Fan Fiction

yuvani ROCKS ( Episode 27)

SWASAN MEETING , YUVANI MEETING AND AMAYA SEES MANTU______________________________________________________________
swara : by the way , we called professor and he said that our assignments are done , HOW???
sanskar : we three poor boyz made it…
swara : awww so sweet of u all…
sanskar : i know …
swara : wait a sec what r u doing here and where are mantu and yuvraj???
sanskar : they are also hereand i think yuvraj will be shopping and mantu will be teasing amaya…
swara : ohhh yeah and my other question???
sanskar : actually because of a project we have to come here…
swara : ohhh

sanskar : wont u ask which project and etc etc…
swara : i am not interested in these books , projects and assignments …
sanskar : yeah i know …
swara : okay come lets go all will be waiting…
sanskar : okay come_____________________________
suhani :okay so u r saying u r here for ur project and u made and then submitted our assignment , GUD….
yuvraj : yeah actually sanskar was preparing it alone so we helped him….
suhani : so u helped him only…
yuvraj : yess………………………………….
suhani gets disappointed that he just did it to help sanskar……………………………………………………………………..
amaya : vijay its enough just accept that u r poor at selection , look how crazy u r , u think i will wear this dress , its so dark color ..

vijay : okay okay…..
vijay sees some dress and says
hey sweety look at that dress , that looks gud….
amaya : yeah its gud…
vijay : then what r u waiting for?
amaya : okay
amaya buys the dress and was about to pay the bill but….
mantu : gift from my side…
amaya : why the hell did u pay my bi….wait wait r u real???
she touches him and says
…i think u r real..
mantu : i am real
amaya : what r u doing here?
mantu : what r u seeing?
amaya : paying MY bill
mantu : no i am here for shopping..
amaya : look just say it clearly….
mantu : we are here for project ..
amaya : and did u….
mantu : yeah yeah we submitted ur project …plzz stop it MISS QUESTIONING MACHINE…

amaya :. what the hell….
mantu : ur welcome…
amaya : huh…
vijay : hey dude u here …
mantu : yup for project..
vijay : for project or sanky couldnt stay away from bubbly…
mantu : not like that yaar …
swara : hey guyz…
sanskar : hi…
vijay : where is the third one ? yuvi.
yuvi : here…
vijay : hey honey where did u go , i was searching for u…
suhani : leave that , come we will go home its late , jaz will be waiting…
amaya : hey r u all coming with us?
sanskar : i dont think so….
mantu ,: first we will go to sanky’s home than yuvi’s than mine….
suhani : ohhh….

they all were talking when a girl comes and hugs sanskar…..all are shocked except yums gums…..
sanskar : hey princess how r u ? and what r u doing here?
girl breaks the hug
girl : u came back and didnt tell me , i wont talk to u….
yuvi : i know how to cool u down…
yuvi gives her a dress as a gift….
girl : ohhh so trying this way….
mantu : and this also….
mantu gives her a chocolate….
girl : i am impressed but not well…
sanskar : okay so u can buy whatever u want to ….
girl : hurrah i finally made u all. fool but tell me one thing where is the lucky bucky???
sanskar , mantu and yuvi notices the girlz who are in full rage …
they think to tease them more…
sanskar : he is with ragini…
girl : ohhh so my future bhabhi…wait wait who are these three??and this tall and handsome boy….
mantu : this tall and handsome boy is vijay , and these three are cartoons….
amaya : what the hell u said , cartoon , than u r …..
yuvi : no dont start again….

girl : okay let me guess….
this one ……points towards swara…
girl : this one looks very angry so i think she is gf of…….your (to sanskar)
sanskar nods…..
girl : ohhh god she is my future bhabhi , whats her name?
mantu : swara …
swara : u r….shruti….
girl : yesss i am shruti but i should say one thing u were looking too cute being angry and plzz dont get angry with my bro , his nuts are loose , u know….
sanskar : shru , i will see u afterwards….
shruti : and this one (amaya) is swara’s friend and…
sanskar : yes! she is amaya and she is suhani ….
yuvi : shru , why r u alone here?
shruti : oh never mind i am not alone , i am with my new bf …
sanskar : u broke up with nikhil..
shruti : yeah…
mantu : why?
shruti : because he didnt pick up my call….
yuvi : thats a silly reason…
mantu : shruti u know what ur swara bhabhi comes in the se category she loves to flirt but not

yuvi : okay leave all that u r coming with us to home…
a boy comes there…..
boy : hey shru baby come ….
sanskar : so this one is ur current bf….
shruti : no ex…
boy : what r u saying ?
shruti : cant. u listen? i broke up with u…
boy : when?
shruti : just now…
boy : but y?
shruti : first ogmf all u said u will be here in5 mins but u took 7 minds and 2nd i told u not to call me shru so go to hell now…
boy : but…
shruti : leave …
boy leaves …..
sanskar : woah marvellous…
amaya : that was quite impressive.
shruti to fly birds : okay now come we will go home and u all plz come home na mom will be very happy to see u all…..
suhani : but…
sanskar : they all will come …
amaya : but …
sanskar : dont worry i will tell my mom about our relationship ….

swara : what?
shruti : he doesnt hide anything from mom….
mantu : and mom will definitely understand…
yuvi : okay come now we will surprise mom………..



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