You are not mine but will you ever be mine? episode 2- riansh remember someone

Episode starts:

Vansh laid back on his chair and criscrossed his legs. He was playing with his fingers and closed his eyes. After a while angre came to his cabin and saw vansh with wet and closed eyes. He understood what he is thinking about.

Angre: boss!

Vansh opened his eyes and sat straight.

Angre: boss I have contacted the best lawyer of this city mrs. Sharma.

Vansh: okay! Fix my meeting with her.

Angre nodded and left. Scene shifts to court. A room is scene. Chairs are kept with a table in the centre. There is a shelf kept with many case files. On the table there is a name plate stating “advocate Riddhima Sharma”. Riddhima enters the room and sits on her chair flipping the pages of her new case file.

Riddhima: case from VR enterprises! This name is somewhat familiar. Leave I have to just fight the case.

Her phone rings. She picks it up.

Riddhima: advocate Riddhima speaking.

Person: hello! Mrs. Sharma I am angre! I am the one who wants you to fight case from VR enterprises.

Riddhima: oh yes I was just reading your file.

Angre: boss I mean owner of this company wants to meet you regarding the case.

Riddhima: he can meet me tomorrow at 11 am at court.

Angre: ok thankyou!

They both cut the call. Riddhima gets up from her chair and walks to the shelf with her heels making a noise like always. She takes out some files and sits on her chair flipping the pages of the cases. After a while she had to go for court hearing. She left and fought the case efficiently. She won the case and moved to her room with the client.

Riddhima: hope you both haven’t forgot the fees.

Client: yes here is your money!

The man handovers her a bag of cash.

Client: full 3 crores.

Riddhima opens the bag and checks the money.

Riddhima: now you can leave.

The man leaves. She was looking at the fan which was moving continuasly. She was looking up as if thinking something. Her eyes became moist but she wiped the tears off and again got engrossed in the files. At evening time she leaves from her room.  She walks out and reaches the court garden waiting for the driver. Her black coloured bag was dangled on her wrist while her phone was in her hand. Soon the driver came and opened the door for her. She sat in and he started driving. She was engrossed in her phone in the car. They reached the mansion. She walked directly to her room. She removed her blazer and kept it in her cupboard. She removed her footwear and wore a comfy home slipper. She then kept her bag safely in her drawer. She went to washroom to freshen up and came wearing a comfy pink trouser and loose red top. She walked out of the room and went downstairs and found that Kabir has also came. She went and sat on the creme coloured couch with Anupriya. Soon Kabir also came downstairs wearing his comfy trouser and t-shirt. He sat on the couch opposite to both of them. Anupriya asked them about their day and they explained about their day. After having dinner they all left to their respective rooms.

Scene shifts to VR mansion. Vansh and angre stepped inside. Ahana went to vansh and acting like a good wife she took vansh’s bag from his hand.

Vansh: you need not do all this. Servants are there(stern)

He snatched his bag from her and left to his room. He kept his bag in his almirah and went to freshen up. He came out wearing a  white t-shirt and a black stripped trouser. He sat on the bed to take some rest. He was thinking about someone. He closed his eyes and remembers someone.

Vansh(moist eyes): I miss you!

He slept after a while. Next day Riddhima and kabir left for their respective work. Riddhima in her room was waiting for her new client from VR enterprises. She was continuasly moving her chair and playing with her fingers. A man entered wearing a black shirt with white pants.

Man: advocate Sharma?

Riddhima: yes come in!

The man entered and stood infront of her.

Riddhima: sit!

He sat on the chair kept opposite to her. He was noticing her from tip to toe. She was wearing a pink crop top with black leggings and white coloured sneakers. Her open hair were coming in her eyes. Her ears were adorned with platinum earings with diamond stones on them and her wrist with a gold bracelet.

Riddhima: so you are owner of VR enterprises?

Man: no he couldn’t come so he sent me. I am angre. The one who talked to you on phone.

Riddhima: okay Mr. Angre! Let’s discuss about the case.

They both discuss about the case and Riddhima talked about evidences and witness to be collected.

Angre: thankyou! Your fees?

Riddhima: not a penny less than 3 crores.

Angre: don’t you think it’s too much?

Riddhima: Mr. Angre I am not called the best lawyer like this. If you want you can approach any other lawyer. My fees is fixed.

Angre: okay! You will get your money!

Riddhima: I want 1 crore in advance.

Angre: you will get it by tomorrow.

Riddhima: okay!

Angre: can boss meet you tomorrow at same time.

Riddhima: sure!

He smiled and left. Riddhima remembers someone.

Riddhima(wet eyes): I miss you so much.

Her tears made their way down to her face. A drop of tear fell on her file and she came back to reality. Her fingers wiped her tears. Her brown lipstick got messed because of her tears. She took out a tissue and cleaned her lips.

Precap: Vansh (shock):!!

Hope you all like it. If any corrections or suggestions are needed then mention it in comment section.

Do riansh know each other?

Who were riansh missing and why were they crying remembering them?


Myself gauri 😉.A huge fan of immj2 ❤️

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