Fan Fiction

Young love epi-27

The episode starts with ishaani gets ready in mrng to watch her movie…Ranveer also gets ready…Ritvik tells today ranveer and ishaani will hate each other after seeing the film….Ishaani and ranveer comes to theatre and sits on chair with other co actors….Ranveer tells ishaani to calm down and tells this movie will be super hit pls don’t worry about it…She tells sure and prays to god..Movie starts Ranveer sees the movie..He sees Ritvik and ishaani kissing scene in the movie and gets shocked….He stares at her..Ishaani tells him that time i hated u and so that only i acted….Next scene……….Ritvik and ishaani share some……………..Intimate scenes……….Ranveer sees it and gets angry and walks out from there…Ishaani comes out but reporters tells u r movie is superb hit mam…They does not leave ishaani..Ranveer comes to bar and takes beer bottle and drinks it fully…..Ranveer sees TV there and comes there and sees Ishaani speaking to reporters with smile..Ranveer breaks it and gives money to owner and leaves from there…Movie was superb hit……………………

Ishaani comes to house and sees ranveer sleeping below bed and gets shocked and she gets teary eyes. She sits down with heavy pain…. She makes him sit on chair and gives him water…He tells why???? He falls down..Ishaani cries and tells i love u ranveer….This scenes are in movie and she cries…She tells u are mistaken me and i won’t like wwith this anymore…Ranveer gets up and breaks vase and speaks normally and tells let us get divorce so that we both will be happy am i right? MS. Ishaani……Ishaani tells i am not mrs… Anymore and she leaves from there……….

Ranveer sits down and cries A FB is shown Ranveer was blackmailed by Ritvik becoz If ranveer did not get far from Ishaani….He will leak the video……..Ranveer cries and tells i am doing this for u only ishaani but u hate me really………..

Ishaani sits down on another room and cries and remebers neha blackmail and cries and tells i am doing this for u r happiness, Ishaani tells neha and u……..But still i can’t live without u ranveer…………..They both cry sitting beside the wall of each other room HAMARI AADHURI KAHANI PLAYS………..

Ishaani comes there and gives ranveer divorce papers and tells him to sign now…..He takes it curtly and signs……Ishaani cries and tells not to sign in mind…He signs and gives it to her…Ishaani also signs on it……..Ishaani leaves from there……..Ishaani comes to room and calls neha and tells it…Neha smiles evilly…Ishaani tells her to erase it…Neha laughs and tells not this much speed wait after u get divorce only………..Ritvik calls Ranveer and asks about it? He tells yes and cuts the call……………

Precap: Ishaani and ranveer comes to court and goes inside washroom and they both cry remembering their happy moments with each other.Hamari aadhuri kahani plays…….

Guys Here is one quiz if u answer correctly then i will unite them soon……TK promise

1.. What video do u guess which neha have?? Why ishaani is sacrificing her love ???

2.What video ritvik has? Why ranveer is sacrificing his love??

Both answers will be seen on next epi so pls don’t worry and pls don’t get tension and don’t scold me badly ok Arham,reena,vaishali,sathya,raji,payal,keerthi,dhruva,rookey rookers,prince,and all my ff readers pls don’t scold me

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