Categories: Fan FictionNeerja

Your beat and my rhythm (AbeeJa Two Shots – Shot One }

AN : This one is based on the untold love tale of Annie and Murali played by Kalyani and Pranav from the movie “Varshangalkku Shesham” which was executed as incomplete in the movie . Here I am trying to showcase their love story . 

Neerja : Have this one also Abeer.

Abeer : Neerja it’s so tasty. But already I have eaten so much…

Neerja : One last piece from Neerja’s side…Please

Abeer : Okay….

Neerja feeds Abeer with her hand

Neerja : Now do one thing. Do you see that rickshaw ? I want to roam the whole city in that rickshaw and you have to take me ….

Abeer : But how could I pull rickshaw so long ?

Neerja : See I prepared your favourite dishes and morning, lunch you had it and praised me very much. You can’t even do this sweet, simple thing for me ?

Abeer : Sweet, simple thing….

Neerja : Yeah ..

Abeer : Your Highness please have your seat in rickshaw..

Neerja smiled and sat in rickshaw. Abeer starts pulling the rickshaw

Abeer  : Oh my God !!  You are so much  crazy  Neerja.

Neerja : Of course I am very crazy and you should adapt the habit of bearing my craziness..

Abeer came close towards Neerja and smiled. Neerja also smiled and looked him.

Abeer ; I actually enjoyed this ride very much…

Neerja : Oh Really ?

Abeer : I literally mean it….

Neerja smiled and looked Abeer

Abeer : Mmmhh..If you don’t mind can we take some photos ? Just for making sweet memories..

Neerja : Yeah, sure.

Neerja and Abeer dresses up for the photo shoot and they clicks so many photos together.



Abeer : Neerja I want to say something…

Neerja : What ?

Abeer : Neerja just a minute…

Abeer moves to a corner and holds the mike. He looks Neerja and starts singing “Endhini Sangamam.”

Neerja smiles listening his soothing voice and both of them recalls their beautiful moments of togetherness …

Endhini Sangamam Venalayi Madhavam

Ardramai Nigoodhamayi Manoradham

Endhini Sangamam Veridum Swakaryamai

Jwalakal Pidanjuvo Ashantamayi   plays at the background

When the song got finished Abeer came near Neerja.

Abeer ; How was my song ?

Neerja : It was soulful. But you ended it very soon. You have so much talent Abeer. I am eagerly waiting for that day when your dream of becoming a music composer gets true..

Abeer : I specially composed this one for you Neerja.

Neerja : For me !!

Abeer : Yes.

Neerja : But Abeer …

Abeer : Neerja I can’t hide it anymore…Whatever I feels for you I just tried to give rhthym for those wordings and tunes…But the beat …I mean your dance will fullfil the whole vibe of this music. Your dance beats has become my heart beat now Neerja.

Abeer slowly took the dupatta’s edge towards Neerja’s head

Abeer : And I want to keep you as my heart beat always by making you as my soulmate …Will you allow me to do it ?

Neerja screams in anger : Stop it Abeer !!! Stop this stupidity right now…

Abeer ; Neerja what happened ? Did I made any mistake ?

Neerja : Abeer don’t meet me again..

Abeer ; Neerja !!

Neerja : You heard it right Abeer .

Abeer : Neerja , I just expressed my heart’s feelings only. Trust me if you can’t accept it then you have full rights to deny it also. But please don’t avoid me like these…I felt to say because those moments which we spend together I find something at your eyes and I thought….

Neerja : Did I asked you for an explanation Abeer ? You may go now…Get out Abeer….

Abeer : You are telling me to go away , Are you the same Neerja whom I admired a lot ?

Abeer : My eyes are cheating me right, you are just doing a prank….How can my Neerja be so much rude ?

Neerja : Can’t you hear what I said ? Just go away from me and I don’t want to keep any sort of bonding with you Abeer…Whatever moments we spend just forget it….

Abeer : Forget them ? Look at my eyes and say will you be able to forget those moments ? The smile at your face when you are with me was that also a dream ? Neerja what I find in your eyes they are definitely not lying anything. The clouds of tears which you are hiding in your eyes….They are saying something else. And I want to know it…

Neerja : I don’t want to talk with you , Abeer.

Neerja started walking in anger and rain was bursting high. Abeer started running behind her

Abeer scremed : Neerja !!

Neerja turned back and gets shocked to see Abeer has fell down . She rushed near him and at the mud her leg slipped and she also fell over Abeer.


Both of them had an intense eyelock..

Abeer : The care for me in your eyes are they telling a lie Neerja ?

Neerja quickly rise up and stared Abeer in anger.

Neerja : What I said is not a lie…There is nothing between us Abeer

Abeer : But why Neerja ? Okay I can understand I would not have expressed like these. Without making things sure I expressed my feelings….Neerja I have no problem even if you won’t accept my proposal. But we can be in touch. We share a good bonding, a friendly bond.

Neerja : It’s not possible anymore Abeer. I won’t consider you anymore as my friend too.

Abeer : I don’t understand what exactly is troubling you ? You should have simply said No and things would haven’t come these much complicated…

Neerja :  Am I making things complicated ? It’s you who is begging love from me and I rejected it. So you have started becoming insane.

Abeer : Neerja !!

Neerja : I don’t want to say anything to you and don’t want to see your face again in my life. This is the last meeting of you and me….

Abeer : Neerja you are crossing limits. I respect your decision of not accepting my proposal but it doesn’t mean that I will bear insult. Tell me the truth what are you hiding from me ?

Neerja : I don’t want to talk with you…

Abeer : But without getting answer I won’t leave you….

Abeer fumes in anger….

Abeer : Now say it !! Speak up Neerja , speak up. Why you rejected my feelings ? Why you don’t even want to keep any bonding ?

Neerja : Because I am not that kind of girl whom you are expecting…..I have ….I have slept with my Jeeju… I mean I had a physical ….

Abeer : Shut your mouth …..Your deedi who is suffering from cancer you cheated her , you destroyed her life…Chee!! I composed song for these kind of girl….

Neerja : Yes , I am a big slander, a sin and an utter cheap girl who had physcial intimacy with her brother in law and that’s why I am asking you to go away from me…

Whatever we spend those moments were nothing my first step towards lust only…Because my focus was to gain your attraction. Afterwards I want to be physical with you too ..But before that you misunderstood it as love and started proposing me….I feel pity on you Abeer , you are an emotional idiot .

Abeer : Neerja !!

Neerja : If you have these much anger then why are you standing infront of me ? Go away from me….

Abeer without saying anything walks away with a devastated heart.



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