You are my love (Riansh) part 43

Hey , guys I am back . And dear Radhika di i came to know that you are a Bengali , so here is a message for you, AMI TOMAKE BHALO BHASHI  and my all friends AMI TOMAKE BHALO BHASHI

Today’s Episode starts …
The next day…
It was time for the couples to return Mumbai . So they were packing their bags .
Ridhima- my clothes, check .
Ridhima- vansh ‘s clothes, check .
Ridhima- my makeup accessory, check .
Ridhima- everything is check .
Vansh- oh god Ridhima you don’t need to check .
Ridhima- why ? If we left something then
Vansh – no worries sweetheart.

Then the couples head to airport .there was much time left for them to explore the shops in airport .
Ishani – I am hungry
Vansh- me too
Ridhima- let’s eat something, everything is available in airport.
Angre- ok

Then they head to KFC (my favorite😋)
Ridhima- so everyone what do you want to eat ?
Ishani – chicken burger and fried chicken
Angre – chicken burger and Rice bowl
Ridhima- vansh you ?
Vansh- what will you eat ?
Ridhima-rice bowl and popcorn chicken
Vansh – same for me
Then they order the food and sit in chairs .
Vansh(whispers)- tomorrow we will go to beach .
Ridhima(surprised)- ok
Vansh(whispers)- only you and me
Ridhima(whispers)- ok my love
Then the food comes . Seeing the food
Everyone’s mouth was filled with water .
They start eating .then after a while , after finishing the food .
Ishani – so dessert
Ridhima- of course

Then everyone go to baskin Robbins .
Ishani – strawberry
Angre – vanilla
Ridhima- chocolate (my and Helly’s fav)
Vansh – black current
Then they eat the ice-creams and .
Then after a while they finish it and move to flight.

In the flight
Ridhima was reading a book . Vansh too was reading book . After a while vansh stopped reading. He placed his on of his arm around ridhima’s neck . Ridhima smiled . She was feeling happy .

Ridhima(in mind )- finally , vansh and me are happy . We are living a happy life . Everyone is loving me and I also love them . I have a loving and caring husband and family . I don’t need anything else . I love my family and you too vansh . You are my love vansh .
She was very happy .

Vansh (in mind )- ridhima after you came in my life , my life has been changed completely. You have changed the the great VR Mrs .VR . You have changed .
Life has been much beautiful with you .
I love you ridhima. You are my love ridhima , YOU ARE MY LOVE
He was happy .

They both were much happy , they were much lucky to have each other in their lives but they didn’t know that a storm is waiting for them .
After 30 minutes they reach Mumbai. Then they go to VR mansion.
Everyone were waiting for them at the entrance . Then Dadi welcomed them by aarti . Everyone headed towards their room.

To be continued…
Thank you





Riansh are love ... Writing is my passion . Love yourselves. Enjoy your life . Wish me on 31 December

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