stand in my foot naa

Shekar and sumi was overwhelmed to see their daughter…they were proud of her…

Swara gets a call and excuse herself


Caller:my jaan

Swara was shocked


Sanskar:so u can identify my sound..thats interesting

Swara:what the hell u want

Sanskar:I already said..I nees u…


Sanskar:its possible jaan…I heard that u r joing ur papa office

Swara:how u knw that..

Sanskar laughs like a insane

Sanskar:u father business falls only because of me..I knw that u will do something…now see all is in my hands

Swara was shocked..

Swara:why are u doing this…what wrong I did with u…plz

Sanskar:I hate it..when u cry….

Swara:do u think that, by doing all this I will accept to marry u..never

She angrilu cuts the call

At office

Shekar comes there and introduce swara as new designer…

Swara goes to her cabin

At noon:

Shekar:sh…swara…u check the latest design…today a cleint is coming to see it

Swara nodes..

In canteen:

Arjun:that new joiny is hot naa…she have perfect figure

Rahul:yes arju..u r ryt..even I liked her…her strawberry fragmence is making me crazy…

Arjun smirks

Rahul:are u thinking same away, as im thinking

Both smiles evily…

At office

Swara comes to cabin with new designs..

Swara:may I come in sir
Shekar:yes come in

Swara enters and find two men sitting..she greets them

Shekar:so swara…this is mr durga prasad and this is his brother ram prasad

Swara:jii sir…

Swara talked with them politely and they were much impressed by her..

They liked her designs too

Dp and rp signed the contract with gadodia..

They left…

At home:

Shekar hugs swara

Shekar:im proud of u shonaa…only because of u I got this contract

Swara:what is this papa..its our hard working we got this…

Both hugs

At Dp and Rp mansion

Dp and rp are discussing about swara..

Sujatha:I think she is a good girl..

Dp:we talked well mannered..and I enquired about her also…she have just joined that day she gives us a design as if she ia experienced…

Ap:what about her character

Rp:we dont knw much about that bhabhi…

Sujatha:bring her hear..we will understand about her….I hope that she can change our son

Rp:even I have a ray of hope regarding it…

Kaveri:bt I must say, she must be some middle class girl naa..

Dp:bt her values are much above that…

Kaveri:I was thinking about my daughter kavitha..she will suit him

Ap:how can u say that…u want ur kavitha should be the daughter in law of this house…no jii…

Kaveri:bt she is very good….

Dp:we can think about that all go to sleep…

Kaveri:(I will make my daughter marry him…once he comes after business deal, I will instigate him against his family, then he will obey me)
Kaveri smirks

At gadodia mansion

Swara again gets call frm sanskar

Swara:will u allow me to sleep

Sanskar:u sleep now…later u should sleep with me naa..that time I will not allow u to sleep

Swara showa a irritated facr

Sanskar:see…if u go out of ur house today, then I will take u…so even if its urgent or any important…u should stay in ur room only..else…I will never show yesterday mercy again

Saying he hangs the phone

Swara remember yesterday scene and gets tensed

Just then she gets another call


Caller:its me arjun..actually…we are lost with some design, if u come here it will be helpfull…

Swara:this night

Arjun:we will drop u..actuallay all are waiting for u

Saying he winks at rahul


She hangs the call

She was about to go out of room when she remembers sanskar’s threat

Swara:what will I swara..u should not go…else he will finish everything….

Swara lays down on the bed….and sleeps…

Next day…

At office

Swara was talking with laksh on phone when she hits someone and was about to fall..he hold her by waist and pulls her up…she feels uncomfortable

Swara:thanks rahul

Swara leaves

Rahul smirks

Arjun comes to swara and grabed her hand and pulls her aside

Arjun:y dont u come yesterday..u knw how long we waited for u..

Swara was scared to his angry

Swara:im sorry arjun..actually yesterday I dosed up feeling tired

Arjun keeps his hand on her neck and forehead
Swara was feeling uncomfortable and moves back

Arjun:I was just checking temperature..

Swara nodes and goes to her cabin…

Arhul plans something and smirks each other..

Shekar calls swara in cabin u go maheswary mansion

Swara:haa sir (suddenly)

shekar:r u okk


Shekar:dp and rp liked ur designs so they need to see u in their house

Swara:dp rp maheswary

Shekar:they are maheswary. .durga prasad maheswary ram prasad maheswary

Swara nodes and goes out…

no no is that possible…dp uncle and rp uncle, how kind they are….bt this sanskar…never…there can be more surnames same naa..thats it…

She takes her bag and leaves for maheswary mansion

Precap:arhul evil plan..ap and sujatha likes swara….sanskar slaps swara


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