Fan Fiction

Yes im a Don, and underworld Don:so y cant I love u..?? (Part 6)

Hii everyone…without much intro..lets move to our chapter..

Swara gets a letter from maheswary company

After reading that


Shekar:y so happy beta

Swara:see baba..I got invitation frm maheswary company..for designs

Shekhar:thats good news beta

Swara:haa baba..if my desighs are good, even I will get job there

Sumi:congrats beta

Swara:even if I got job..I wont go there


Swara:if I go thrre u will be alone naa??

Shekar:dint worry our company is leading one..I can manage..and even laksh is there to help me naa

Swara:jii baba…let me prepare

Swara informs laksh about that….

At a park

Swara is seated in a bench….

Just then sanskar comes there

Swara was about to go, bt sanskar holds her

Swara:leave me

Sanskar:is my slap, that much paining

Swara:wow..paining…u slap me with love naa..then how can I get pain infact it was giving me releif??

Sanskar:dont joke

Swara:then what should I say…

Sanskar:actually whats ur problem…y cant u love me…y cant u marry me

Swara:plz..dont utter that word…


Swara:I said naa I cant marry u…nor love u..u r a don


Saying he pulls her more closer

Swara:leave me sanskar

Sanskar:whats ur problem..if u marry me, u will get plenty of money respect and all

Swara:ohh u said about respect naa…then come I will show u..

Swara ask sanskar to walk around a badi..

As he moves all the people gets scared and stands up..all ladies goes inside the started to cry..

He comes back…

Swara:now my turn

Swara also walks to the badi…

Ladies comes and calls her to their house…kids cheers her gives kisses..old people blesses her

She comes back to sanskar

Swara:have u noted the difference…whenever u go near them, they are giving u respect being scared whereas when I went they give it due to love…

Sanskar looks at her

Swara:there is lot many difference between taking respect by force and taking it by love..

Sanskar:is this ur reason

Swara:let me finish..u said that u have money…does that money gives u any peace..have u ever sleepen with that peacefullness..have u ever go out without ur boduguards and ur pistal…no na…

Sanskar:just stop ur lecture

Swara:no one will like when ever we said truth……im saying u that I will never love u neither marry u..its my promise

Sanskar:lets see…be ready to break ur promise…

He leaves frm there…swara goes to her house…..

Next day…(last day of sanskar challenged day)

Swara wakes up early and prepares for desighs….

she takes blessings from shekar sumi ankush tulsi..

She wears a blue jeans with white full sleeve kurtha

She leaves with laksh in bike..

She reaches at office

Swara:this much big office

Laksh:even im coming..chalo

Swara goes inside with laksh….

Swalak was waiting when her pearl bounce and went inside a room

She opens that soon as start sneezing

Swara:I think it has been locked since years

She just sees a protait of a young man bt his face was not clear due to dust…
She sees a wonferful quote there..

Missing somebody ………. CALL
Wanna meetup………. INVITE
Wanna be undestood ………. EXPLAIN
Have questions ………. ASK
Don’t like something ………. SAY IT NICELY
Like something ……… DECLARE IT
Want somethhing ………. ASK FOR IT
Stressed ……… LET GO

Just then peon comes there

Swara:im sorry..actually my pearl..

Poen:no problem beta..actually its san beta’s room…since he went no one opened it

Swara:who is that

Peon:dp sir e have been 2 years…he used to vontact them via phone

Swara nodes…
just then her turn comes and she goes inside….

Laksh calls ragini

Laksh:hii laddo


Laksh:call me lucky naa

Ragini:no laksh..its only for shona…

Laksh:so u dont have any problem

Ragini:no laksh…u knw this century being in friendship for long time is a big thing..being in two opposite s*x u two proved that friensship ia something un expresable..infact it should be felt…


Ragini:I love u laksh…and I love ur friendship which doesn’t have a fault…

Both talks for sometime and hangs up….

Swara comes out..

She hugs laksh

Swara:I won it lucky…

Swalak leaves…

Arun calls sanskar is done… its ur time

At maheswary mansion

All mansion is beautifully decorated

Kaveri:what happens

Ap:san beta called..he will come hete seeing him after 2 years

Sujatha:no only ur jiji..even mine too..

kaveri goes out and calls someone

Kaveri:I dont want to hear anythinh…its fixed that…u r coming…

Kaveri hangs the cal

Kaveri:no one is there who can cross my child with beauti brain or anything…

She smirks…

At night 11:59

Arun and sanskar is seared in a room

Arun:bhai..only few seconds are left


It was about to strike 12:00

A girl comes inside


As soon as she said that it staiked 12:00

Sanskar walks towards that girl


The girl is of course our swara…..

She looks at him with teary eyes….

Sanskar wipes away her tears…

Sanskar:so now u got brains..if u accepted it earlier, I could have not wasted my energy…

Swara didnt utter a word….

Sanakar ask arun to drop her

Swara leaves. .

Sanskar:I didnt think that u will easily accept my proposal…infact how could u deni, afterall I have did…(will reveal later)

Swara was sitting in her room..crying and cursing…

Swara controls herself and calls someone

Swara:ragini…everything is fine there naa

Ragini:(sobbing) everything is fine shona…..nothing happened we..we are completely kk

Swara cuts the call

Swara closes her eyes and remembers todays incident that changed her life


Swalak leaves the office happily….

Laksh drops swara in a mall….

Swara enters a lift..

It get strted, she finds sanskar in it all alone..

He comes near her, she goes backward at last hit the lift door…

Sanskar blocks her with his hands

He leans towards her eyes

Sanskar:dont worry, I will not do anythinh until marriage…and I guess today u will agree for it

Swara pushes him


Sanskar:whatever..I came her to inform u somthing…have u talked with laksh…and I must say ragini is hot…bt not much as u

Swara was shocked hearing that

Sanskar:what aboyt ur baba maa mom papa (ankush and tulsi) are they all fine…and ur sweet little pinky (neighbour) and ur aryan shay sahil…

Swara holds him by collar

Swara:what have u done..u must have dis something to them

Sanskar:let me finish my jaan…ur that what that name?oh yes..ur orphanage…I think fire has got there and most probably all have died

Swara:NOOOO (screms)

Sanskar:u have time..just go and check urself….

Saying he goes out where swara was dazed on his sayings

Precap: flashback continues…san entry…

I have done with it..and a small questions…now what should I add

Swasan marriage or some more scenes of them then marrige

Gadodia throwing out swara…

U guys say….


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