Thank you for your support guys,
Bu I would write till the first leap only, because I couldn’t digest the fact that Yuvraj didn’t went search Suhani when she left heim. I mean that can’t be Yuvraj and hence I have stopped watching the show and literally stopped reading.
Anyway here you go.
Diwali time, the way he stared at her, when she was making rangoli, wow! And to divert her from Bhavna he had to put colour on her, and she hugged him to avoid getting coloured, that was an awkward scene for him, I mean when she hugged him, I felt bad for both of them, I mean, for her she hugged her husband, and he well!
The best thing was the way he supported her when that old hag humiliated her! Stupid women, but the he answered her, it was awesome, loved him. The scene after that nice, where she raised a question on looks and character, I liked his silence, that conveyed many things, as Sharad said after Yuvraj leaves.
Rags, she is non bearable, again created trouble for Suhani, poor thing she was confronted by Soumya, I loved the way Menka supported her, and I thought she changed. Soumya confronted Yuvraj, well I don’t know whether it was apt or not, but with that Dadi came to know about their past. Anyway loved his concern for his wife, and that moment, where he angrily stared at Soumya’s pic, which Suhani kept on their table, and then smiled automatically seeing Suhani’s face! Wow!! Loved him there.
His try to comfort her was nice, speaking as Soumya, and loved his reply when she said that she spent her money, he asked her when did this mine and your come in between us, whatever mine is yours, did he understood the meaning of that??? What he just said? And they lighted the Chinese lantern together! The way both looked at each other was so cute, but the hug again was awkward.
The next day, where again he spoke for her, during the cracker time, I mean here he supported in no cracker diwali, as he loved all the noise, and her! God this guy, without realising it, he was all on over her!
Their next convo was sweet again, where he came to her when she was tasting the sweets and making fun of her on that. And thanking for her concern for Snoopy and her reply, it is one of my favourite quote, how relation first turns to a habit and then a need, and finally we would start caring for it. Even though she was speaking about her and Snoopy, it was really meant for their relation, their relation was developing. The next was sweet, where he recited her lines to Sharad for his growing concern for her. Sharad was right; it was the beginning of his love!
Again she had a clash with Rags, and seeing her upset, Yuvraj comforted her, wow, cute scene, again the matter reached Soumya, well even though it would be tough or may be impossible for her to digest and accept it, he was right when he said her to stay away from Soumya. But thinking from her point of view, she was right, she is her best friend, and she proved it right by questioning him on Sharad, luckily Yuvraj could divert her with Sharad’s help, but Sharad was right, she had to stay away and there Dadi came to know about Yuvraj love for Soumya, or was it infatuation? I don’t know, I think it was.
Yuvraj gift for her was wonderful, they way he gave her, first by scaring her, and their eye lock, wow, then convincing her to go to room and her spark on her face seeing the check was superb! She hugged him in front of Sharad and Pratima; it was a sweet and funny scene!
Thankfully she could do the arti, that old lady, but Yuvraj again showed off!
Menka tried to tell her truth, I don’t know whether she should have known it or not, anyway she didn’t. The next scene, Yuvani was so cute, about bhoj and her weight, wow, again a beautiful eye lock! Sharad was right, his timing was wrong!
Govardan pooja! I hate Rags an Mrs.Birla!! Hags! Yuvraj stood up with Suhani wow!
Loved the bahi dooj scene, they are perfect brother sister!! Never left the other’s side, always stood by the other, so sweet!
Well, Dadi came to know about the mishap Pratima did, poor thing, she was very upset! Loved the way Suhani comforted her, wow, she is so sweet, the perfect Ma-beti! Ii was wonderful, the way Yuvraj and Sharad looked at them, and then Yuvraj defining about her, that she is a bit a mental, but knows to bring smile on people’s face and that anger can’t stand in front of her, because she is so sweet that anger will puff! Wow!! Well, the loan, he was reminded into it again.
The next Yuvani scene was cute, their nok-jok, Yuvraj udas!!
But again, the loan, and Dadi came to know about the complete truth! And more than that Suhani brought Soumya to Birla house!! She should never have!!
wow awesome one…
Thank you
Superbb one Di.. You made us remember the golden days of ssel.. Thank you soo much. Di can u pls mention the date of the episode about which u first described.. The diwali day.. Thanks
Oct 23, 2014, rangoli scene in this episode
Thank you
Thank you
Its just perfect.. Tysm for writing this one..
Thank you