Categories: Yeshu

Yeshu 16th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Yeshu feeds the hungry thieves

Yeshu 16th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The Episode starts with Yeshu giving water to the thieves. James gets angry on them. Yeshu asks them not to worry and says Chachi will be fine. The thief says we don’t believe that you are so good. Yeshu asks why did they do stealing? The thieves tell that they were hungry since 2 days, and this is not their profession. He didn’t have even the money. Yeshu says we will make food for you all. Yakub says we just knows how to make food. James comes to Yeshu and tells that they shall throw them out. Yeshu tells that they shall give them a chance to repent their mistakes. James says your good doings will land us in trouble. He says I have to be with you. Yeshu kneads the flour with Aashiya’s help. He makes food thinking how Mary used to make. He makes the vegetable dish and asks Aashiya to give salt. He adds

salt. He makes rotis. Aashiya says the stove fire is setting off. Yeshu blows on the fire like Mary used to do. Then Yeshu and others feed the food to the thieves. Yeshu asks them to have food. The thieves start having food and get emotional seeing Yeshu’s good deed. The thief feeds food in Yeshu’s mouth and says we don’t believe in God, but if he had any son in this earth then he would have been like you. They finish food and sleep. Yeshu covers blanket on them.

Joseph and Mary come home. Mary calls Yeshu and kisses him. Yeshu smiles as his mother hugs him. Mary thanks the God for his safety. She finds blood stain and asks if he got the injury. Yeshu says this is not my blood and is about to tell about yesterday night incident. Maria comes there and shouts at Yeshu. She tells them that Yeshu had made food for the thieves and fed them with his hands. She tells that the thieves came to steal in their house and she risked her life to save the kids. She says Yeshu cared for the thieves much and tells that she will ask Rabbi Guru ji to handover them to Samrat for punishment. The thieves plead for forgiveness and tells that they didn’t want to kill them, don’t know what had happened to them. They were hungry since 2 days etc. Yeshu asks Joseph to give them a job at the workshop. Maria’s husband says they are not trustable. Yeshu tells Mary that she had told that broken things can be repaired, like wise they shall be given a chance to become good. Joseph convinces his brother to give them job. Maria gets upset and goes. Joseph tells the thieves that they shall learn carpenter work with him and then they will never steal again.

Mary brings the flower pot and keeps with the smaller flower pot. She asks him to tell if he was in problem when she was away. Yeshu tells everything that he was trapped by Shaitaan’s magic, but she saved him. He says he saw Devi in her. Mary says every mother is Devi for their son. Yeshu says we get such parents due to God’s blessings. Mary hugs him.

Yeshu makes medicine for Toyseller and tells Aashiya that Manu told that his father is not well. He says very soon he will be fine. Manu comes there and tells that his father’s condition deteriorated and asks him to come with him. Yeshu asks Aashiya to inform his parents and leaves with Manu. They reach Manu’s house and see two men rushing out of the house, and putting water on themselves. They stop Manu from entering in his house and says this house has become impure, nobody can go inside and viceversa. Yeshu and Manu are shocked.

Precap: Rabbi Guru ji telling the villagers that leprosy stricken people shall stay in the dark cave till the end of their lives. He sends Toyseller to the cave. Yeshu tells his parents that he wants to go to the cave.

Update Credit to: H Hasan

H Hasan

I started writing as a hobby. It turned into a fledged out career fortunately. I love reading novels and creative arts. I'm very committed and give my best to my work.

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