Thapki slowly feeling his presence and on completely being assured that he’s here she’s not dreaming….she completely broke down….she unpacked her emotions….& bihaan felt his hrt shrinking seeing her condition….but she was only responsible for her present state….he reassured his hrt…
Bihaan : thapki…plz dnt cry m with ..& behind u this bihaan pandey cnt see his mrs bihaan pandey like that….
Thapki laughed a bit & then turned her back to bihaan as tears rhythmically trickled….down moistening her cheeks…

Bihaan : hey plz dnt u cry…princess…
Thapki : i dnt deserve u bihaan in fact i dnt deserve anyone…i deserve these tears that’s it…u..u s..shud go..bihaan…g..go…
Bihaan : will u stay here ?
Thapki : i assume…so..t..this is what actually i have eearned..through this relation..of d..dhruv and mmine…he hates me…
Bihaan : who hates u ?
Thapki : ka….(she stopped realising what she was saying )
Bihaan : say ?
Thapki : u bbetter leave….
Bihaan : thapki see…i m here to take u with me…y dnt u understand….?
Thapki all of a sudden fainted as weakness dominated her frail body….
Bihaan : thapkiiiiiiiiiiii….. inspector..inspector…
Ins. : bihaan sir..yes…
Bihaan : r u blind or crazy…cnt u see she has fainted what yes unleash this iron door right now…nd get me some water nd food….hurry up..
Police counstable rushed to fulfill bihaan’s requirements….& he within 2 mins provided him the same…bihaan made thapki drink water and made her eat something dragging her to consciousness.
He softly smiled at her as she slowly lifted the curtains up…
Thapki’s vision was blurred…as she opened her eyes slowly…..& bihaan embraced her….crying…
Bihaan : so..sorry thapki…btw see my love is pure and true i only brole ur fast….but still m sry…
Thapki : this isnt ur fault bihaan….its mine…
Soon the distance b/w them was replaced as they both snuggled….thapki’s curves coincided with bihaan’s chest….bihaan’s arms….fastened around her waist…& thapki clutched his torned sherwani…
Bihaan broke the hug as he sensed people’s strong gaze on them….
Bihaan stood up to leave when thapki held his hand…..
Thapki : i..i cnt s..stay me..p..plz….p..plz..
Bihaan : thapki….i wont go alone u’ll come worreis…..
Thapki : plz…plz ttake me…bihaan what happened to u..ur cclothes ?
Bihaan : thapki i roamed emtire night to bail u out…and dhruv beated me like hell…..
Thapki : oh!! Bihaan….
She pecked his cheeks sending shivers down his spine bihaan wondered if he hates her then y it feels heavenly…
Thapki : bihaan u ddid so much for me…m grateful to u nd idk how to express…mmy gratitude to u…but first ttake me pplz i need u…just u…plz….
Bihaan : thapki….
Pn ,
Dhruv was about to leave to bail thapki out. When some goons barged in…
Dhruv : who the hell u all r ?
Goon : bihaan bhai sended us to decorate the house for mehendi ceremony that’s going to held in the evening…& u better get ready…else ur mother will die…
Dhruv (panicking) : ma….what ?
Sahir : what the hell is he up to ? God..but i need to help him…i m gonna handle dhruv…
Dhruv ‘s eyes blazed hearing the goons…he was hot under the collar,he was really teed off….
Sahir : hey dhruv!! See calm down bro….& listen to me…
Dhruv : r u insane ? U r asking me to calm down….that man he’s pulverizing everything ahhh godddd….damn it…damn itttttttt
Sahir : see u dnt wry…i’ll handle everything i promise its ur mehandi dnt u think u shud….b more eager abt it…..right ? Afterall the girl for whom u craved is going to b urs forever….
The darkness of the room soothed her….she cud feel it swallowing her…but she was the only one…responsible for one else was no one was their whom she cud blame….she sat in the corner hugging her knees close to her chest…her body jiggled as she weeped……the stygian blackness of the room was her only support….she was locked in there by a husband who…..betrayed her….he was like other men he was same…..
She was lyng there wounded….sobbing….she showed some moxie and stood up….but her hand it was leashed with a chain as if she was an animal…..she tried again to free herself….but same like previous one it ended up deepening the cut…..blood oozed out and dampened the clotted blood…..she winced as stinging pain growed….
She once again gathering power stood up but her heavy bridal attire forced her down…..she screeched… the frustation…of being cheated & defeated….defeated in love bited her…..her scream burned him….& he got another bottle from the bar & drank it…..
Thapki : what was my fault ? All i wanted was to b loved but no…nn..o no one can u miss..thapki chatur…oh no no…mrs
THAPKI BIHAAN PANDEY….u r….the most jinxed girl on the earth…..that blo*dy man ddeceived me….ahhhh y cnt i even die…..m i a animal…how can he be this truculent…plz god leave me….i dnt want to b his bride his wwife…i’ll die with him..he’s a traitor…thapki only cried what else she cud do….she was dressed as a bride the most btfl bride but rt now her state was pityful….

Bihaan entered in the room only to find her lyng lifelessly on floor….her head was resting on the carpet..while her hand was tied to the chain which pierced her skin…..she lifted her moist lashes up….and threw daggers at him through her gaze….he was standing before her…unabashed….
Thapki looked at him astounded also with pain dispersed on her face and tears dryng….

Thapki ‘s eyes were enough to kill him he uncorked her hands…..& then stood up , he opened his wardrobe and then searched for the antiseptic and finding one throwed on thapki….
Thapki stared at the ointment lyng near her amd then she grasped it and aimed it at a garbagebin….. then she turned her back to him….
Bihaan sighed…& headed towards the balconi but before stepping out he adjusted his head at an angle of 180 degrees and catched her glimpse….
Thapki(still turning her back to him) : stop looking at me with that odious pair of urs…..nnever ever unlearn that…u r a jjudas….nd u r aan abomination for me…..
Bihaan went out closing the door behind him coz his hrt was chopped into zillion fractions witnessing her hatred towards him…..nd he knew he only gave birth to it…
But that’s what she deserved….he justified his actions….to oblige his brain….
Bihaan ‘s gaze fell on a glass vase and he broke it into fragments & he grabbed one and placed it on his palm balling his palm….his fist was soon clrd red….
Bihaan : tit for tat….u hurted her now hurt urself…..
Thapki : i hhate u bihaan pandey…i hhate u… u changed this much…how can someone change utterly…god u cud have simply butchered me rather than doing tthis..i wasnt expecting this from u infact i dint have slightest clue about uur intentions…nd in my wwildest of dreams i cnt even imagine u ddoing this…
Oh ! how i wwish u loved mme….
Bihaan : huh!! How i wish i cud love u….
Silent rdrs plz plz do cmnt nd regular cmntrs tysm love u all ??
Interesting episode..

Really very curious to know next..
Please update next part soon..
Love you dii..
Really outstanding episode..
I’m ?
Kudrat u r love sweethrt nd tysm for always ncrgng me nd cmntng that meams alot i just lpve u i ‘ll try nd update soon??
Omg what an episode..hats off.u r amazing .is story mai twist n turns tou kamal k hain.plzzzz update nxt part .yeh part thora short bhi hai plzzz nxt part jaldi de dn .intezaar nhi ho rha …
Tysm doll btw can i knw ur name ? Nd tysm for ncrgng me…i wasmt expecting such a good response but u all rdrs r just amazing…nd ty for rdng nd cmntng deary that means alot to me love ya ?
Sis my name is shafaq
Very nice part thank you so much
Tysm yogesh for rdng nd cmntng ?
Its very nice dear….keep writting dear….tc
Tysm navami ur cmnt means alot to me love u ???
slam.sis thanx 4update..its really nice .plz reply my comments dear.the story is totally changed know its sound more interesting. Plz update next soon.bye Allahafiz
Hey iqra….salam well tysm for appreciation that means alot to me nd how will i not reply to u u r my sis….keep rdng nd cmntng like this only ?? love u ??
This part so short and I really don’t understand on last plot. Please update soon dear your story become make me want to know the next story.
Tysm vin well u will understmd everything in next prt…so just keep rdng sweet hrt love u ??
nice epi….yr its amazing nd thrilling one yr….i wander wht wil hapend nxt…waitng for nxt epi dear…tnkx…l.u ….t.c…
Hey sadia sry for late reply nd i have updated next prt read nd tell me ?? love u
Manish sir new show me combaick kar rahe hai i am very much happier
Yup m too excited abt it but i wont b able to watch it… nd yes hi how were u ?
Didiiiii Wall paper
Ty kudrat ?