‌You Are My Life- Part 4

Sorry guys for being late

Let’s start the episode

Siya: Di I never expected my family will do such things to you especially bhai 😥😥

Riddhima: I was an orphan and I always dreamed of having a family. When kabir came to my life I thought I going to live my dream life but he asked me to prove my love for him.

I came here to prove vansh is responsible for ragini’s murder. And I felt my life turned upside down when vansh married me. I thought vansh was cruel and stone hearted man but as I spent days with him I understood his originality and his.

When I realized he was my true love I broke all my ties with kabir. But it was too late for everything. Vansh jumped from the cliff. After that kabir came here as anupriya’s son. At the same time I have realized that he just used me in the name of love.

Then he blackmailed me for marrying him or else he will kill Ishani and her baby and also others then I met vihaan who was in real vansh. My only intention was to safeguard all of you from kabir and anupriya but I was happy when I realized he was vansh.

But his every touch, words and love were just out of revenge and I always tried my level best to make him understand but he announced Ahana as his wife. Now I am really happy that I have you and my brother

After few minutes Angre came there with food plates and they had their food and angre leaves the room wishing them good night he left the room and then he saw vansh there

Vansh: Angre did she ate something, how is she

Angre : You no need to worry about her because I’m there for her and I don’t think it is necessary to share her matters with you as you don’t have any right on her

Saying this Angre leaves, with heavy heart vansh comes to his room and closed the door harshly. He sits on the floor and took his phone and looks at their (riansh) photo

Vansh: I know what I did is such a big sin and it can’t forgiven easily ,but I can’t live without you I’m sorry Riddhima please come to me l can’t stay away from you and you also can’t stay away from me because we love each other.

That’s all for today’s episode meet you soon till then take care and stay healthy 💗💕


Crazy 🤪😜fan of imm2 and riansh 😎😎Never let anyone's word's affect you because you represent yourself 😉😉

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