You Are My Life – Part 5
Thanks for your response , let’s start today’s episode
Days passed riddhima,siya and angre started to behave normally with everyone in the family but riddima completely ignored vansh .
The next day after the revelation both ahana and kabir were missing
Ishangre were living like a normal couple.
Vansh was trying his level best to impress his sweetheart but failed miserably
Everyone was sitting in the hall including vansh and angre as it was Saturday. Angre was massaging ishani’s legs. After a long time Riddhima was having a smile on her face
Siya : Di you seemed to be very happy today any specific reason.
Vansh : Siya why are you calling her di she’s your bhabhi
Siya: She’s my best friend I’ll call her as my wish and for that I don’t need your permission
Everybody chuckle at her answer vansh never expected such reply from her but he was happy on seeing his sweetheart laughing wholeheartedly
Riddhima: My senior as well as my friend is coming to meet me after a long time that is why I’m happy
Angre: Who is she ?
Riddhima: It’s not she, it is he. His name is Arjun
On hearing another man’s name from her vansh felt a burning sensation within himself eventhough she addressed him as his friend vansh was feeling jealous.
Siya (observed vansh jealousy and decided to add oil into the fire) : Ridz is he is a handsome guy
Riddhima: He was the most handsome boy of our college, I met him long ago and I’m sure now his charm would have increased
Ishani: I don’t think he will be handsome as my bhai
Vansh felt proud on hearing his sister’s words but he was left bewildered on hearing his sweetheart’s reply
Ok guys that’s all for today’s episode. Comment your views. Meet you in next episode till then take care and stay healthy.

Awesome episode
. Kya kaha hoga ridhima ne
. Post soon.
Thank you
You will find the answer of your question on next episode
Wow. Fantastic
Yrr please post soon…it is just amazing..

I will post the episode soon
Wonderful dear
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Fantastic update….. but please try make it Long
Wow amazing

Thanks for updates
Keep rocking
Beautiful update dear I liked this riddhi so much
Awesome part!
