You are my love (Riansh) Part 14


Today’s Episode starts…

Everyone was spending good times with each other. Then vansh gathered everyone except ridhima .

Vansh-so as everyone knows that tomorrow is Ridhima’s birthday, so we have to plan a surprise for her

Aryan- but how

Ishani-aryan pls shut your mouth.


Dadi- oho , you both pls stop fighting

Vansh-so tonight at 12:00am we will wish Ridhima and tomorrow evening there will be a party in VR mantion.this will be the biggest party on VR mantion.

Everyone- yes

Its night 11:59

Vansh- so ready , 1, 2 , 3

Everyone went to ridhima’s room and told Happy birthday. She woke up and was shocked seeing everyone.

Vansh- happy birthday sweetheart

Ridhima- you remembered my birthday

Vansh-of course

Everyone- Happy birthday

Ridhima- thank you everyone

Then suddenly Ridhima’s phone ringed and she picked it and unknowingly it was on speaker.

Man- Happy birthday jaan

Everyone was shocked hearing this and especially vansh.

Ridhima- who are you??

Man – aree, you forgot me , I am veer

Ridhima- oh , veer , arree I just woke up now , so I couldn’t see your name . So , sorry

Veer- aree, no sorry, but happy birthday my jaan

Ridhima- thank you jaan

Vansh was fuming in anger but he controlled himself.

Then ridhima cuts the call.

Aryan – so , bhabhi tomorrow evening there is a big party on VR mantion

Ridhima- ok

Then everyone went to their respective rooms and slept.


Ridhima wore a new dress.

Then she and vansh went to the hall. Ridhima took blessings of elders.everyone blessed her.

On her birthday Ridhima thought to make a sweet.

Ridhima- which sweet should i make ?

Vansh- make any sweet you like

Ishani-  yes bhabhi , make any sweet you like as today is your birthday so the choice is yours.

Aryan – bhabhi pls make mishti doi , last time you made na it was very tasty.

Ridhima- so I will make mishti doi ( love you niyati12 💓❤️❤️) and sandesh( who is craving for these sweets 🤤🤤)

Then she made those sweets everyone ate

Dadi- wow , ridhima its tasty.

Uma- Hmm , delicious

Ridhima-thank you

To be continued…

Thank you


“Kriti or mishti doi”😊


Riansh are love ... Writing is my passion . Love yourselves. Enjoy your life . Wish me on 31 December

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