Fan Fiction

If you’re with me, I would stay alive (shot 54)

Hi guys this is sowji…thank u silent and regular readers…I hope everyone remember in my previous ff…I was stucked with my work..that’s y late update..lets move to love ff…the ff no. is 54..the ff begin with pragya goes towards him…said uncle cool…y r u get hyper tension…this is not good for your health…tanu father was angrily look at abigya…after he goes towards their balustrade…judge started enquire about their case..pragya was already hand over all proof to their lawyer….All goes to seat their seat…suddenly judge entered towards court….judge said lets start your talk…tanu lawyer started his talk…he said they are intentionally arrested my client…my client is innocent…he never did any mistake…abi and his family member angrily look at that lawyer..tanu lawyer said 1st I want to interrogation towards mrs.pragya abishek prem mehra..they called pragya towards that box…pragya goes towards that box…they get promise on bagawathgethai book..he asked lots of questions to pragya…pragya said promised on that book…after she replied to all his questions…tanu lawyer was indirectly taunted pragya…pragya looks calm…abi get anger on tanu lawyer..abi dadi said y our lawyer looks calm..y he never speak any word…tanu lawyer said she married tanu betrothal groom…abi got anger…he get up from his place…said mind your words… ji…don’t talk anything against my wife…I will never calm always…judge said order order order..judge asked Mr.abishek ji whatever you speak…u can speak anything in this box..don’t speak anything in there..abi said he was talking unwanted topic to my wife..

tanu lawyer said Mr.abishek ji…this question is related to my client…so I can ask this question to your wife…abi again speak…judge said observations over…tanu lawyer continued his questions…pragya answered to his questions…pragya screamed I face all proof to my lawyer..she look at her lawyer asked y r u looks calm…abi lawyer said mr.pragya ji…u gave that proof…I already to hand over to judge…judge get that proof…pragya asked where is that tape…abi lawyer said u never gave any tape to me…pragya said I gave you…now y r u lied…abi lawyer said no pragya ji…u never gave any tape to me…pragya looks shocked…tanu father smirked towards pragya…pragya said don’t say lie…abi got anger asked towards lawyer…y r u lied..she gave all the proof infront of me.abi lawyer said y I would lie to you…u never gave anything to me…Abigya and their family member looks shocked…abigya lawyer changed the proof against abigya…abi got result is favour of tanu father..tanu father sarascastically smiled…abi get anger towards his lawyer…pragya was controlled him…whole family member looks shocked..abi lawyer shows thumbs up towards tanu father…Abi said u blo*dy cheater…now I understood u got money from him.I will never leave you…abi hold his collar…pragya consoles him….judge said order order order…judge said mr.abishek..I already warned you…whatever u can speak in this box…abishek goes towards box…said we give all proof against him to this lawyer…but he cheated us..that lawyer said don’t say lie mr.abishek…abi said if u speak any word…I will kill you…judge said mr.abishek…this is the manner u talk with lawyer…abi said I respect this court…but he get a money from him…he pointed towards tanu he give statement against us…tanu lawyer said he doesn’t have any rights to talk about my client…judge said observations over…abi said I never lied…I am saying the truth only…did u know one thing…I have never faith in god…but my wife says…god is alive in his world…god never allow to win evil…now I consider you as god…u always says one criminal never escape from this court…one innocent people never punish this court…I requested you…Plze give some time to prove about him.tanu lawyer interrupted to speak…this case is fake case…they intentionally wasting our client never did any mistake…so release him…close this case….judge said I will announce my result at nun…that lawyer again speak…judge said observations over…

judge said mr.abishek is right…this court will never punish innocent people..this court will never leave criminal people…mr.abishek I will give you 2hours time..abi said thank u sir…all leave from the court…suddenly tanu father entered…he tainted towards abigya and their family…all angrily looks at him…pragya said u get our proof against us…but so soon u life will be miserable…tanu father laughed…abi hold pragya hand.they leave from there…they goes towards out..suddenly tanu entered opposite direction to abigya…whole family looks shocked…tanu said hi pragya..hi my baby…pragya said how can u come out from jail…Tanu said I told you…i always win…dadi said did u know one thing…ravanan is also thinking …he will easily win rama…but end of this story…raman will win…my grandson is raman…so soon u can see your miserable life…tanu said dadi I can understand…u will never accept that fact…so wait and watch…I always win…no one can defeat me…abi said just go away from my sight…else…u can see your death here…tanu said cool abi..pragya asked how can escape from jail…tanu said inspector knows that…I never did any mistake…so he released me…pragya said just stop your boring speech..we never ready to hear your boring speech…tanu said oh miss pragya be calm…just listen my trapped against you flashback begin…tanu screamed…inspector said if u speak any word…I will kill you…after night…all are sleeping in their place…tanu was worried about herself…suddenly one pr*stitute girl helped tanu…she called her mom…she informed everything to her mom..tanu mom get a bail for tanu…she come to police station…inspector never accept tanu mom statement…after she give money to inspector…she shows lots of money to him…tanu mom put lots of effort…after he released her…she give money to him…they get against proof from them…flashback end…tanu said I feel pity for you…now sure u will lost this case…I trapped your lawyer…he gave all proof to us…money can do everything…abi angrily leave from there..pragya was trying to console him…abi shows his anger towards pragya…abi said just go away from me…pragya said suniyil listen to me once…abi said I can see evil win this case…abi hugged pragya…pragya consoled him…pragya said sure we will win this game…don’t lose your hope…did u trust me suniyil…abi looks at her…he nodded his head…purab will try lots of lawyer…no one ready to support them…

pragya said suniyil u will go inside..I will come…purab,abi ,all family goes inside…suddenly bell ring…nun section started…judge entered..judge asked mr.rockstar ji…do u have any proof against them…abi said no…he get teary eyes…he feel guilty…tanu,tanu mom,father smiled evil manner..judge said now my result is…suddenly pragya screamed I have a proof against them…whole family looks shocked…they look at pragya…tanu family looks confused…tanu lawyer said Mrs.pragya abishek mehra..don’t waste court time…pragya goes towards tanu lawyer…said some times truth will be give bitterness ji…pragya called someone..pragya goes towards judge…she is my lawyer…her name is mrs.chopra…tanu lawyer laughed..said she doesn’t know how to talk with others…she will argue againnst me…pragya said mind your words…she my lawyer…give some respect to her…judge asked proceed your argument…mrs.chopra said thank u sir…she started her argument…she called tanu mom…she asked lots if questions…she replied to her questions…after she called tanu…she asked lots of questions…whole court was shocked…including judge was also impressed..they never expect mrs.chopra argue with others…she give all proof against tanu and tanu father…tanu was shocked..abi emotionally look at pragya…mrs.chopra asked lots of questions to tanu father..tanu lawyer was shocked…next she goes towards abi lawyer…she said he cheated my client…she give some proof to them…just give punishment to this lawyer also…judge announced his result…my result is tanu father get commuted punishment…tanu family was shocked…he announced punishment to tanu…arrest her…she will stay in7 years in jail…tanu was shocked…he announced because of this kind of person…this court will ashamed…I suspended this lawyer from this job…that lawyer was shocked…again tanu lawyer said observation…judge said observations over…abi,abi family looks very happy..that judge congrats mrs.chopra…pragya goes towards chopra…she hugged her said thank u so much…whole family come towards chopra said thank u to her…but mr.chopra said it’s all happened by pragya…pragya said I never did anything…because of you…we win this case…pragya saw tanu…she goes towards her…whole family comes towards her…tanu was angrily look at pragya…pragya said I already told you…always god will support truth…bye miss.tanushree…we will meet after 7years back..all taunted tanu…tanu can’t control her anger…tanu mom was follow tanu and her husband…

Pragya told her plan to her family member..abi come to talk with pragya…pragya ignore him…


Be that self which one truly is!!?? Ping me @whatpadd:sowji22294...

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