You are my love (Riansh) Part 31

Hey , guys i am back , sorry for keeping u wait . And aarushi I really liked your interest about knowing more about the festival. The festival is starting from 14th of June . I will post a picture of the festival in my account so be ready… Guys i heard  about the show that it is going off-air , I was much disturbed . But I will be connected to you all here so no worries…

Today’s Episode starts…

After 1 week

Ridhima went to Ragini’s room . Aryan was also present there.

Ridhima- hi ragini

Ragini-hi ridhu

Aryan – hi bhabhi

Ridhima- hi aryan

Ridhima- hmm , so I want to talk to you both.

Aragini- hmm tell

Ridhima- so , you both want to marry now?

Ragini- no.. no ridhu not now , I am not ready . I   will not marry aryan

Aryan – yes bhabhi not now , into not the right time for marriage . I have to achieve many more things in life… And after vansh bhai , it’s ishani’s turn of marriage . I will not marry ragini .

Ridhima- very good I liked your decision

Then after saying she went from there

She tells this to vansh

Vansh- interesting very interesting , so they want to achieve something in their life . Good

Ridhima- hmm

Vansh – ridhima don’t u think that it’s for ishani’s marriage

Ridhima- yes , but if she is not interested in marrying now , then?

Vansh- then we will give her time to think

Ridhima- ok

Saying this ridhima was about to go but vansh held her by waist

Ridhima- vanshh

Vansh- hmm

Ridhima- leave na

Vansh- no

Ridhima- why?

Vansh- cause I want to spend some quality time with u

Ridhima- hn hmm

Ridhima kissed him on cheek .

They spend some time with each other

At night

Ishani ‘s room

Ridhima went to her room

Ridhima-hi ishani

Ishani- hi bhabhi , you here ? Suddenly , is everything okay ??

Ridhima-everything is okay, actually I was missing our gossips so here

Ishani- hmm , so let’s gossip

They were gossiping

Ridhima- ishani , what do u think about marriage?

Ishani- ahh.. marriage , marriage is nice

Ridhima- you love someone?


Ridhima- okay

Then after a while Ridhima went from there .

The next day…


Ishani was in the backyard .  Suddenly she felt dizzy . She fainted and was about to fall but two strong arms held her and it was none other than angre

Angre took her inside to VR mansion

Everyone was shocked seeing her like this

Vansh – what happened to her ?

Ridhima- yes what happened?

Angre – actually , she was in backyard and suddenly fainted

Vansh- what ??

Ridhima- vansh I am calling the doctor

Vansh nods

Ridhima calls the doctor .

The doctor comes

The doctor checked her

Vansh – what happened to her ? Doctor

Doctor – actually, it was due to weakness  , no need to worry ( those who thought that she must be pregnant , ha, ha 😂😂)

Vansh- ok

The doctor goes

Ishani wokes up

Ridhima- ishani , are u okay

Ishani- yes , but feeling little bit of weak

Ridhima – u you don’t take strees I  am bringing juice for u

Ishani nods , Ridhima goes from there

Vansh was there with ishani

Ridhima came with juice

Ridhima gives it to ishani , she drinks it

Vansh- feeling good .

Ishani- hmm

Then riansh goes from there

Ishani was thinking about the incident .

She remembers that how angre saved her .

She goes to angre

Ishani- angre

Angre – yes , you here ? You are fine ?

Ishani – yes , feeling good , actually thank you

Angre- why ?

Ishani – for saving me

Angre – no need

Then ishani goes from there

Ishani was thinking about angre

The next day…


Everyone was eating breakfast .

Vansh – ishani take care of yourself

Ishani- yes bhai

Then after a while everyone finishes there breakfast . Then vansh , angre and Aryan went for office

After 2 hours

Ridhima was feeling bored without vansh and missing him .

She thought to call him . Ridhima calls vansh  . Vansh picked it .

Ridhima -hello

Vansh- hello

Ridhima- I am missing you and getting bored .

Vansh smiles

Vansh- an hmm , so

Ridhima  – so what come soon

Vansh -ok

Then she cuts the call .

Ridhima was missing him so much that she took a photo of vansh and hugged it

Ridhima started talking with the photo

Ridhima – where are u , I am missing you ? I also want to eat sweets and want to you to feed me , come soon na

Then after a while vansh came and saw that ridhima was talking to his photo. He hugged her from back .

Ridhima- vansh

Vansh- how did you knew ?

Ridhima- from your perfume ( woah , means perfume se bhi guess kar let hain , wah 😂😂)

She also hugs him

Ridhima-I missed you

Vansh- me too , close your eyes

Ridhima- why?

Vansh- just close your eyes.

She closes

Then vansh tells her to open the eyes . She opens . Then she sees a sweet packet .

Ridhima was super happy

Ridhima- vansh I was craving for sweets . I liked it

Vansh- hmm , so i brought it for u

Ridhima hugs vansh

Ridhima- you are the best

Vansh- I know

Ridhima and vansh feed each other .

Ridhima- what do u want ?? I can give u what u want as you brought sweets

Vansh- anything

Ridhima- yes

Vansh- so I want a kiss and lip one

Ridhima- vanshhh , no

Vansh-ridhima you told anything so u have to give me kiss

Ridhima- ok

She kissed him . They share a liplock

To be continued…

Thank you





Riansh are love ... Writing is my passion . Love yourselves. Enjoy your life . Wish me on 31 December

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